LITERARY INTELLIGENCE. THE translation of the Scriptures into the Persian language, so long in preparation, and by many thought to be abandoned, has been for some time in the press at Newcastle upon Tyne, and is expected to be published in the course of this year. The History of the Dissenters, by Rev. Messrs. Bogue and Bennett, is in such forwardness, that the first volume may be expected shortly. The Rev. John Robinson of Ravenstonedale, is engaged in a Biblical, Theological, and Ecclesiastical Dictionary; intended to comprise whatever is known concerning the Antiquities of the Hebrews, and to form a body of Scripture history, geography, chronology, divinity, and ecclesiastical opinions. Bartlett professor of PulpitEloquence in the Divinity College at Andover. Boston, Lincoln & Edmands, 1810. A Sermon preached in Swanzy, N.H. Nov. 23d, and in Orange, Mass. Nov. 30, on the Annual Thanksgiv ings in those States, 1809. By Clark Brown, A.M. Keene, J. Prentiss, 1810. Sermons by Rev. George Buist, D.D. Minister of the Presbyterian Church, and President of the College of Charleston, S. C. in 2 vols. N. York, E. Sargent, 1809. Dr. Ramsay's History of South Carolina, 2 vols. The Trial of David Lyme, Jabez Meigs, Elijah Barton, Prince Kein, Nathaniel Cynn, Ansel Meigs, and Adam Pitts, for the murder of Paul Chadwick,at Malta (Maine) on the 8th of Sept. 1809, before the Supreme Judicial Court, held at Augusta, on the 16th of Nov. Taken in short hand LIST OF NEW PUBLICATIONS. by John Mirick, Esq. It contains a ORIGINAL. Reports of Cases argued and determined in the Supreme Judicial Court of the Common wealth of Massachusetts, vol. 4. containing the cases for the year 1808. By Dudley Atkyns Tyng, Esq. Counsellor at Law. Newburyport, E. Little & Co. 1807. Thoughts on the Study of Political Economy, as connected with the population, industry, and paper currency of the United States. By L. Baldwin, Esq. Cambridge, Hilliard & Metcalf, 1809. A Letter on the Genius and Disposition of the French Government ; including a view of the taxation of the French Empire. Addressed to a friend by an American lately returned from Europe. Philadelphia, Hopkins & Earle; and Farrand, Mallory, & Co. Boston, 1809, A Sermon delivered at the Dedication of the church in Park Street, Boston. By Edward D. Griffin, D.D. stated Preacher in said Church, and count of the Life of the Author, Boston, Wm. Wells and T. B. Wait & Co. Price to subscribers $2,50. The price will be raised to $3 after the publication of the third volume. Lectures on Systematic Theology and Pulpit Eloquence. By the late George Campbell, D.D. F.R.S. Ed. Principal of Marischall College, Aberdeen. Boston, W. Wells, 1810. A new Geographical, Historical, and Commercial Grammar; and present state of the several kingdoms of the World, by William Guthrie, Esq. The Astronomical part by James Ferguson, F.R.S. To which have been added the late discoveries of Dr. Herschel, and other eminent astronomers, illustrated with 25 correct maps, the first American edition, improved, in 2 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia, Johnson & Warner, 1809. Introduction to the English Reader, or a selection of Peices in Prose and Poetry calculated to improve the younger classes in Reading, and to imbue their minds with the love of virtue. With Rules and observations for assisting Children to read with propriety. By Lindley MurBoston, West & Blake, 1809. ray. IN THE PRESS. Williams & Whiting, of New-York, have in press Zion's Pilgrim. By Robert Hawker, D. D. Vicar of Charles, Plymouth, from the last London edition. A. Finley of Philadelphia, has put to the Press and will shortly publish "A Dictionary of Quotations in most frequent use, taken chiefly from the Latin and French, but comprising many from the Greek, Spanish, and Italian Languages; translated into English. With illustrations, historical and idiomat ic. By E. D. Macdonnel, of the Middle Temple," WORKS PROPOSED. William M'Ilhenney, Boston, and Inskeep & Bradford, New-York, propose to publish by subscription a complete History of England, com prising the narrative of Hume, and the continuation of Smollet, and Bissett, exhibiting a connected series of English History from the invasion of Britian by Julius Cæsar, to the treaty of Amiens, 1801. It will be com. prised in 15 vols. 8vo. viz. Hume will contain 7, Smollet 4, and