3 O GOD, mine inmost foul convert ! And deeply on my thoughtful heart Eternal things imprefs;
Give me to feel their folemn weight, And tremble on the brink of fate, And 'wake to righteoufnefs.
4 Before me place in dread array, The pomp of that tremendous day,
When thou with clouds fhalt come, To judge the nations at thy bar, And tell me, LORD, fhall I be there, To meet a joyful doom!
5 Be this my great one bus'nefs here, With ferious industry and fear, My future blifs t'enfure!
Thine utmost counsel to fulfil, And fuffer all thy righteous will, And to the end endure.
6 Then, Saviour, then my soul receive, Transported from the vale, to live And reign with thee above;
Where faith is fweetly loft in fight, And hope in full fupreme delight, And everlasting love.
HYMN 53.
ARK! my foul, it is the LORD! 'Tis thy Saviour, hear his word; JESUS fpeaks, and speaks to thee, Say, poor finner, lov'ft thou me! 2 I deliver'd thee, when bound,
And when wounded, heal'd thy wound Sought thee wand'ring, fet thee right, Turn'd thy darkness into light.
Can a woman's tender care
Ceafe toward the child fhe bare? Yes, the may forgetful be, Yet will I remember thee.
4 Mine is an unchanging love, Higher than the heights above, Deeper than the depths beneath, Free and faithful, ftrong as death. 5 Thou halt fee my glory fooh, When the work of grace is done Partner of my throne fhalt be, Say, poor finner, lov'st thou me ? 6 LORD, it is my chief complaint, That my love is weak and faint; Yet I love thee, and adore, O for grace to love thee more!
HYMN 54°
WEET was the hour, the minutes fweet, When my Beloved me did meet, His death to evidence :
My heart, which wounded was before, Kindly he bound; therein did pour Love's healing quinteffence.
2 Death's heritage he then laid waste, And calm'd each ftormy furious blast, And cancel'd all my fins Placing his cross before my eyes, "Look to me, and be fav'd," he cries, From death thy life begins.
3 Sweet was the feast my heart enjoy'd, I ate, I drank, nor was I cloy'd, For more I thirfted ftill:
Here let me ftay, I longing pray'd, Sure this is Achor's vale, I faid, Or holy Tabor's hill.
4 His left hand under me was plac'd, And his right hand my foul embrac❜d, His kindness sweet did prove:
Safely. I fat beneath his fhade, Quite round my foul he overfpread His canopy of love.
5 I fung, affur'd of JESU's love, Refresh'd with manna from above, For flesh no more I cry'd:
Warm'd with the fun's enliv'ning beams, I laid me down at Shiloh's streams, Content and fatisfy'd.
6 Untouch'd by Satan's envious crew, Upon my fleece, like drops of dew, His free grace did defcend: Strangers in vain attempt to tell The joy immense, unspeakable,
I found in CHRIST my friend. 7 Thus freed from bondage, I did prove The sweets of his redeeming love, And bask'd in funny beams:
In this sweet frame may I rejoice, Still hearken to my Saviour's voice, Still drink thofe living ftreams!
Deareft LORD, give me an heart Inflam'd with love to thee;
That thro' thy tedious toil and smart, My foul may happy be.
2 I want, O LORD, from fin to flee, And in thy wounds to reft;
Bid me by faith come near to thee, And lean upon thy breast.
Still let a sense of what thou'st done, In my hard heart be felt;
That by the love to me thou'st shewn, My inmost foul may melt.
4 O may I never, never faint, Refresh'd by ftreams of love; Till in thy glory, as a faint, I live with those above.
5 O may I now my all give up To thee my dearest LORD;
And wait with all thy faints to fup Around the feftal board.
ESUS, I love thy charming name, 'Tis mufic to my ear;
Fain wou'd I found it out fo loud That earth and heav'n might hear.
2 Yes, thou art precious to my foul, My transport, and my Jewels to thee are gaudy toys, And gold is fordid duft.
3 All my capacious pow'rs can wish, In thee moft richly meet;
Nor to my eyes is light fo dear, Nor friendship half so sweet.
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