the objects of the Institution, as far as respects the inducing of foreign nations to abandon the slave trade; and they have here experienced the cordial concurrence of his Majesty's Government. But they decline entering into details on this head. They have resolved to encourage the translation into foreign languages, particularly Dutch, French, Spanish, and Portuguese, of suitable tracts on these subjects; which, if printed, and widely circulated; may greatly tend to open the eyes of foreigners to the claims of justice, humanity, and true policy. Letters from Sierra Leone represent that colony as on friendly terms with the surrounding natives, and as increasing in influence with them. No massacres had taken place (notwithstanding the predictions of slave traders,) in consequence of the abolition. Only one trial for witchcraft had taken place for a long time; though such trials used to be very frequent; and in this case, though the accused was found guilty, she was not put to death,but,after a time, set at liberty. The natives are stated to have abundant employment in the manufacture of salt, and the cultivaof rice. At the colony they had y improved in the breeding of and oxen are now used in the draught; and a hope was entertained that the communication with the interior would soon be more open. "All the wars round us," observes tio ut 66 the governor, are suspended for the present. I do not say that they are suspended in consequence of the abolition; but the abolition is very likely to prevent their revival." The information from Goree and the Gold Coast is also very encouraging. The commandant of the former place, Major Maxwell, is indefatigable in his exertions to promote cultivation and civilization in Africa. The funds of the Institution are not so flourishing as could be wished. The sum expended since its commencement is 1550/. and their remaining property scarcely exceeds 30001. We are disposed however with the directors, to express à confident hope, that, when the benefits of the Institution come to be fully understood, and while its expenditure is directed, as at present, to objects of obvious importance, it will meet with the liberal support of the public at large. The Appendix to the report contains much curious matter, which our limits will not permit us to detail. Before the meeting adjourned, the Earl of Moira stated, in a very im pressive speech, the following fact; On Sir Sydney Smith, having been presented by the Prince Regent of Portugal, with an estate in the Brazils, and a number of negro slaves to be employed in cultivating it, immediately liberated the slaves, and allotted to each of them a portion of the estate, to be cultivated by them as free laborers for their own benefit. this it was resolved unanimously on the motion of Mr. Wilberforce, "That his Royal Highness the Duke of Gloucester be requested to communicate to Sir Sidney Smith the high sense entertained by the meeting of his admirable judgment and liberali. ty in the above instance; and to return him their warmest thanks for a conduct which is so truly honorable to the British name and character, and which may be expected, in the way of example, to be productive of the happiest effects." Rel. Mon. LITERARY INTELLIGENCE. LIST OF NEW PUBLICATIONS. ORIGINAL. AN Inaugural Address delivered at the public commencement of Dickinson college, Sept. 27, 1809. By Jere miah Atwater, upon his induction into the office of Principal in said College. To which is annexed a statement relative to Dickinson Col lege, published by the Trustees. Carlisle, A. Loudon, 1809. Preciousness of Redemption. A Ser. mon delivered before the General Association of Connecticut, at Leb. anon, June 22, 1809. By Rev. Gers. hom Williams, A.M. Minister of a church of Christ, in Springfield, N.J. Hartford, 1809. Hudson and Goodwin, Christ's Ministers Watchmen for Souls A Sermon delivered before the General Association of Connecticut, at Lebanon, June 21, 1809. By the Rev. John E. Latta, pastor of a church in New Castle, Delaware, Hartford, Hudson and Goodwin, 1809. The immoral tendency of error in sentiment. A farewell sermon, delivered at Hillsborough, N. H. July 30, 1809. By Stephen Chapin, late pastor of the Church in Hillsborough. Amherst, J. Cushing, 1809. The Spiritual Steward. A Sermon preached at the meeting of the Associate Reformed Synod, in the City of New York, Oct. 21, 1802. By the Rev. Alexander Proudfit, minister of the Gospel, Salem. Lansingburgh, G. Tracy, 1803. Our danger and duty. Two Sermons, delivered on Wednesday, the 30th day of November, 1808. Being a day appointed by the Presbytery of Washington for the Exercises of Fasting, Humiliation, and Prayer, on account of the alarming aspect of divine providence to our Country. By Alexander Proudfit, A.M. minister of the Gospel, Salem. Salem, Dodd and Rumsey, 1808. A Sermon, preached before the Northern Missionary Society in the State of New York, at their first Annual meeting in Troy, February 8; and by particular request, in Albany, March 6, 1798, at a Special meeting of the Society. By Alexander Proudfit, one of the ministers of the Associate Reformed Congregation, in Salem. Albany, Loring, Andrews and Co. 1798. A Refutation of some of the more modern Misrepresentations of the Society of Friends, commonly called Quakers; with a life of James Naylor. By Joseph Gurrey Bevan, also, by permission of the meeting for sufferings, a