Imágenes de páginas

Securely skim the watery grave,
Defy the winds, and brave the storm?

Or with wing'd coursers o'er the plain,
Fly fearless, and for safety trust
Th' unstable steed or brittle rein,

And Korah's treacherous base-the dust?

To arms when passion wakes the war,
To helmet, shield, or wall, or flood,
On numbers or position dare,

And know and trust no other God?

And shall the saint distrust the pow'r,
Who form'd these waves, whose mercies keep.
At whose command these tempests roar,
And oceans roll, and billows sleep?

Who governs and controls at will,
The flying steed with unseen rein;
And guides to rescue or to kill,

Makes adamant, or cleaves the plain?

By many or by few who saves,
When battle burns, and foes assail,

Arms stones with death, a shepherd braves,
Or bleating herds-horns bids prevail?

Trust, ye of little faith this pow'r,
His weakness all man's strength outvies;
His skill mysterious every hour
Display'd, the food of faith supplies.

In all your straits, in all your ways,
Lean on the LORD-'tis safe for you,
Nor doubt his pow'r or truth or grace,
Tho' earth oppose, or hell pursue.

See Abra'm thus from bondage free,
Yield Zion's hopes on Zion's hill,

'Gainst hope to God's sure promise flec,

And trust his goodness to fulfil.


Donations to the Missionary Society of Connecticut.

Oct. 17. Received of Rev. Calvin Ingalls, being
amount contributed in new settlements, col-
lected by him................

19. Received of Hudson and Goodwin, being in
part balance of their account of Evangelical

8 17 23

..........56 57

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[No. 12.

It was in this situation, that Mr. Hooker became an hopeful subject of conversion. He was led to see his hopeless condition, while a stranger to regenerating grace, and was so filled with fearful apprehension, of the wrath of a justly offended and holy God, that sleep fled from him, and peace was a stranger to his soul. He sought, in the abundant resources of his own mind, a refuge from trouble, and in the subtlety of philoso

ger; but he at length perceived every renewed effort still more unsuccessful than the former, and that like the hypocrite's hope they vanished in the day of

HE Rev. Thomas Hooker, of the first settlers of the colony of Connecticut, and first pastor of the church of Christ in Hartford, was born in England, at Marfield in the county of Leicester, in the year 1586. His parents, whose fortune was ample, were induced from his early thirst for science and strength of capacity, to bestow on him a liberal education.phy an hiding place from danHis literary progress was more than ordinary, which united with a cheerful and courteous temper, and a strong and vigorous mind, prepared the way for his advancement in the Uni-trial. Emptied of all self-reversity. While a proctor in the liance, he was now led, by the seminary, his constant efforts to renewing influence of the divine restrain the excesses, and re-spirit, to embrace by faith the form the morals of the dissipated, Saviour of the world; to hope were crowned with uncommon for pardon and acceptance, thro' success. And he was soon pre-his atonement and intercession; ferred to a fellowship in Eman- and to love, with cheerful subuel College, Cambridge, the stu-mission, God's holy character dents of which, were originally and righteous government.designed for the study of divin- Brought thus from darkness into ity. marvellous light, he became an Hhh

VOL. I. No. 12.

humble, a judicious, and an ani- | dinances of worship; and a genmated Christian. He now eral disposition among all, to

address each other, with the friendly and laudable salutation, "come and let us go up to the house of the Lord."

speedily prepared himself for the ministry, and shortly after became a powerful preacher of the gospel. Not ambitious to shine among the great, or to acquire applause in the fashionable circles, he after a few months left London and its vicinity, where he had preached with much reputation, and retired into the country. He was ardently desirous to preach the gospel to the poor; to instruct the ignorant in the way of life,solation, that the Shepherd of and to publish the glad tidings Israel, who never slumbers, still of salvation, to the stranger and watched over them. the captive.

After the lapse of four years, the people of Cheimsford were deprived of their spiritual teach er. He was too conscientious, to subscribe to the articles, in the act of uniformity, and was compelled to leave his flock, to which he was tenderly attached; not, however, without the con

He retired to a neighboring village, and kept a school in his

In 1626, Mr. Hooker became lecturer, and was united as assis-own hired house; and, like tant, with a Mr. Mitchel at the apostle Paul, received with Chelmsford, in Essex, a town of Christian tenderness and affecgreat resort and business; but tion, as many as resorted thither abandoned in the extreme, to all to receive instruction; and in manner of excess and licentious- this way was eminently useful, ness. They were highly favor-not only by confirming the doubted by heaven, in the settlement ful in the truth, but also by of this discreet, pious and influ-counselling the neighboring minential minister among them. [isters, and relieving them from His lectures soon drew the at- many difficulties, by his salutatention of his people, and not on-ry advice. In his connection ly they, but the neighboring with his people and his clerical congregations who occasionally brethren, his conduct was so heard him, began apparently to blameless, and his deportment give a more frequent and solemn so inoffensive, that the tongues attention to religious instruc- of his enemies were withheld tion. Multitudes flocked from from abuse, and compelled to a distance to hear him, and the defend him. When the bishop spirit was shed abroad, like re- of London pretended, that the freshing showers on thirsty ministry of Mr. Hooker was inlands, over the neighboring jurious, and offensive to the mincountry, and more especially on isters in his vicinity, forty-seven the people of his charge. He of them petitioned in his behalf, was an interesting instructor, and declared him to be orthodox, and spiritual guide, and beheld honest, peaceable, and in no wise with delight the increase of or- turbulent or factious; though der and piety; a growing res- they were all strenuous opposers pect for the sabbath and the or- of the nonconformists:

