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THE Friends to this Mission are respectfully informed, that the ANNUAL MEETINGS of the SOCIETY will be held in LONDON, in the course of the present Month, according to the following arrangement:


MORNING, 11.-The Committee of the Society will assemble at Salters' Hall Meeting House, Cannon Street, when the Company of all Ministers of the Denomination who may be in town, is particularly requested.


MORNING, 11-Sermon for the Society, at the Wesleyan Chapel in the City Road, near Finsbury Square, by the Rev. W. H. MURCH, Theological Tutor of the Stepuey Academical Institution. EVENING, 6.-Sermon for the Society, at Surrey Chapel, Blackfriars-road, by the Rev. THOMAS SWAN, lately from Bengal, now of Cannonstreet, Birmingham.


MORNING, 9.-Prayer Meeting for the Mission, at Eagle-street Meeting House. Some Minister from the country is expected to deliver an Address.

11.-Annual Meeting of the Society, at Spa Fields' Chapel, when JOHN FOSTER, Esq. of Biggleswade, is expected to preside.



(Continued from p. 221.)


property, his regular attendance on the means of grace, by his Christian conduct in the church and the world, and lastly, by his prayers. He died greatly respected by those who knew him, nearly a hundred of whom attended his funeral. On the Sunday evening following, his funeral sermon was preached by brother G. Pearce to a numerous congregation. The death of this good The state of things at this station con- man places the affairs of the cause here in tinues, in reference to the English church a very critical situation, as there is now no and congregation, much the same in point one except the minister, on whom the affairs of number. As the population of Howrah of the chapel can devolve. If it be desirable is very fluctuating, owing to the nature of to cultivate this spot, a European Misthe employment which persons find on that sionary must reside bere. Here is a neat side of the river, the congregation is of chapel, the erection of which cost about course affected by these changes; hence £1400, a good congregation, likely to inthe attendance is sometimes thin, and at crease; a church formed, and the most others very good. Some additions during the last year have been made to the church, while on the other hand these have been balanced by death and removals. We are happy, however, to say, that no one has been excluded or suspended from communion. In the mouth of June last, this little interest was deprived by death of Mr. Thomas Davis, the deacon of the church, by whose removal from this transitory state it has suffered a severe loss. He had been from the building of the chapel, one of the obief supporters of this infant cause, by his

abundant and unfettered scope for missionary operation; excepting on the Lord's day, the people are as sheep without a shepherd, for no one station can be left to supply this, unless our hands are strengthened with more brethren from Europe.


In one of our former communications we informed you, that the Ladies of the Circular Road chapel congregation, had formed themselves into an Auxiliary Society to aid the Mission. Since that period they have


offered to undertake the entire support of this station, (Missionary's salary excepted,) which proposition was, of course, gladly accepted. Through this generous and unlooked for aid, the hands of our Missionary brother here bave been greatly strengthened, and particularly in the English school under his care, he has been enabled to prosecute his wishes to an extent which, with out this aid, he could not have done.


You will be much gratified to learn, that one of the native brethren residing at this station, who last year on account of sinful conduct was excluded from the church, has this year been restored to it again. His repentance we hope is genuine. Among other signs which lead us to think this, we may mention, that prior to bis re-admission into the church, he, of his own accord, went to each of the members, confessed his sin, and solicited forgiveness. As he is in talent and in temporal circumstances above all the native brethren, and had previously held an office in the church, it is apparent that this act exhibited no small degree of humility and self-denial. His deportment since this time has afforded us much pleasure, and excites the hope that he may hereafter be again usefully employed in preaching the gospel to his countrymen.

In the beginning of the month of June last, a female, residing here, was baptized and added to the church. The history of this individual will afford you much gratification. She is by birth a Hindoo, and was brought up in the belief and practice of heathenism. About eighteen years ago she married, or rather co-habited with a heathen man, who is still living, and to whom prior to her baptism, thinking that it was sinful to live as she had done, she was married by one of the Missionaries in the presence of the church. Having about six or seven years ago, come to reside in the neighbourhood of some of our native brethren, she became particularly acquainted with the wife of one of them, and in consequence often visited her at her house. In these visits her mind was directed to the truths of the Bible, and was somewhat affected thereby. It was the custom of her friend on these occasions, to read the Scriptures, and explain them to her, and to these instructions she listened with attention. Of any deep sense of sin and concern respecting her salvation, she, however, continued destitute until about two years ago, when in one of her visits to her neighbour, she heard the parable of the rich man and Lazarus read and explained. From this period her anxiety commenced, and continued to increase, until she found rest in the name of the Saviour, and in communion with his

