pected to enjoy without having put a hand to the work. These expectations not being realized, they charged Mr. Badger with breach of promises. The committee endeavored to rectify their mistakes on these points, and every other, where they appeared to cherish unfounded prejudices. EXTRACT OF A LETTER FROM MR. GEORGE ANDERSON, TEACHER OF THE INDIAN SCHOOL AT SANDUSKY, DATED JUNE 19th, 1809. "Last week the Senecas at their town above us, (a small village about ten miles up the Sandusky river) killed one of their nation whom they had superstitiously suspected to be a wizzard. They blamed him for making so many of them sick in years past. They told him, that if he would confess his sin in what he had done they would pardon him; but if he would not, they would kill him, and his soul would be miserable for ever. He replied their pardon was worth nothing, and could do him no good; that none but God could pardon sin; and he asserted that he was innocent of what they charged him with. But they would not believe he was innocent, and quickly destroyed the poor creature. Two or three of them held him, while the rest cut him to pieces with their tomahawks." Evan. Intel. LITERARY INTELLIGENCE. EDWARDS' WORKS. WE announce, with peculiar satisfaction, an American edition of the complete works of that eminent divine, and excellent man, President EDWARDS, in eight octavo volumes, by Isaiah Thomas, junr. under the editorial superintendance of the Rev. Dr. AUSTIN, of Worcester. The editor of the English edition of these works, gives the following opinion of them: "Although we do not consider ourselves responsible for every sentiment of the author, whose works we publish, we will nevertheless freely acknowledge, that were we to assume any such responsibility, or were we disposed to hold up the writings of any fallible man, as forming our standard of faith, we should not hesitate to give our most decided preference to EDWARDS and OWEN. In these authors we see the soundest principles united with the most fervent charity." The Rev. Dr. J. M. Mason, and J. B. Romeyn of New-York, have issued proposals for publishing "the Christian's Magazine on a new plan." It is to contain I Essays on the CHURCH OF GOD Under and its Constitution, &c. II. History of the Origin and Progress of the AMERICAN CHURCHES. III Sketches of the History of the CHURCH GENERAL; as it shall be convenient. VI. RELIGIOUS INTELLIGENCE; comprehending, 1st. Official Reports, in so far as they can be obtained, of the state of religion. Under this head will also be included correct information of any remarkable revivals of religion in any parts of the Christian church in this country, or in the old world. 2d. Statistical Tables of the different sections of the Christian church. If such tables can be generally obtained, they will afford interesting views of the state of the church of the proportion which visible professors bear to the whole population, and of the number of ministers actually in service, compared with those wanted from the number of visible professors. 3d. Missionary Accounts, at home and abroad. 4th. An Obituary for recording re- V. Essays on the DOCTRINES OF X. NEW PUBLICATIONS. As a connected series of disquisitions is carried on in the Magazine, the possession of the 1st and 2d volumes is requisite to a satisfactory understanding of what shall follow. They can be had at the original price of Two Dollars a volume. CONDITIONS. 1. A number of the Magazine, to contain, on an average, 56 pages, 8vo.; (the Religious Intelligence on a type one size smaller than formerly,) will be published on the first Monday in every month; making an annual volume of 672 pages, 2. The price to subscribers will be Three Dollars per Annum, payable, one dollar on the delivery of No. 1. one dollar on the delivery of No. 5. and one dollar on the delivery of No. 9. in each volume. 3. An Index shall accompany the last number of each volume. 4. No subscription will be taken for less than a volume; and subscrib. ers who shall not withdraw on the delivery of No. 9. in each volume, when their last payment on the volume is to be made, will be consider. ed as pledged for the volume imme. diately succeeding. 