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could offer you? Besides, now you know what they call a velorio. It is a resource under grief or idleness; and, thanks to

HE assembly to which Perico intro- me, you deserve the everlasting gratitude

twenty men and women of the lowest class were seated in a circle, talking, clamoring, and gesticulating; while, in a corner, stood a table covered with all sorts of provisions, cups, bottles, and glasses; and the room was pervaded by a fetid corpse-like smell, predominating over the scent of cigars, sherry, and chinquirito, (brandy, made from the sugar-cane.) From a table apart came a noise of copper-money, mingled with the technical term of moute, and the players were wrangling with all the vehemence which strong liquors and heaps of small money could excite; but what struck me the most was exactly that object which the company seemed to have forgotten. Upon a table was extended a child, apparently about seven years old, whose pale face, strewed with faded flowers, glassy eyes, and hollow leaden cheeks, showed that he had fallen asleep in death some days before. This object was dreadful in the midst of men and women, gambling, vociferating, laughing, singing like savages; and the flowers which decked it only added to its repulsiveness, while divesting it of sympathy. Such was the retreat to which the tender care of Perico conducted me; such the populace of Mexico-such their religion has made them.

Our entrance caused a general silence. A man, whom I soon found to be the master of the house and the father of the dead child, rose to welcome us; but his countenance, far from being sorrowful, seemed elated with joy and pride, as he pointed to the numerous guests who met to celebrate his son's death, which, having taken place in childhood, they regarded as an especial favor of Heaven. He welcomed us, saying that, at such a time, strangers became friends; and, thanks to the loquacity of Perico, who assured the people that it was impossible to kill a man more neatly than I had done, I was the observed of all eyes. So, finding that I had a part fixed upon me, I thought it prudent to put my gloves into my pocket, and to affect an assurance I was far from feeling. "What think you of the lodging I have found for you?" asked Perico, rubbing his hands; "is it not better than any I

died under seven years of age, is now an angel above." And, on the strength of this gratitude, he took up a large glass of chinquirito, which he emptied at a draught. Thus was I made a spectator of that barbarous custom which requires a father to suppress his tears, hide his grief under a smiling face, and play the host to the first vagabond who, by the invitation of a lamp, comes to cram himself with meat and wine over the corpse of his son, and consume that which would condemn a whole family to starve the next day. Among the women I saw one pale face-one mouth which refused to smile-and in this victim of superstition I recognized the mother, whose grief the gossips were endeavoring to assuage-one by commenting on the illness and sufferings of the deceased; another by enumerating the infallible remedies she would have applied, if she had been consulted in time, such as St. Nicholas's plasters, decoction of purslane, gathered on Good Friday, and filtered through a piece of the gown of a Dominican; while the poor credulous mother turned away to wipe off her tears, believing that these remedies would have saved her child. During these consolatory efforts, cigarettes and draughts of sherry succeeded each other; the simple games common in Spanish America were then resorted to; while the children, tired out, lay down to sleep in the corners of the room.

Retired into the deep embrasure of a window which looked into the street, I anxiously watched all Perico's movements, suspecting that the protection so pertinaciously pressed upon me might conceal some snare. Perhaps my countenance betrayed my apprehensions; for the lépero approaching, said, by way of consolation— "You see, sir, that in killing a man, as in everything else, the first step is the difficulty! Besides, perhaps your lamplighter will be like my Englishman, who is now as well as ever. Those heretics have such tough lives! Ah! sir," he added, sighing, "I have always regretted not being a heretic."

"That you might have a tough life?" "No, sir; to make something of my ab.


juration. Unhappily, my character as a good Christian is too well established."

"But the gentleman you should have killed?" I said, my thoughts naturally reverting to the melancholy young man I had seen kneeling before the Morgue. "Do you think he is still alive?"

Perico shook his head and said, "Tomorrow, perhaps, his foolish passion will have cost him his life, and his sweetheart will not survive him. As to me I did not wish to make two victims at once; so I gave up the business."

"Your feelings do you credit, Perico," I replied; and to profit by the favorable impression his answer had made, he said: "Certainly, one does not risk one's soul But, à propos so much for a few piastres. of piastres, sir," he added, holding out his hand, "I feel in luck, and your purse is well filled; if I should break the bank, I promise to give you half my winnings."

I did not think it prudent to refuse this demand, and moute would relieve me for a time of his troublesome company; so I slipped a few piastres into the zaragate's hand. At that moment the hour of midnight struck, when one of the guests rose, and cried out in a solemn tone, "It is the hour for souls in purgatory; let us pray!"

