Journal of the Rocky Mountain Medieval and Renaissance Association, Volúmenes1-3Rocky Mountain Medieval and Renaissance Association., 1983 |
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Resultados 1-3 de 5
... Christogram - the Greek letter chi ( X ) with a Greek letter rho ( P ) slashed vertically through it , thus or Emphasizing the verbal element in transversa , translating it " turned round , " Vogt , Dörries , and MacMullen have recently ...
... Christogram - the Greek letter chi ( X ) with a Greek letter rho ( P ) slashed vertically through it , thus or Emphasizing the verbal element in transversa , translating it " turned round , " Vogt , Dörries , and MacMullen have recently ...
... Christogram had to have been the original and official form of the new imperial talismanic sign . An examination of the artistic evidence yields a similar conclusion . Three examples of contemporary Christian art will illustrate this ...
... Christogram had to have been the original and official form of the new imperial talismanic sign . An examination of the artistic evidence yields a similar conclusion . Three examples of contemporary Christian art will illustrate this ...
... Christogram badge at the top front of the helm . Numerous scholars also identify the implement over the emperor's shield as a Christian cross scepter with a globe atop it , representing the emperor's new political awareness that he ...
... Christogram badge at the top front of the helm . Numerous scholars also identify the implement over the emperor's shield as a Christian cross scepter with a globe atop it , representing the emperor's new political awareness that he ...
A D 494518 | 1 |
On the Syntax of Provençal Possessives | 39 |
Observations on Pulcis Reworking of the Anonymous Orlando | 65 |
Derechos de autor | |
Otras 17 secciones no mostradas
Otras ediciones - Ver todas
Journal of the Rocky Mountain Medieval and Renaissance Association, Volúmenes7-8 Vista de fragmentos - 1986 |
Términos y frases comunes
anonymous Arizona Arizona State University Arthur astrological Avitus Avitus's ballad bishops body Book Brutus catharsis Catiline century character Christ Christian Christogram church Cicero clerks Clito comic Constantine Council critical Cromwell death demons Donne Donne's Duchess Duchess of Malfi early edition England English example Faerie Queene figure Flanders Gundobad Henry Hesperides History human humanist humor Ibid Italian John Donne John's Jonson King John Latin Leipzig literary literature London Louis manuscript marriage meaning medieval Medieval and Renaissance melancholy Middle Ages Morgante nature Northern Arizona University notes Orlando Oxford pagan paradigm Paris play Plutarch poem poet poetic poetry political Possevino problem Protestantism Pulci reference Reformation religious Renaissance role Roman Rome Rostock 49 scholars sense Shakespeare significant signs soul sources Spenser's spiritual symbol symmetry Theodulf Thierry Thomas tion tradition translation treatise Troublesome Reign University Press vision Wendoll William William Clito words Wyclyf York Zodiac