5. The following discounts will be made: On 100 copies, (payment secured,) On 50 On 25 On 10 25 per cent. 20 do. Subscriptions received by Farrand Mallory, and Co. Suffolk buildings, Boston, Where the two first volumes of the above Magazine may be obtained, and by whom the future numbers will be delivered. LIST OF NEW PUBLICATIONS. ORIGINAL. The American Law Journal and Miscellaneous Repertory, No. 6. Vol. 2. By John E. Hall, Esq. of Baltimore. William P. Farrand, & Co. Philadelphia, and Fafrand, Mallory, & Co. Boston. 1809. Select Reviews and Spirit of the Foreign Magazines, No. 9, for September,1809. By E. Bronson and others. Hopkins andEarle, Philadelphia, and Farrand, Mallory, & Co. Boston. Christian Monitor, No. 9,, containing seven Sermons on the Education of Children. Boston, Munroe, Francis, and Parker, 1809. Reports of Cases argued and determined in the Supreme Judicial Court of the commonwealth of Massachusetts. Vol. 4. part 1. Containing the cases from January to June, 1808, inclusive. By Dudley Atkyns Tyng, Esq. counsellor at Law. Edward Little and Co. New. buryport, 1809. An Appendix to the New Testament, by James Winthrop, Esq. Cambridge, Hilliard & Metcalf._1809. An Abridgment of Dr. Fobes' Scripture Catechism, revised by an association of ministers, and designed for the children of their respective societies. Cambridge, Hilliard & Metcalf. 1809. The Mediator's Kingdom not of this world, but spiritual, heavenly, and divine, Illustrated in remarks upon John, chap. 18. verse 36. By an inquirer. New York, Williams and Whiting. 1809. A Sermon preached at the Dedi. cation of the new meeting house in Hadley, Nov. 3, 1808. By Samuel Austin, D. D. Pastor of a church of Christ, in Worcester. Worcester, Goulding and Stow, 1808. Freedom in preaching the gospel, the privilege and the duty of its ministers. A sermon preached at the ordination of the Rev. Warren Fay, to the pastoral care of the church and congregation in Brimfield; Nov. 3, 1808. By Samuel Austin, D. D. Worcester, I. Thomas, Junr. The gospel minister commissioned by Christ. A Sermon preached at the ordination of Rev. John Milton Whiton, in Antrim, Sep. 28, 1808. By Samuel Austin, D. D. Amherst. Joseph Cushing, 1808. A Sermon preached at the ordination of the Rev. Samuel Osgood, to the pastoral care of the first church and society in Springfield, January 25, 1809. By Thaddeus Mason Harris, Minister of Dorchester. Springfield, Dickman, 1809. A Sermon preached at the installation of Rev. James Thurston, to the pastoral charge of the church in Manchester. By Joseph Buckminster, D. D. Portsmouth, 1809. A discourse delivered to the congregational society in Woburn, June 28, 1809, At the dedication of their meeting house, by Joseph Chickering, Minister of said society. Charlestown, Hastings, Etheridge, & Bliss. The wisdom of God. A sermon delivered before the Massachusetts Missionary Society, at their annual meeting in Boston, May 30, 1809, by Samuel Worcester, A. M. minister at the tabernacle in Salem. Boston, Joshua Cushing. Believers baptism no argument against infant baptism: Infant baptism a Gospel Ordinance, three sermons delivered in the independent church, Beaufort (S. C.) by the Rev. Benjamin M. Palmer, A. M. Pastor of said church. With an Appendix, by another hand, containing observations on close communion. Charleston (S. C.) J. Hoff. The noble convert. A sermon preached at Bridgeport, May 28th 1809, at the request of the Hon.Pierpoint Edwards, Esq. by Elijah Waterman, pastor of the Presbyterian church at Bridgeport. Bridgeport, H. Ripley. A charge delivered at a public Commencement, July 27, 1809, to the senior class of the Philadelphia Academy, upon their having completed the course of study prescribed by that institution, by James Abercrombie, D. D. One of the assistant ministers of Christ's church and St. Peter's, and director of the Academy. Philadelphia, Fry & Kammerer. 1809. NEW EDITIONS. New Reports of Cases argued and determined in the Court of Common Pleas and other Courts from Michaelmas Term, 46 Geo. III. 1805, to Trinity Term, 47 Geo. III. 1807, both inclusive. By John B. Bosanquet and Christopher Puller, barristers at law. Vol. 5th. Philadelphia. 1809, A Treatise on Febrile Diseases; including Intermittent, Remitting, and Continued Fevers. Eruptive inflammations, Hemorrhages, and the Profluria; in which an attempt is made to present at one view, whatever in the present state of medicine, is requisite for a physician to know respecting the symptoms, causes, and cure of those diseases, with Experimental Essays on certain Febrile Symptoms,on the nature of Inflammation, and on the manner in which Opium and Tobacco act on the living, animal body. Together with an Essay on the Nature of Fever. By A. Phillips Wilson, M.D. F.R.S. Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians, Edinburgh. Hartford, O. D. Cooke. 1809. The Collection of Psalm and Hymn Tunes, Sung at the chapel of the Lock Hospital. From the last London edition. In one volume royal quarto on a fine wove paper. Boston, West and Blake, and Manning and Loring, 1809. The Star in the East. A Sermon preached in the parish church of St. James, Bristol, on Sunday, February 26, 1809, for the benefit of the "Soci ety of Missions to Africa and the East." By Rev. Claudius Buchanan, LL.D. from India. To which is added an Appendix, containing the interesting Report of the Rev. Dr. Kerr to the Governor of Madras, on the state of the ancient Christians in Co chin and Travancore; and an account of the discoveries made by Dr. Buchanan, of 200,000 Christians in the sequestered regions of Hindoostan. Boston, Munroe, Francis, and Parker. 1809. Living Christianity delineated, in the Diaries and Letters of two eminently pious persons lately deceased, viz. Mr. Hugh Bryan, and Mrs. Ma ry Hutson, both of South Carolina, with a preface by the Rev. John Coder, and the Rev. Mr. Thomas Gib. bons. Boston, Hastings, Etheridge, and Bliss. 1809. Murray's Sequel to the English Reader. Boston, Lincoln and Edmands. 1809. The Romance of the Pyrenees, 4 vols. in two. Newburyport, E. Little and Co. 1809. The New Testament of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ: Translated from the original Greek, with original notes and practical observations By Thomas Scott, Rector of Aston Sanford, Bucks. One half vol. 4to. Philadelphia, W. W. Woodward, 1809. Subscribers may be supplied by Farrand, Mallory, and Co. Suffolk Buildings. The Christian Economy; translated from the original Greek of an old manuscript, found in the island of Patmos, where St. John wrote his Book of Revelation. New York, Williams and Whiting. 1809. Thornton Abbey. A Series of Letters on Religious Subjects. New York, Williams and Whiting. 1809. IN THE PRESS. A course of Lectures on Rhetoric and Oratory, delivered to the two Senior classes of Harvard College, by John Q Adams, Esq. late professor of Rhetoric and Oratory in that Seminary. One vol. 8vo. is in the press by William Hilliard, Cambridge. Essays on the most important sub. jects in religion, by Thomas Scott, author of the commentary on the Bible, is in the press by William Hilliard, Cambridge, in one vol. 12mo. E. F. Backus of Albany has in the press "The Physician's Vade Mecum, Containing symptoms, causes, diagnosis, prognosis, and treatment of diseases, accompanied by a select collection of Formulae, and a Glos. sary of terms, by Robert Hooper, M. D. Licentiate in Physic of the University of Oxford, and the Royal Col lege of Physicians in London, Phy. sician to the St. Mary le Bone infirmary, and Lecturer on Medicine in London." With a translation of the Formulae and additions and alterations adapted to the American Cli mate; by a practioner of the State of New York. The Light Horse Drill, revised, enlarged, and adapted to the United States service, by an American officer of experience and rank. To which will be annexed, the sword exercise with plates, &c. is in press by E. F. Backus, of Albany. Matthew Carey, of Philadelphia is preparing to publish Wilkinson's Royal Quarto Atlas, with considerable additions and improvements. WORKS PROPOSED. Matthew Carey, Philadelphia, has in the press neat Pocket Editions of Charlotte Temple, Italian Nun, Julia de Roubigne, and Exiles of Siberia. All with handsome trontispieces. Likewise Fordyce's Sermons and Bennet's Letters to a Young Lady. Williams & Whiting of N. Y. propose to publish the Sacred and Profane History of the World connected, from the Creation of the World to the dissolution of the Assyrian Empire, at the Death of Sardanapalus ; and to the Declension of the Kingdoms of Judah and Israel, under the reigns of Ahar and Pekah. Including the Dissertation on the Creation and Fall of Man. By Samuel Shuckford, D. D. Chaplain in ordinary to his Majesty George the Second. In three volumes 8vo. of about 450 pages, on fine paper, with 4 maps, at 2,50 in