The gamblers rose, games were suspended, and all present kneeled down. The prayer was begun in a loud voice, broken by responses at regular intervals, and for the first time they seemed to recollect the occasion of meeting. Imagine these people, with their eyes dimmed by drunkenness, these half-naked women, met around a corpse decorated with flowers, on their knees in a heavy atmosphere of putrid and spirituous exhalations, and some idea may be gained of the horrible and strange scene which I was obliged to wit


After prayers, the games were resumed. In order to repel sleep, as well as to gain a less noxious air, I had half opened the window, and looking forth into the darkness, I endeavored to find out in what direction I was; but I could see but a corner of sky, and it was cloudy. I tried to recollect this canal, with its leaden water, its dark, narrow streets, opening at right angles to it, but in vain; I had entirely lost my bearings. Ought I to stay there any longer, or should I face the dangers of an attempt to escape through the alleys of this unknown suburb? While thus deliberating, the sound of footsteps

and a confused murmur attracted my at-
tention, and I hid myself behind one of
the inner shutters, so as to see and hear,
Half-a-dozen men
without being seen.

came from a street in front of me: the
foremost wore a short cloak, which half
hid the scabbard of his sword; the others
By their timid
carried naked blades.
step, a stranger might have taken them
for culprits; but my experience knew that
justice only moves thus stealthily, and I
recognized the night patrol, consisting of
a regidor, and alcade, and four assistants.

"I wonder what the prefect is thinking of," said the man in the cloak, doubtless one of those publican magistrates who harbor criminals in the day and hunt them at night, "in sending us to these places where justice has never penetrated? I should like to see him at this work."

"He would have taken care to bring the fire-arms he refused us," replied one who seemed the boldest; "for criminals and malefactors are not generally content with naked weapons like ours, as he may experience, perhaps, whom we are desired to protect to-night."

"When a man knows he has a chance of being murdered at night, he might stay at home," said the alcade.

"There are some who are never afraid," replied one of the men.

"What o'clock is it?" asked the alcade, and he was told it was four o'clock, the speaker at the same time looking up at the window, and adding, "I envy the folks who are passing their night so gaily there."

Thus speaking, the men walked along the quay which edged the canal. Suddenly the foremast man stumbled in the darkness, and a person rose up.

"Who are you?" demanded the alcade, in as authoritative a voice as he could


"What does it matter to you?" replied the man, in a tone not less arrogant. "Cannot one sleep in the streets without being questioned ?"

"Folks sleep at home, as much as possible," stammered the alcade, evidently frightened; and the person thus surprised giving a shrill whistle, and pushing past the magistrate, ran down the nearest street; while, to my great astonishment, the patrol, instead of pursuing him, went At this moment, I away in an opposite direction, like people suspecting a snare. felt a hand on my shoulder; I turned round


shuddering, and saw Perico and the landlord standing before me.

"That was very like Navaja's whistle; he is on some business," cried the lépero, leaning out of the window; while the landlord, with the trembling legs and drunken eyes of a man who has too completely fulfilled the duties of host, offered me a glass of liquor in his unsteady hand, saying

"One might suppose, sir, that you despise the society of such poor folks as we are; you neither play nor drink, and yet in certain cases play and brandy are a great comfort. You see, I have eaten and drunk to feast my friends, and I am easy, though I have spent all I had in the world. Well! if you like, I will wager my child's body. This stake," he continued, with a confidential air, "is as good as any other, for I can lend it at a high price to some amateur of velorio."


Play for the corpse of your child!" I cried.

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Why not? It is done frequently. Everybody is not so happy as to have an angel in heaven; and the corpse of this little darling carries luck with it here below."

Ridding myself of the man's importunity as soon as I could, I looked toward the street again, but all was silent there, while vague noises came occasionally from one of the lanes opening on the canal, and I presently heard the sound of stealthy footsteps. Leaning on the window, and listening intently, I was expecting every moment to hear the silence broken by a cry of anguish, when noisy shouts in the room attracted my attention. The orgies were at their height; and the zaragate, whose continued good luck had excited the suspicions of his adversaries, was vainly trying to draw around him the tatters of his olive mantle, which was torn into strips by his furious opponents, while the most abusive names were showered upon him from all sides.

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"I am a man of fortune!" cried the fellow, impudently; "it is as true as that your rude hands have torn to tatters one of the handsomest cloaks I possess.' "Insolent thief!" cried one of the players; "your cloak had as many rents as your conscience!"