people. At the church meeting when she gave an account of her religious experience, she delighted as much with the knowledge she evinced of the way of salvation, and the simplicity, humility, and feeling with which she related the exercises of her mind. In these last respects, she surpasses most of the native converts. Her conduct, since her baptism, has still more confirmed our conviction of the genuineness of her conversion.` Having been reminded how necessary it was that she should be able to read the word of God, she commenced learning immediately, and has already made such progress, that her efforts, if persevered in, will soon be crowned with success. The conversion of her husband is a subject that she has very much at heart, and it is most pleasing to witness the pains she takes to effect this desirable object, and how mach she is grieved when his conduct indicates the waywardness of his mind. Her exertions on his behalf have, we are happy to say, been in a great measure successful. He has renounced idolatry, unites with her in family and public worship, and often evinces signs of attention to the welfare of his soul. He cannot, however, be considered as any thing more than a hopeful character.

There are now living at this station, under the care of brother G. Pearce, about 18 persons bearing the Christian name, chiefly of Hindoo extraction. Of these individuals eight are in communion with the church; of the remaining ten, three are adults, and the rest children and youths of different ages. They, with occasionally a few of the heathen neighbours, form the congregation for Christian worship on the Lord's day, when it is conducted twice, chiefly by the brethren W. H. Pearce and Aratoon, brother G. Pearce being on the Lord's day engaged either at Howrah or Calcutta in English worship. In the week also, subject to some interruption, a service for the native brethren has been held in one of their own houses, at which most have attended. They have also among themselves, daily, morning and evening family worship. On this occasion the Scriptures of the Old and New Testament are read in course, when the majority of the people are present.

Amongst all the imperfections of the na tive brethren which at times are a source of much grief to their instructors, we who see every part of their character, often find in them occasion for the liveliest emotions of gratitude and praise; so as to exclaim, What has God wrought? especially when they are seen collected together on the Lord's day, in the house of God, listening to the glad tidings of mercy, bending prostrate in the presence of the invisible Jehovah, and in harmonious strains hymning his sacred

praises. At such times the mind is involuntarily led to call to remembrance the comparative difference of their former vile, disgusting, and soul-destructive worship before hideous idols. The native, christians, like ourselves, are far from being perfect. If the gospel has not wrought in them perfect purity, however, it has proved the power of God in delivering them from Hindooism. In their houses not a vestige of idolatry is to be seen. They are not to be found mixing with the idolatrous processions, nor are the great holidays of the heathen regarded by them. Resort to the conjurer in sickness, the observance of lucky and unlucky days, the making vows for the obtaining of favours, the pretended extravagant and noisy grief of those who have lost their relatives, with many other superstitious, heathenish customs and vices, do not pollute the characters of our native christians. In observing this difference between their present and their former condition, it cannot fail to afford us the purest joy; and enable us to bear with their deficiencies with more patience, hoping that increased knowledge of the word of God will eventually redeem them from all their remaining imperfections.


Having been long impressed with the importance of attempting something towards ameliorating the condition of the children of native christians, many of whom are in a deplorable state of ignorance, we have recently commenced an institution for this object, which has been denominated the Mission Boarding School. Our plan is to receive children of this class, (and others under peculiar circumstances, such as destitute orphans, &c. should our funds allow,) for a certain term of years, something after the manner of apprenticeship, and instruct them carefully in the knowledge of Christian truths, communicating at the same time, such a general education as shall fit them, when they leave the institution, to obtain comfortable situations in life. The importance of this measure will appear to he great, when viewed not only in relation to the welfare of the children, but in reference to the interests of Christianity in this country. The heathens are accustomed to associate with the loss of cast, every idea that is repulsive, as contempt, poverty, &c. and there is too much reason to fear, that unless more care be taken of the education of this interesting class, (for such indeed the children of native christians are,) their condition will strengthen these impressions; and hence to be a Christian will be synonymous with being ignorant, miserable, despised, and cast off.

The commencing of this institution was

effected with very little preparatory expense, as the bungalow which brother Pearce left last year, and of which you have published a drawing, has been found to be very eligible for the object. There are at present four children in the school, and little doubt is entertained as to our obtaining more as soon as its existence shall be generally known. A well-informed native christian and his wife have been procured to reside in the house, and take charge of the domestic concerns, subject to the control of brother G. Pearce. For the support of this institution we have appropriated the legacy of 501. left by the late Mr. Berridge of Northampton for native schools, and which you forwarded us in September 1825. This sum, with interest to the present time, amounts to rupees 650, which is more than sufficient to support the institution for twelve months; and when expended, we trust that other means will be found for its further maintenance.