Summary of the His tory, Doctrine, and Discipline of Friends. London, W. Phillips, 1808. The peaceful end of the perfect man. A discourse delivered in Lebanon at the funeral of his excellency Jonathan Trumbull, Governor of the state of Connecticut, who died August 7th, 1809, aged 69. By Zebulon Ely, A. M. Pastor of the Church in the South Society. Hartford, Hudson and Goodwin, 1809. A discourse occasioned by the death of His Excellency Jonathan Trumbull Esq. Governor of the State of Connecticut; and delivered at the request of the General Assembly, in the Brick church in New-Haven. By Timothy Dwight, D.D. president of Yale College. New-Haven, O. Steele & Co. 1809. The duty of Christians to seek the salvation of Zion, explained and urged. A sermon, preached at Northampton, before the Hampshire Missionary Society at their annual meeting, August 31, 1809. By the Rev. John Emerson, A. M. Pastor of the Church in Conway, Massachusetts. To which is annexed the Annual Report of the Trustees of the Hampshire Missionary Society, at the Annual meeting of the Society, August 31, 1809. Northampton, William Butler, 1809. SOMETHING. Edited by Nemo Nobody, Esquire. A new periodical work, No. 1. published weekly. "Tis Something Nothing." Boston, Farrand, Mallory, & Co. November 18, 1809. Select Review and Spirit of the Foreign Magazines, No.10, for October, and No. 11, for November 1809. By E. Bronson & others. Hopkins & Earle, Philadelphia, and Farrand, Mallory, & Co. Boston. Memoirs of the Hon. Thomas Jefferson, Secretary of State, Vice President, and President of the United States of America; containing a concise history of those States, from the acknowledgement of their Independence. With a view of the rise and progress of French influence and French principles in that country. In two volumes. Printed for the purchasers, 1809. A Biographical Dictionary, containing a brief account of the first settlers, and other eminent charac ters among the Magistrates, Ministers, Literary and Worthy men in New-England. By John Eliot, D.D. Corresponding Secretary of the Massachusetts Historical Society. Salem, Cushing & Appleton, and E. Oliver, Boston, 1809. Maryland Reports, being a series of the most important Law Cases, argued and determined in the provincial court and court of appeals of the then Province of Maryland, from the year one thousand seven hundred down to the American revolution. Selected from the records of the State, and from notes of some of the most eminent Counsel who practised law within that period. By Thomas Harris, Junr. Clerk of the court of appeals and John McHenry, attorney at law. New-York, I. Riley, 1809. The Magdalen church yard, from the French of J.J. Regnault Warin, author of Romeo and Juliet. The Castle of Strozzi, &c. Translated by Samuel Mackay, A. M. Ex. Professor of the French Language in Williams' College. In 4 vols. 12mo. Boston, William Andrews,1809. A new and complete History of the Heathen Gods, with 28 handsome type metal engravings. Boston and Worcester, I. Thomas, jun. NEW EDITIONS. A Treatise of the Law relative to Contracts and Agreements not under Died in Lynnfield the 17th instant Æ. XX. BENJAMIN PERKINS, A.B. youngest son of John Perkins, Esqr. of that place. In the death of this young man we see a striking instance of the uncer tainty of our most flattering worldly prospects. Having completed his collegiate studies, Mr. Perkins received the honors of Harvard University the last commencement with distinguished marks of approbation. Combining a temper and deportment remarkably conciliating with talents and acquisitions highly respectable, TO Seal. With Cases and Decisions thereon in the action of assumpsit. In four parts. By Samuel Comyn, Esq of the Middle Temple, Barrister at Law. Flatbush, I. Riley, 1809. Reports of cases adjudged in the Court of King's Bench, from Hilary Term, the 14th of George III. 1774, to Trinity term, the 18th of George III 1778, both inclusive. By Henry Cowper, Esq. Barrister at Law, of the Middle Temple. With notes of Reference to similar cases in subsequent Reporters. First American from the Second London Edition. In two Volumes. Boston, J. West & Co. 1809. A Compendium of the Law of Evidence. By Thomas Peake, Esq. of Lincoln's Inn, Barrister at Law. Second American from the Last London Edition of 1808. FrederickTown, John P. Thompson, 1809. Thomas & Whipple, Newburyport have in press to be published in December, 1809, A New System of Modern Geography, of a General Description of all the considerable Countries in the World. Compiled from the latest European and Amer ican Geographies, Voyages, and Trav els. Designed for Schools and Acad emies. By Elijah Parish, D.D. Minister of Byfield, Mass. Author of A Compendious System of Universal Geography, &c. &c. Ornamented with maps. irreproachable morals and deep attention to religion, he seemed distined to add much to the happiness of his parents and friends,and to shine conspicuously in professional life. How changed the scene! In the unerring providence of GOD he suddenly taken from our sight; and the voice of gratulation, which so late rejoiced the parents' heart, is exchanged for the tear of sympathy. But hope, leading us to the tomb of Jesus, points us to Heaven, and wipes the falling tear. CORRESPONDENTS. A communication has been received from Mr. Allen, containing remarks on the Review of his Biographical and Historical Dictionary, published