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" Determined are the days that fly Successive o'er thy head ; The number'd hour is on the wing, That lays thee with the dead. "
Poems: By the Rev. Mr. Logan, One of the Ministers of Leith - Página 95
por John Logan - 1781 - 118 páginas
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John Logan - 1781 - 138 páginas
...doom is written, duft thou art, And fhalt to duft return. Determin'd are the days that fly Succeffive o'er thy head ; The number'd hour is on the wing, with thoufand hidden ills To miferable man. I Gay Gay is thy morning, nattering Hope Thy fprightly ftep attends ; But foon the tempeft howls behind....
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The Psalms of David in Metre: According to the Version Approved by the ...

1792 - 496 páginas
...troubled and polluted fprings a hallow'd ftream afford ? IV. I Determin'd are the days that fly fucceflive o'er thy head ; The number'd hour is on the wing that lays thee with the dead. V. Great God ! afflict not in thy wrath the fhort-allotted fpan, That bounds the few and weary days...
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Translations and Paraphrases in Verse

1804 - 142 páginas
...troubled and polluted springs a hallow'd stream afford ? IV. Determin'd are the days that fly successive o'er thy head ; The number'd hour is on the wing that lays thee with the dead. v. Great God ! afflict not in thy wrath the short allotted span, That bounds the few and weary days...
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The Poetical Works of Cuthbert Shaw: Collated with the Best Editions

Cuthbert Shaw, Thomas Park - 1807 - 230 páginas written, ' Dust thou art, And shall to dust return.' Determin'd are the days that fly Successive o'er thy head ; The number'd hour is on the wing,...thee with the dead. Alas! the little day of life Is shorter than a span ; Yet black with thousand hidden ills To miserable man. Gay is thy morning ; flattering...
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Hymns, Partly Collected and Partly Original: Designed as a Supplement to Dr ...

William Bengo Collyer - 1812 - 984 páginas
...written, " dust thou art, " And shalt to dust return!" 2 Determin'd are, the days that fly Successive o'er thy head; The number'd hour is on the wing. That lays thee with the dead. 3 Gay is thy morning ; flattering hope Thy sprightly steps attends ; But soon the tempest howls behind,...
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A Collection of Sacred Translations, Paraphrases, and Hymns

Stevenson MacGill - 1813 - 278 páginas
...troubled and polluted springs a hallo w'd stream afford? 4 Determin'd are thy days, that fly successive o'er thy head; The number'd hour is on the wing, that lays thee with the dead. 5 O ! may I with unbroken care employ this little span, That bounds the few and weary days of pilgrimage...
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Elegant Extracts: A Copious Selection of Instructive, Moral, and ...

1817 - 310 páginas written, Dust thou art, And shalt to dust return. ' Determin'd are the days that fly Successive o'er thy head ; The number'd hour is on the wing,...with the dead. ' Alas ! the little day of life Is shorter than a span ; Yet black with thousand hidden ills To miserable man. ' Gay is thy morning ;...
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The British poets, including translations, Volumen70

British poets - 1822 - 292 páginas written, ' Dust thou art, And shalt to dust return.' Determined are the days that fly Successive o'er thy head ; The number'd hour is on the wing,...thee with the dead. Alas ! the little day of life Is shorter than a span ; Yet black with thousand hidden ills To miserable man. Gay is thy morning, flattering...
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The Poems of James Grahame, John Logan, and William Falconer: With Lives of ...

James Grahame - 1823 - 346 páginas
...And shalt to dust return." Determined are the days that fly Successive o'er thy head ; The numher'd hour is on the wing, That lays thee with the dead. Alas ! the little day of life Is shorter than a span ; Yet hlack with thousand hidden ills To miserahle man. / Gay is thy morning ;...
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Church Poetry: Being Portions of the Psalms in Verse, and Hymns Suited to ...

William Augustus Muhlenberg - 1823 - 286 páginas
...written, " dust thou art, And shalt to dust return." 2 Determin'd are the days that fly Successive o'er thy head; The number'd hour is on the wing, That lays thee with the dead. 3 Gay is thj morning; flatt'ring hope Thy sprightly steps attends; But soon the tempest howls behind,...
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