The English school here, for native boys, under the immediate superintendence of brother G. Pearce, continues to prosper. For the greater convenience of the children, who now write and cypher, the school-room has recently been fitted up with desks and benches after the English style. The average attendance of the scholars is about 60, being as many as can be comfortably seated. Numerous applications for admission continue to be made, so that, if thought desirable, the number of boys might be increased to an indefinite extent. So eager are the parents to get their children admitted, that they will sometimes intreat for their admission upon their knees. Connecting their education with their future promotion in life, the boys are almost without exception, exceedingly devoted to their studies; in proof of this, we mention the following examples. Within the last six months the boys of the first class have committed to memory the whole of Murray's Abridged Grammar, and are proceeding over it a second time; they have also learnt by heart, many hundred words in Carpenter's Spelling Book. They have read and given the meaning, and parsed many chapters in the Gospels and Acts of the apostles; they have also read and translated forty pages of the first volume of Joyce's Dialogues. Besides this, in a foreign language, in Bengalee they have read in Genesis, Digdarshun (a work chiefly historical), Yates's Natural Philosophy, and Pearce's Geography. For the use of the school a pair of globes have been purchased, and for the same object, a microscope was presented by a gentleman a

Quarterly Paper, No. 6.

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witnessed. Indeed, in the various depart ments of our labour generally, we have reason to rejoice, and we feel satisfied that if you will but aid us by your continued fervent prayers, and by sending out to our help zealous and devoted coadjutors, this wilderness will yet abundantly repay your labour. We return you our hearty thanks for ull your kindness to our dear brother Yates, and especially for your allowing him permission to engage some other young man of piety and talents to accompany him to labour in Calcutta. We cannot but hope that such an one has ere now been found, and that while bailing the return of an experienced veteran to the field of warfare here, we may have the pleasure of welcoming also an active and zealous recruit.

Wishing you divine direction in all your measures, and abundant success to accompany them, we remain, dear and respected brethren,

Yours, very affectionately,

short time ago. Occasionally, experiments
in natural philosophy have been made, to
illustrate the lesson of the day; at which
times several of the scholars have exhibited
a decided taste for these things, and a
number of interesting questions have been
put by them. Perhaps nothing is so calcu-
lated to undermine that confidence which is
so generally put in the Shasters, (to which
the natives always resort, when driven by
argument, as to an impregnable fortress,) as
these simple demonstrations to their senses.
It is amusing and encouraging to witness the
struggle that is evidently going on in the
minds of some of the boys, when experi-
ments in natural philosophy are being shewn
to them. Aware of the conviction produced
by them, and how they will be turned by
their teachers against their Shasters, they
are almost determined not to give attention;
but their curiosity overcomes their fears,
and at length they look, inquire, and con-
verse, regardless of the consequences. When
the respectability of their birth and situation
is considered, it will not excite wonder that
they should discover no liking to Christian
instruction, and resist the introduction of
Christian books. At first, attempts of this Calculla, Sept. 1828.
kind were made, but now they have alto-
gether subsided. The following books for
their religious instruction are read in the
school-the Old Testament in Bengalee,
the Gospels, (one of which has a commen-
tary, recently written by Mr. Mundy of
Chinsurah, a most useful book for the elu-
cidation of the Scriptures to the natives,) a
summary of Scriptare, (a book of 300
pages,) and the New Testament in English.
The subject of religion is also daily intro-
duced to their notice by Mr. Pearce, and
we trust that it will not be in vain. Men-
tion has been previously made of the master
of the school, as being favourably disposed
to Christianity. We hope that his know-
ledge of it is increasing, and his convictions
of its truth and superiority are strengthen-
ing, but we can say nothing yet of his






Extract of a letter from Mr. Chater to the Secretary, dated 6th Aug. 1828.

"During the time the Symmetry has been lying here preparing for her voyage to England, I have been obliged to visit Hanwell, and also, according to a previous engagement, have had to preach an anniversary sermon for our Wesleyan brethren at Negombo. Immediately after my return from the latter place, I had a severe bilious attack, from which I still feel weak, and for nearly a week have been unable to do any thing. This must be my apology for not sending by this opportunity my cash account for last year, and such regular reports of our schools, &c. as I should otherwise have forwarded. It calls for unfeigned gratitude, that I have not been laid aside from my labours till last week, since I returned from Bombay, and have had no attack of my complaint which brought me so very low last year, and from the effects of which, (at any rate in a torrid zone) I scarcely ever