boards or 3 in binding. Samuel West of Salem has issued proposals for printing Strictures on the Modern System of Female Education. With a view of the principles and conduct prevalent among women of rank and fortune. By Hannah More. On fine paper and fair type, in one volume, price one dollar in binding. This work will be published early in October. ERRATA. In the last No. page 99, 10th line from bottom, for 1766, read 1776; page 100, 3d line, for after read before. OBITUARY. SKETCH OF THE CHARACTER OF THE LATE HON. THOMAS DAWES, ESQ Senior Deacon of the Old South Church; delivered to the members of that Society on the afternoon of the second Sabbath of January, 1809; at the close of a Discourse from the 19th chapter of Job, 25 verse. By the Rev. Dr. Eckley. To the choice of the subject which we have contemplated this afternoon, my hearers will readily suppose I have been directed by the late de eease of the senior Deacon of this religious Society. It is sanctioned by long custom that, after any of our friends and brethren have acted in some of the most conspicuous and important stations, a particular notice should be taken oftheir lives and characters when the scene of their activity is closed, and we have just returned from following their sable hearses to the congregation of the dead. But few persons have been brought into more public view, and for a long course of time sustained a greater variety of offices, than our late respected Brother. As a native of Boston, he discover. ed a very earnest attachment to its interest, and at an early season of life, bent his mind, among other things, to the desire of its exterior improvement. From the calling which he pursued, and in which he acted as a principal, he greatly amended the style of architecture ; and there is now a considerable number of private, as well as some public edifices in this town and in the vicinity, indebted for their conveniency and beauty to his skill: The American Academy of Arts and Sciences was well justified in making him one of its members. When the political concerns of our country, no less than fifty years ago, required a martial spirit and knowledge of tactics, Colonel Dawes was one of the most useful officers of the militia of this then province. To the fiscal state of this capital he paid a very particular and assiduous attention. With its pecuniary concerns, there was no person more intimately acquainted. I have un. derstood that the Town of Boston had often considered itself as having been overcharged in the general tax throughout the Commonwealth. From the knowledge which he was judged to possess on this subject, he was elected, by a full vote of the in habitants of this place, as a member of the house of Representatives in the General Court, in the year 1777, among which body, his information on many points connected with the relative situation of the towns in the whole State, especially on the subject of taxation, gave him, for a number of years, so decided an influence, as to enable him to repel many improper claims, and effectually to serve the interest of this his native place. Although by these particular ex. ertions, he voluntarily consented to an abridgment of his popularity a mong the members of the General Court, yet such was the sense which the citizens of Boston entertained of his services, that by their united suf frages he was advanced to a seat in the Senate, in which station he serv ed several years. Soon afterward he was elected to the Council; was no small gratification to him that in each of these offices he acted for a while as, colleague with the Hon. Messrs Phillips and Mason, his brethren both as members and Dea. cons of this church. and it The Honorable Mr. Dawes continued in the Council until the age of seventy years, when by the death of Lieutenant Governor Gill, then the chief Magistrate of the State, he became President of the Council, and for a time, was the first acting Magistrate in the Commonwealth. had been an Elector at the three first elections of President of the United States. He To this station as counsellor he would undoubtedly have been reelected, but at the age of three score years and ten he saw fit to decline being a candidate for this or any other office in the gift of his fellow citizens, and gave public notice of the intention, From this time to the close of his |