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mainder of his days, in the quiet enjoyment of Christian liberty. He narrowly escaped from the officers, who diligently sought

But nothing, in these days of in-him till he sailed from London,

tolerance, could avail a dissenter. in 1633, in the ship which bore The spiritual court, at Chelms- Mr. Cotton, Mr. Stone, and seveford in 1630, proceeded to si- ral others with himself, beyond lence him, and laid him under the reach of their malignant purbonds of fifty pounds, to apsuers. On their arrival in Bospear before the court of high ton, in the month of Septemcommission. The bonds, how-ber, Mr. Cotton was there setever, were forfeited, his security tled, but Mr. Hooker and Mr. was indemnified by his friends, Stone went to Newtown, now and himself saved from the dan-called Cambridge, where many ger of a trial.

Mr. Hooker, having left his family under the care of his great and good friend the Earl of Warwick, now thought it expedient to avoid prosecution, by becoming a voluntary exile from his native country. After an hazardous passage, he arrived in Holland; which, at this time, was a frequented asylum, to the despised and oppressed puritans. He remained a short season at Amsterdam, and thence removed to Delft, where he was cordially received, and associated in the ministry, with the pious and Rev. Mr. Forbs, pastor of the English church in that place. About two years after, he went to Rotterdam, and lived in friendly intimacy, till he left Holland, with the learned and celebrated Dr. Ames, whom he assisted in the composition of some of his discourses designed for the press. This country did not afford a convenient settlement for his friends, and receiving information, that they contemplated a removal to New-England, he resolved to return to England and join them, with his family, in their expedition to America; where he hoped to spend the re

of their friends had established themselves the year before.Here a church was now gathered; Mr. Hooker was chosen pastor, and Mr. Stone teacher, a transaction highly gratifying to these pious people, and so reviving to the spirits of their venerable pastor, that he exclaimed with affectionate fervor : "Now I live if ye stand fast in the Lord." Though in an uncultivated land, far removed from the temporal comforts and abundance of his native country; still he confidently trusted in the great Shepherd of Israel, who "made his own people to go forth like sheep, and guided them in the wilderness like a flock."

In 1635, the people of Newtown obtained permission, to make a settlement on Connecticut River,-made the necessary arrangements, and in June 1635, Mr. Hooker with Mr. Stone, and about an hundred of his congregation, travelled thro the trackless desert to Hartford, the place of their final and permanent establishment. Removed now beyond the reach of the sword of persecution, this good man was sensible, that they had

cation of instruction. Ready and cheerful, in the discharge of his official duties, he was eminently a father to all around him; he was happy in their prosperity, and wounded by their misfortunes; in the house of poverty his charities were abundant; in the chamber of sickness, he was kind and be

not escaped from the lure of temptation, and the snares of the world. It was his maxim, "That adversity had slain its thousands, but that prosperity would slay its ten thousands," and “I fear” said he, " that they who have been lively Christians, in the fire of persecution, will soon become cold in the midst of universal peace." Anxious-nevolent; and in the circle of ly concerned for the religious mourners, his heart overflowed prosperity and peace of this with sympathy and consolation. infant colony, he devoted himself, with his uncommon wisdom and steady resolution, to their highest interests. His prayers ascended with unremitted engagedness to the throne of grace, which evinced the sincerity of his own frequent remark, that prayer is the principal part of a minister's work ;" and with this impression, it was his constant practice, to set apart one day in each month, for private prayer and fasting.

In his own family he was cheerful, prudent and exemplary; given to hospitality; ready to communicate; easy of access, and happy in their enjoyment. His students and domestics, always viewed him as their patron and friend; and often manifested their gratitude, that they were so fortunate, as to have enjoyed the privileges of this devotional family, whose governing motto corresponded with the resolution of the pious conqueror of Canaan; “as for me and my house we will serve the Lord."

In church government and discipline, he displayed that knowledge and ability, which the subject eminently requires. Prudence and deliberation so marked his footsteps, that disorder withered in the bud at his approach, while harmony and

Both in the civil and religious affairs of his people, his advice was a strong motive for exertion, and his decision, in matters of dispute, terminated strife. In forming resolutions, he was bold and decisive, and in their execution, judicious, diligent and persevering. So much was he regarded in all weighty transactions, that when Capt. Mason, who had signally vanquished the Pequots, the most war- * Mr. Hooker's descendants are like of their enemies, was ap-numerous and respectable. His enpointed Major General, the standard was solemnly delivered to him, by the hand of Mr. Hooker.

ly son, the Rev. Samuel Hooker, who came with his father from England, was ordained at Farmington, in 1655, where he continued 40 years a faithful and respected minister of the gospel. He had nine sons and two daughters. His sons settled in Far

His manners were open and agreeable, calculated to invite the timid to a friendly con-mington, Hartford, and Guilford.— His eldest daughter married Mr. fidence, and gain an avenue to Pierpont, of New-Haven, and the every heart, for the communi- youngest a Mr. Buckingham.

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