We must now conclude this long epistle. Brother Robinson, whose labours are more immediately in connection with the Bow Bazaar chapel, will report them fully to you himself; and with regard to the various female schools in the neighbourhood of Calcutta, superintended by Mrs. M. H. Pearce, and of those still more numerous at Chitpore, under the direction of Mrs. Yates, we need not enlarge, as the report of those interesting exertions will be hereafter pre-expect to be free. sented you in another shape. It may be satisfactory to their liberal supporters, how ever, in the meanwhile, to hear, that in the schools generally evident progress is being made, and that in three particularly very gratifying improvement has been lately

But I must proceed to give such an account of the state of this mission as time and strength will allow me. We should have had twelve European members in our church at present, but the two baptized in Europe have fallen, and one of those who

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have been baptized here, and are excluded. | congregation at the Grand Pass in SingbaThe latter has once fallen into intemperance, lese is pretty good, but the Portuguese on and seems very penitent; the other two at present afford us no hope. It is matter of regret that the fine regiment, (the 78th) in which this good work has begun, are every day expecting to be removed from this station. Were they to continue here for some time longer, there is much cause to hope that many more would enlist under the banner of the great Captain of salvation. Could I relate to you half that those who have joined us, have had to attribute to sabbath schools, &c. it would afford no small encouragement to those who are engaged in such benevolent institutions. They would see beautifully exemplified the language of Dr. Watts

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week evenings is very small. We have here also a number of enquirers who wish to join the church whenever it appears to us that they are fit subjects. And some who were excluded last year, I trust, may ere long be received again. It can scarcely be expected that the cause at Hanwell can flourish much in present circumstances," but I trust it does not retrograde. If a European could once take his station there, I think, under a divine blessing, we might hope to see many souls brought home to God, in that and the other villages where we have schools at that station. Carolus seems to be doing all he can to carry on the work, and I afford him all the help I can, by giving him sketches of my sermons. In his monthly reports he has stated that his hearers have been more than a hundred. When I go I have from 200 to 300. But here I have to relate a calamity in which we have shared with many others. In the month of June we were visited with such an inundation as never was known in this island before, at least not in the memory of the oldest man now living. Almost whole streets in Colombo were desolated, and for a great distance on both sides the river, the devastations were distressing beyond all that I ever witnessed before. We apprehended that our buildings at Hanwell would have been completely demolished; but I am happy to say, that the place of worship and house, though much damaged, are still

and to secure them effectually in case of a similar occurrence, will require the expenditure of forty or fifty pounds.”*


Our Pettah meeting-house has for some time past been too small to accommodate the congregations. Not less than twenty have gone away on Sabbath evening for want of room. For about £40 it may be enlarged one third beyond its present size, and then it will seat between 300 and 400 bearers. Of the small number of members we have hitherto gathered in from this, our largest congregation, we had last month to exclude one. It appears, however, that he was overtaken in a fault, and as he seems deeply penitent, we hope he may soon be restored in the spirit of meekness. The same day that he was excluded, two of our hearers from this congregation were re-standing. To repair the damages, however, ceived for baptism, and two Europeans. The former, who are man and wife, and hearers in the place of sixteen years standing, will we trust, be useful members of the church. The wife has, I have no doubt, been a partaker of grace for many years, and for about four years has been wishing to join us. Her husband has been acting against the strong convictions of his better judgment, for a long time; but God in his providence and grace has now taught him better, and his wife's long cherished wish that they might both come in together, has now been realized. She is a sensible, respectable, and for her station in life, a well educated woman. They have a house in the Pettah well adapted for a female school, and we have employed her to begin one, She commences with about twenty poor girls, which number we have every reason to expect, will soon increase. She teaches them needlework, and to read and write Portuguese, and if required, can carry them on a little in English. We expect a very respectable young man from the Petta! congregation will soon join our church, and there is much reason to believe that he will be followed by many more who have heard to profit in that place, Our Sabbath day


On Wednesday, April 1, the Annual Meeting of the Wilts and East Somerset Auxiliary to the Baptist Missionary Society, was held at Chippenham, the Hon. and Rev. G. H. R. Curzon in the chair. On the previous evening, a sermon was preached at the Baptist Chapel, on behalf of the Society, by the Hon. and Rev. Mr. Curzon ; and also on the morning of Wednesday, by the Rev. R. Elliott, Devizes. For the public meeting, the Tabernacle was kindly offered by the Rev. Mr. Rees and friends, when a respectable and interesting meeting took place, the effects of which it is hoped, will not be

Since this article was sent to press, we have received the painful intelligence of Mr. Chater's decease at sea, on the 3d of Jan. last.

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