Bissett 4. The whole in boards, at 2 $ pr. vol. ume, or separately, at 2,25. William W. Woodward will print by Subscription, the Family Bible, according to the Public version; containing the Old and New-Testaments, with explanatory notes, prac tical observations, and copious mar ginal references. By the Rev. Thomas Scott, rector of Aston Sanford, Bucks, late Chaplain to the Lock Hospital. From a new and im proved edition lately printed and sold by the intended publisher of this. In five Quarto Volumes,from 2,50 to 5 $ pr. volume. Williams & Whiting of New-York propose to publish, in 6 royal octavo volumes, cott's Family Bible. The price to subscribers will be, accord. ing to the quality of paper, &c. from two dollars to three dollars and fifty cents per volume. William Wells, and T. B. Wait and Co. propose publishing An Attempt towards an Improved Version, a Metrical Arrangement, and an Ex. planation of the Twelve Minor Pro phets. By WILLIAM NEWCOME, D.D. Primate of Ireland. Now en larged and improved with additional Notes, and a comparison of the chief various Renderings of Dr. Horsely on Hosea, and Dr. Blayney, on Zechariah. 1810.] Sketch of the Life and Character of Mrs. Sarah Gray. 383 OBITUARY. A SKETCH OF THE LIFE AND CHARACTER OF MRS. SARAH GRAY, Late of Stockbridge. MRS. GRAY was the daughter of Mr. Henry Spring, of Watertown, where she was born February 25th, 1737. She was married, February 5th, 1761, to James Gray, Esq. of Stockbridge, in which town she resided from her marriage till her death, and during the sixteen last years of her life, in the family of her son-inlaw, the Hon. Barnabas Bidwell, Esq. For more than 40 years she sat under the ministry of her friend, the Rev. Stephen West, D. D. In the early part of that period, she ex perienced the power of Divine grace, became a public professor of christianity, and continued, through life to adorn her profession, by an illustrious exemplification of the christian virtues. She was a firm believer of the doctrines of grace, and had the satisfaction to witness the piety of her consort and her two only children, who all died in the exercise of the christian faith. In the interesting relations of human life, as a daughter, a wife, a mother, and a neighbor, she was an example of female excellence. Naturally kind, affectionate, sprightly, facetious, and companionable, she was the object of peculiar endearment to her family and friends, and the delight of social cireles. But religious society was her choice. The truths of the gospel were her favorite themes. On these she loved to converse, and the charms of her animated conversation exhibited religion in its most attractive form. Her life was chequered with vicissitudes. Col. Gray, her husband, having served in the Revolutionary war, as Commissary General of the United States for the Northern Department, was obliged, by declining health, to resign that office, and quit the service. He repaired to his home; and, after a long and painful sickness, during which her endearing assiduities administered every possible alleviation,died of a consumption, August 25th, 1782. By the circumstances of the times, his engagements in the army, and his premature death, his affairs were so deranged, that his estate proved insolvent, and his widow was left quite poor and destitute. Unaccustomed to such a scene, she, nevertheless, supported her poverty with exemplary cheerfulness and fortitude. In the midst of this trial, ́her oldest daughter, Mrs. Sarah Hunt, a beautiful and lovely woman, in the prime of life, fell into a decline. Mrs. Gray, attended her in her last sickness, and closed her eyes, Feb. ruary 20th, 1788, Having broken up house-keeping, she was now a boarder in a very respectable family, until her daughter, Mary Gray, who had in the mean time resided at Wa tertown with her uncle, Dr. Marshall Spring, was married to Mr. Bidwell, when she became a member of their family, and enjoyed every attention and accommodation, which her heart could wish. Thus happily situated, she was scarcely sensible of her widowed state, and, indeed, often spoke of the time when she was a widow, alluding to the period immediately subsequent to her husband's decease. But earthly joys are short lived. In February, 1808 she was called to mourn Mrs. Bidwell's sudden death. These repeated bereavements affected her with deep sensi. bility. The