To th' end he might be glorifi'd, out of all grief and pain. Afcending to the heavens high, to fit in glorie still On Gods right hand his Father deare, according to his will; Untill the day of judgement come, when he shall come again, VVith angels power (yet of that day we all be uncertain) To judge all people righteoufly, whom he hath dearly bought: The living and the dead also which he hath made of nought. And in the holy Spirit of God my faith to fatisfic, The third perfon in Trinitis beleeve I ftedfastly: The holy and catholick Church that Gods word doth maintain, And holy fcripture doth allow,. which Satan doth disdain. And also I do trust to have by Jefus Chrift his death Releafe and pardon of my finnes, and that onely by faith: VVhat time all flesh shall rife again before the Lord of might; And fee him with their bodily eyes, which now do give them light. And then shall Chrift our Saviour the fheep and goats divide, And give life everlastingly to those whom he hath tri'd V Vithin his realm celestiall. in glorie for to reft, VVith all his holy company of faints and angels bleft; VVhich ferve the Lord omnipotent obediently each houre: To whom be all dominion and praise for evermore. A prayer to the holy Ghost, to be fang before the fermon. Sing this as the 119 Pfalme. comforter us all.. Da pacem. Lamentation. To perfevere in thy gofpel, which can put finne to flight. O Lord that giv❜ft thy holy word, fend preachers plenteously: That in the fame we may accord, and therein live and die. O holy Spirit, direct aright the preachers of thy word, That thou by them mayft cut down finne as it were with a sword. Depart not from thy paftours pure, but aid them at their need: Which break to us the bread of life, whereon our fouls do feed. O bleffed Spirit of truth keep us in peace and unitie, Keep us from fects and errours all, and from all papistrie. Convert all thofe that are our foes, and bring them to thy light : That they and we may well agree, and praise thee day and night. O Lord increase our faith in us, and love fo to abound; That man and wife be void offtrife, and nieghbours about us round, In our time give thy peace, O Lord, to nations farre and nigh: And teach them all thy holy word, • that we may fing to thee. All glory to the Trinitie that is of mighties most: The living Father, and the Sonne, and cke the holy Ghost. As it hath been in all the time that hath been heretofore: As it is now, and fo fhall be henceforth for evermore; Da pacem, Domine. Ive peace in these our dayes, O Lord, Great dangers are now at hand: Thine enemies with one accord Chrifts Ome holy Spirit the God of might..RER name in every land Seek to deface,root Teach us to know thy word aright, that we do never fall. O holy Ghoft, vifit our coaft, defend us with thy fhield: Against all finne and wickednesse. Lord help us winne the field. Lord keep our king and his counfel, and give them will and might out and race Thy true right worship indeed. Be thou the stay, Lord, we thee pray, Thou help'ftalone in all need. V Vith fire and fword This healthfull word Some perfecute and oppreffe: Some with the mouth Give peace and us thy Spirit down fend, Do pierce our hearts,our lives to amend VVarre and bloudshed, The Lamentation. Lord, in thee is all my truft, give care unto my wofull cry: Refuse me not that am unjust, but bowing down thy heavenly eye, Behold how I do ftill lament my finnes wherein Ido offend: O Lord for them shall I be flient, fith thee to please I do intend.? No, no, not fo thy will is bent to deal with finners in thine ire: But when in heart they fhall repent, To thee therefore ftill fhal! I cry (defire.. thou graneft, with speed their just to wash away my finfull crime: Thy bloud, O Lord, is not yet drie but that it may help me in time. Hafte thee, O Lord, hafte thee, I fay, to poure on me thy gifts of grace, That when this life shall flit away in heaven with thee I may have place: Where thou doft reigne eternally (fend, with God which once did down thee: Where 80 Where angels fing continually to thee be praise world without end. A thanksgiving after the receiving of the Lords fupper. Sing this as the 137 pfalme. He Lord be thanked for his gifts and mercies evermore That he doth fhew unto his faints: to him be laud therefore. Our tongues cannot to praise the Lord His benefits they be so great to us that be but finne, That at our hands for recompenfe there is no hope to winne. O finfull flesh, that thou shouldst have Nought elfe but finne and wretchedneffe that is to us a light. Doth fhew it felfe more clear and pure more holy are then we : Alfo the earth and all therein It doth obferve the formers will, doth bend when God doth beck: The fpirits beneath do tremble all, and fear his wrathfull check. But we (alas!) for whom all these were made them for to rule, Do not fo know or love the Lord as doth the ox or mule. Alaw he gave for us to know, what was his holy will: A thansgiving. A prayer. He would us good, but we would not avoid the thing is ill. Not one of us that feeketh out the Lord of life to please: Therefore when remedie was none to bring us unto life, he did it full obey; his bloud our debts did pay. what good he to us wrought, A figne he left our eyes to tell that he our bodies bought. unto thine eyes and taste, and was cut down with fithe, did tear it out so small, not fparing it at all: And as the oven with fire hot did close it up with heat, And all this done that I have faid, that it should be our meat: cut down by cruel death : an everlasting bread, are preffed very fore, FINI S. We might receive and joyfull be when forrows make us shrink: So Chrift his bloud out preffed was with nails and eke with spear: The juyce thereof doth fave all thofe that rightly do him fear. And as the corns by únitie into one loaf are knit: So is the Lord and his whole church, our hearts and tongues to cease. as alwayes willed he. Then after death we shall be sure A prayer. R. W. Referve us, Lord, by thy deare word, from Turk and Pope defend us Lord: Which both would thruft out of his throne Our Lord Jefus Chrift thy deare Sonne. Lord Jefus Chrift fhew forth thy might, God holy Ghoft our comforter, Thou living God in perfons three, |