"You shall answer to me somewhere else for this double insult. Sir," he added, calling to me, "pray be my surety, as I

have been yours; half my winnings are
is false."
yours-they are fairly gained, and all this

with Perico, when a more serious affair I once again cursed my acquaintance turned the attention of the company from two men at the further end of the room. me. This was a violent scuffle between Knives were used, the women screamed, followed; when, in the general struggle, all was confusion, and blood would have overturned, and the corpse fell with a the table on which lay the dead child was heavy sound, the flowers strewing the floor. A circle was immediately formed round the profaned corpse, and above all the tumult was heard the piercing cry of the wretched mother, who threw herself wildly upon the remains of her child.

to the balcony to ascertain whether flight I had seen too much of this, and rushed was possible; but egress by this means was closed to me. A man had just emerged from one of the alleys, followed by others brandishing their swords. The Navaja, whom Perico had recognized as band together; and, without being able to an associate, had doubtless gathered his of those nightly murders which are the help the victim, I might be present at one dreadful glory of certain léperos. The person pursued attained the wall of the quay, and planted his back against it, while I distinctly heard him cry out

five against one!"
"Back, cowardly villains! who fight


"Courage, boys!" cried the chief of the "A hundred piastres are at stake!" The unequal struggle lasted but a few What ensued need not be described. seconds, and a shout of savage joy told how it had terminated. But the wretched man thus basely beset still breathed, and the stump of his sword; but it was a even dragged himself to the bridge, waving last effort, and, again surrounded by the wretches, he fell under their blows. By the souls in purgatory, I saw the five men the wan light which was burning before lift a bleeding body, and throw it into the canal, the leaden surface of which was the assassins had disappeared, and all had but for a moment agitated. In an instant passed so rapidly, that I could have fanently convinced that I was wide awake, cied it a wretched dream; but I was presfor, in a man on horseback, who came out of the court of the house, I recognized

Perico, and in the horse I saw the noble animal I had brought with so much difficulty from the Hacienda de la Noria.

"Holloa! fellow!" I cried; "this is too bad; you are stealing my horse!"

"Sir," replied Perico, with unshaken coolness, "I only remove a witness that might be decisive against your lordship."

Such were the last words of the lépero, as he spurred the horse, and galloped furiously off. Taking no leave of any one, I rushed forth in pursuit of the zaragate, but too late; I heard only a plaintive neighing, and the noise of a gallop fade in the distance. At full speed I ran down one of the dark alleys, and I must have wandered for some time in this wretched labyrinth, for it was daylight before I found out where I was. Night had taught wisdom, and I resolved to make a legal declaration of the accident I had caused the evening before. I went to the criminal judge accordingly, but he was not yet come, and I was desired to wait in the hall; there, overcome by fatigue and drowsiness, I fell asleep on a bench. Confused dreams repainted the scenes I

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That limpid wave.

The murmuring host fell down, and homage gave
Unto the Power omnipotent to save,

Then rush'd with eager haste

And burning lips to taste
That brimming cup of joy, amid the desert waste.
Another sorrowing wa went up on high;
The host fell to the earth, "O Master, why
Have we gone forth from Egypt's land to die?
The bitter waters mock our thirst,
The fountain of the desert is accursed,
And still we die !"

The Lord was strong to save.
His prophet cast a palm into the wave,
And lo! the bitter waters at his feet
Were rippling pure and sweet.
Then Israel rose to bless

Ah! angel-guarded band
Well may your songs ascend
Unto that Father friend

Who wander'd with you o'er that desert land-
Who kept you in the hollow of his hand.
Are we not wanderers through a wilderness?
Is not that Power over us to bless?
Doth he not lead us with a gentle hand
Toward the confines of a better land?
Have we not felt a burning drouth,
Borne by hot breezes from a joyless south?
Have we not ofttimes paused upon the brink
Of Marah's bitter fount, and stopp'd to drink,
And in our bitter anguish turn'd to die
E'en while the healing palm was bending nigh?
We faint with thirst, and lo! before our sight
Gleam as through trees and bowers of delight
Waves clear and bright.

had witnessed; I thought I heard heavy The Power that saved them in the wilderness. noises round me, and then all was suddenly still. I opened my eyes, and thought that I was still under the influence of nightmare. A handbarrow covered with a bloody cloth stood just at my feet, and an idea flashed across me that I had been recognized, and that, by a refinement of savage justice, they intended to confront me with the man whose death I had caused. I drew back to the end of the hall, unable to bear the sight of the bloody cloth. By degrees I became more composed, and, summoning courage, I raised the corner of the covering, and instantly recognized the victim. His pale, handsome face, the forehead marked by a long, narrow scar, was too deeply impressed on my mind to be mistaken. The water-weeds which covered his cheeks reminded me where the crime had been committed; and this was the man whom I had seen die so valiantly, and whom I knew to be so tenderly lamented. I let fall the cloth and departed.