in our October No. which, owing to certain circumstances, could not with convenience be inserted this month. We regret the necessity for postponing it. The account of the annual meeting of the Missionary Society in the counties of Berkshire and Columbia will appear in our next. "WILLIAM COWPER was born at Edinburgh, in November 1565; and at eight years old was sent by his father to Dunbar school, where, in four years, he learned the whole course of grammar, and profited above his equals. Even at that early age did he be gin to shew symptoms of genuine piety. Many times, when he was in the school, he used to lift up his heart unto God, begging of him knowledge and understanding; and always, as he went to church, he sent up this ejaculation to heaven: Lord, bow mine ear, that I may hear thy word! At his entry into his thirteenth year, his father sent for him home to Edinburgh; and soon after he went to St. Andrew's, where he continued to his sixteenth year in the study of philosophy, but made no great progress therein, the religious bent of his mind rather inclining him to a careful hearing and penning of sermons, and other theological lectures. During his abode at St. Andrew's, Satan, working upon corrupt nature, often sought to entrap him in his snares; but, as himself testifies, the Lord in mercy forgave the VOL. II. New Series. vanities and ignorances of his youth, and preserved him from such falls as might have made him a shame to the saints, and the reproach of his enemies. "At the age of sixteen years he returned to his parents at Edin. burgh, who proposed to him sundry courses of life. But his heart was still inclined to the study of the Holy Scriptures: whereupon.he resolved to go in. to England; and the Lord provided him a place at Hoddesdon, 18 miles from London, just when he had spent all the money which he brought out of Scotland. Here he was employed by one Master Guthrie, a Scotchman, to assist him in teaching a school. remained in this place three quarters of a year, and then, having occasion to go to London, he was unexpectedly called to the service of Master Hugh Brough. ton, with whom he continued a year and a half, and daily exercised himself in the study of divinity. He "When nineteen years old, he again returned to Edinburgh, where he lived with his elder brother, then one of the ministers in that city, who much further. N2 ed him in his former studies. And at last he was required to give a proof of his gifts privately, which he did in the New Church, before Master Robert Pont, and Master Robert Rolloch, and some others, by whom he was commanded to preach in pub. lic also. "Being twenty years old, he was sent, by the authority of the general assembly, which was then met at Edinburgh, to be pastor of Bothkenner, in Stirlingshire. But when he came thither, he found in the church, (besides ruinous walls) neither roof, nor doors, nor pulpit, nor seats, nor windows; yet it pleased God to give such a blessing to his minis. try, that within half a year, the parishioners, of their own accord, built and adorned the church in as good quality as any round about it. "There he continued seven or eight years, yet subject to great bodily infirmities, by reason of the wetness of the soil, and moistness of the air; and during that time, he experienced much distress and terror of mind, and inward temptation, so that his life was almost wasted with heavi. ness; yet thereby he learned to know more and more of the grace of Christ. "About that time there was a general assembly of the church at Perth, to which the people of that town applied, desiring that a minister might be sent unto them. Whereupon the assembly appointed Master Cowper for that place, and accordingly wrote to him by Master Patrick Simpson; who, coming to Stirling, delivered to him the letters from the assembly, and those from the town, containing his calling to the work of the ministry in that place. And so, shortly after, the town sent their commission. ers to transport him and his fam. ily thither. "In that place he continued, doing the work of the Lord for nineteen years together; where he was a comfort to the best, and a wound to the worser sort. Besides the Sabbath-days, he chose thrice a week to convene the people together in the evenings, (viz. on Wednesdays, Fridays, and Saturdays,) for a preparation to the Sabbath; upon which days they had no preaching in the morning. Concerning which meetings, himself writes: "That it would have done a Christian's heart good to have seen those glorious and joyful assemblies, to have heard the zealous cryings to God amongst that people, with sighings, and tears, and melting hearts, and mourning eyes.' And concerning himself, he saith; My witness is in heaven, that the love of Jesus and his people made continual preaching my pleasure, and I had no such joy as in doing his work.' And, besides that, he preached five times a week; he penned also whatsoever he preached; many of which holy and godly sermons are extant in print. "All the time of his abode there, except some little intermissions and breathing times, the Lord still exercised him with inward temptation, and great variety of spiritual combats; the end of all which, through God's mercy, was joy unspeakable, as himself testifies. Yea once,' saith he, in greatest extremity of horror and anguish of spirit, when I had utterly given over, and looked for nothing but con |