last, in particular, evidently impaired her constitution. Her memory was observed to fail; and a degree of deafness deprived her of much of the pleasure of social intercourse. Yet, amidst the decay of her faculties, the infirmities of age, and the symptoms of approaching dissolution, she was devoutly grateful to her heavenly Father, for his continued blessings, and at the same time thankful to her friends for their kindness, particularly to Mr Bidwell, for his filial exertions to render the evening of her day comfortable and serene. She was attached to Stockbridge, as the place of her long residence, of the commencement of her religious hopes, and the deposit of the remains of her dearest friends. There she had chosen and marked out the spot for her own grave, by the side of those of her husband and daughters. Satisfied with life, and humbly confiding in the mercy of God, through the atonement of the Savior, she waited with patience and pious resignation for the expected call from this to the eternal world: and on the 26th of October, 1809, she died of an apoplexy. Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord! ODE ON THE RESURRECTION. SING MY AURANIA the stupendous period Wakes the dead nations. Earth hears the Summons, trembling to her centre, Spreading destruction. Scene less terrific, when astonish'd Sinai, Shakes with amazement. Hoarse jarring thunders rend heaven's spacious conclave Sounds his dire trumpet. Then in a moment, death resigns his captives, Spoke the creation. Nature's dread Sovereign forms etherial bodies, Now has corruption put on incorruption, Sinking in ruin. Rising triumphant. As the bright myriads which the night illumine, Ages eternal, Trembled with horror. Now deck'd in splendor and unfading glory, Sound forth his praises. TO CORRESPONDENTS. WE honor the literary character of Dr. Parr; but as his "opinion" of Mr. Fellowes and his works is neither so "decisive," nor so 66 valuable," in our estimation, as in that of our unknown correspondent, we are not "eager to insert" the extract, so obligingly communicated, "in" this "number" OSMYN has a share of poetical merit; but, with us, the pastoral hymns, even of Watts, are not favorites. The communication on the death of THOMAS PAINE, from a much esteem. ed correspondent, did not come to hand in season for this month; but shall have a place in our next. MR. GILPIN on his return to England, proceeded directly to Durham, where his uncle, bishop Tunstal, then resided; by whom he was cordially received, and from whom he obtained, in no long time, the archdeaconry of Durham, with the rectory of Easington. He immediately re paired to his parish, which he found in a state of deplorable ignorance and disorder. He began his pastoral labors by earnestly reproving, both in public and private, the vices of the people; setting before them, at the same time, in a plain and affecting way, the great doctrines of salvation. This was a conduct which, in those dangerous times, was likely to excite much enmity towards him. The Reformation had advanced far more slowly in the north than in any other part of England. clergy were sunk in the grossest superstitions of popery; and their vices kept pace with their ignorance. Their pastoral du. ties were wholly neglected. This, indeed, was too much the case throughout England generally, VOL. II. New Series. The though with many bright excep. tions. In the north, the representation applied almost univer. sally. While, therefore, a sense of his duty as rector of Easington led him boldly to reprove the evils prevailing among his parishioners, he felt that he should shrink from the performance of his archidiaconal functions, if he omitted to bear his testimony against the corrupt principles and scandalous lives of his clerical brethren. He employed all methods of reclaiming them from their shameful courses; and especially in his 'charges at visitations, he zealously remon strated against whatever he judg ed to be amiss among them. Pluralities and non-residence ap. pearing to him to be great sources of ecclesiastical corrup tion, he earnestly protested against them, both as wrong in themselves, and highly prejudicial to the interests of religion. He was accustomed also to dwell on those irregularities which were known to prevail among the clergy belonging to the diocese. The bishop, fearing his 3A |