Such are glimpses of these degraded people. The lesson may well be studied. It solves the problem of the impracticability of popular self-government among a people whose religion itself is an education only to vice. When Christianity is thus perverted among the masses, all hope goes out.

Ah! bitterly we turn away,

And woe betide the day

When to the barren wilderness we came
To shrink and wither 'neath yon orb of flame-
To look with longing eyes unto the brazen sky.

To murmur and to die.
But lo! a tree of life is growing nigh;
Its fadeless verdure droops above the wave.
That healing palm

Can make each bitter drop a saving balm,
The bitter waters rippling at her feet
There Mercy waits to save.

Grow pure and sweet-
Fall down, immortal; praise and bless
The God that guides thee through the wilder-

[blocks in formation]




E once (pleasant delusion!) thought ourselves pretty well up in the cunning ways of science; and fancied, in common with many others, that after the electric-telegraph, there was not much more to be invented or discovered. But we have been made aware of our mistake, and in a manner at once surprising and wonderful. Though we were not born to silver slippers, we might have walked about in a pair every year of our life, if we had but known as much as we know now. There the precious metal lay before our eyes, but we would not open them wide enough to see it.

What was there in clay that we did not know? The use which certain writers made of it in pointing their morals was not unfamiliar to us; and one among them had given us reason to believe, that even an imperial Cæsar, when dead, might turn to clay; while others, of a jovial turn of mind, had made themselves merry on the subject of topers moistening their clay. We were not ignorant, therefore, of the morality of clay. Then we knew that alum was got out of clay; that alumina, which is only another name for clay, was the most abundant of earthy bases, constituting no small mass in the structure of the globe; moreover, that Sir Humphry Davy had knocked down the notion of alumina being an elementary substance, and had demonstrated it to be a metallic oxyd. All this we knew; but we did not know that clay contained so large an amount of argentiferous metal, as to be one of the most valuable substances in nature instead of one of the cheapest, and apparently the most worthless.

That it is so has been satisfactorily proved within the last year by M. Deville, an ingenious Frenchman, who has carried his experiments into the metallic constitution of clay further than ever before. Wöhler, a well-known German chemist, had taken a step beyond Davy, and actually made a lump of clay give up its silver, or aluminum, as the metal was called; but it was only in tiny globules, somewhat resembling seed-pearls in appearance. The result was in no way equal to the cost and labor of the experiment; still, a fact was demonstrated. M. Deville, however, produces the metal in such quantities as to

make even grave philosophers hold up their hands in amazement. At a meeting of the Academy of Sciences in Paris, he laid before the learned assemblage long strips of sheet aluminum, ingots of the same metal, and medals of some inches diameter, which had been struck at the Imperial Mint-all of which had been got out of clay by his newly-discovered process.

Such a result must be reckoned among the great facts of science. Let us see how it is accomplished. In Wöhler's process, chloride of potassium was used. The process of M. Deville is somewhat similar, but involves the use of chloride of sodium. The substances having been heated in a porcelain crucible at a high temperature, the aluminum is set free, and to quote the operator's own words, "there remains a saline mass, with an acid reaction, in the midst of which larger or smaller globules of aluminum are found perfectly pure."

Proceeding in his description, which we permit ourselves to relieve of some of its technicalities, M. Deville says: This metal is as white as silver, and malleable and ductile to the highest degree. We find, however, on working it, that it offers a greater resistance, from which we may suppose its tenacity to approach that of iron. Cold hammering hardens it, but its former condition may be restored by remelting. Its melting point differs but slightly from that of silver; it conducts heat well; and may be exposed to the air without any sensible oxydation.

We learn further, that aluminum is perfectly unalterable by dry or damp air; it may be handled and carried in the pocket without becoming tarnished, and it remains brilliant where fresh-cut tin or zinc loses its luster. Neither cold nor boiling water impairs its brightness; even sulphuretted hydrogen, that terrible blackener of plate, finds it altogether insensible; nor does nitric acid, weak or concentrated, act upon it. The only solvent yet known for this apparently indestructible metal is chlorhydric acid, which, by disengaging hydrogen, forms a sesquichloride of aluminum.

Here we let M. Deville speak for himself. "Any one," he says, "will comprehend how a metal, white and unalterable as silver, which does not tarnish, which is fusible, malleable, ductile, and tenacious, and which has the singular property of

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