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EHOLD! the mountain of the Lord

In latter days shall rife,

Above the mountains and the hills,

And draw the wondering eyes.

To this the joyful nations round

All tribes and tongues shall flow,

Up to the Hill of God they'll say,

And to his house we'll go.

The beam that shines on Zion hill

Shall lighten every land;

The King who reigns in Zion towers

Shall all the world command.


No strife shall vex Meffiah's reign,

Or mar the peaceful years,

To ploughshares soon they beat their swords,

To pruning-hooks their spears.

No longer hosts encountering hosts,

Their millions slain deplore;

They hang the trumpet in the hall,

And study war no more.


Come then-O come from every land,

To worship at his shrine;

And, walking in the light of God,

With holy beauties shine.



EHOLD! th' Ambassador divine,

Defcending from above,

To publish to mankind the law
Of everlasting love!

On him in rich effufion pour'd

The heavenly dew descends;

And truth divine he shall reveal,

To earth's remotest ends.

No trumpet-found, at his approach,
Shall strike the wondering ears;

But still and gentle breathe the voice

In which the God appears.


By his kind hand the shaken reed
Shall raise its falling frame;

The dying embers shall revive,

And kindle to a flame.

The onward progress of his zeal
Shall never know decline,

Till foreign lands and distant isles
Receive the law divine.

He who spread forth the arch of Heaven,

And bade the planets roll,

Who laid the basis of the earth,

And form'd the human foul.

Thus faith the Lord, "Thee have I fent,

"A Prophet from the sky,

" Wide o'er the nations to proclaim

"The message from on high.

" Before

"Before thy face the shades of death

" Shall take to fudden flight,

"The people who in darkness dwell

" Shall hail a glorious light;

" The gates of brass shall 'funder burst,

"The iron fetters fall;

"The promis'd jubilee of Heaven

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" And lo! presaging thy approach,

"The Heathen temples shake,

" And trembling in forsaken fanes, "The fabled idols quake....

" I am Jehovah: I am One:



My name shall now be known

"No Idol shall ufurp my praise,

" Nor mount into my throne."


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