Imágenes de páginas

that that very Ineccleziazation produces the
third form or pleroma of the only true God.
This is not Sabellianism." p. 105.
▾ Query-What is it?

HER HEWLETT (now COPLEY). With numerous illustrative engravings. In two volumes. pp. 910. Fisher and Co.

WE Congratulate our youthful readers on this valuable accession to the juvenile library. It is invested with powerful claims to their approbation, which we feel assured they will not treat with indifference. No history is so ancient, so important, and so authentic, as that which is contained in the Bible. A competent acquaintance with its facts, and dates, and localities, will greatly assist young persons in their examination of profane history; enabling them, in many instances, to determine the degree of credit to be attached to its statements, and on every occasion, the measure of esteem to which, by reason of its moral principle, it is entitled.

general index, alphabetically arranged. As a specimen of the style of execution, we give the concluding paragraph of the first volume.

We have now traced the fulfilment of the divine promises to Abraham, Isaac, and Scripture History for Youth. By EST-Jacob, in multiplying their seed, rescuing them from the hand of their oppressors, and establishing them in the possession of the land of Canaan: we have also had occasion to observe the dealings of God with them, in bearing long with their perverseness, ingratitude, and rebellion; thus proving himself a God of infinite compassion, and longsuffering goodness; yet has he not failed also to testify himself a God of holiness and justice, in whose sight iniquity is odious, and by whom sin will be punished. Now these things happened unto the people of Israel for an ensample unto us; and the dealings of God with them were but a type of the general administrations of his providence and grace. There is a spiritual, as well as a natural seed of Abraham, consisting of all true believers in Jesus Christ, On their behalf God has made a covenant, ordered in all things and sure; and he will not alter the thing that has gone out of his lips. Let us rely on his faithful promise, and rejoice if we have been enabled to set to it our unworthy names. Yet let us not be self-confident; all are not Israel, that are of Israel.' It is not bearing the name of Christians that will secure to us the possession of the heavenly Canaan; but a vital union of the spirit of Christ to the head. Let us therefore fear, lest a promise being left us of entering into his rest, any of us should seem to come short of it."

The diligence and piety displayed in this excellent compilation of the sacred records are eminently praiseworthy, and well adapted to facilitate the diversified efforts which are making to communicate solid instruction to the rising race; especially to aid maternal solicitude in . attempting to effect those early and important impressions, the influence of which is so often exhibited in the future development and formation of permanent character; and in which we have sometimes witnessed a delightful illustration of Solomon's language-" Thy father and thy mother shall be glad, and she that bare thee shall rejoice."

The history of the Old Testament, which is given in ten chapters, divided into convenient sections, is concluded with "an outline of the history of the Jews, forming a connecting link between the Old and New Testament." The principal facts of the New Testament form the divisions of that portion of the work. The volumes are illustrated by five maps, and more than a hundred engravings; to which is added a

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We beg leave, in conclusion, to express our hope, that, as heretofore, Esther Hewlett has been accustomed to

receive gratifying assurances that the exertion of her pen in the interests of virtue and religion are highly acceptable, so Mrs. Copley may be encouraged to pursue the same approved course of labour and benevolence, by a personal consciousness of divine approbation, and substantial evidence of public favour.

Visits to the Religious World. Price

10s. 6d. Seeley and Sons.

IF an angel were to descend on a visit to Great Britain, we might expect that he would appear with a drawn sword

in his hand, like that which was brandished over Jerusalem, when David had numbered the people.

it might have been advantageously and emphatically urged by the writer. He gives us, in fact, a brief view of the state of the times, with regard to their religious aspect; and that in the following particulars:-the extensive diffusion of knowledge-the diversified operations of benevolence-the concurrence of the providence and grace of God in reference to the heathen world-the triumphs of religious freedom-the ex

Who the writer of this work is, we have not heard. We should imagine that he is no stranger from afar, but that he lives at home in "the religious world" and that his residence is in Church-street, holding occasionally a very free and friendly intercourse with his dissenting neighbours. The author assures us in the preface, isting hindrances to the progress of truth that

"It was not written with a view of disclosing to the world at large the errors and failings of what are styled 'professing Christians; though it is admitted that their errors have been commented upon-it is hoped without satire, and apart from persoual allusion: it was not written in order to furnish the light and unthinking reader with a ground for triumph over what he might term the unnecessary sanctity of persons more serious than himself; still less was it sent forth with the idea of being taken up as an interesting religious tale.'"

The reader will find, however, a defence of evangelical religion, doctrinal, practical, and experimental, in a lively, pleasant, conversational style.

and the prosperity of religion-such as the growth of popery, the rapid and extensive progress of infidel opinions, and the indifference, lukewarmness, and worldly spirit of those who profess the Gospel-and finally, united and extraordinary prayer for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit.

We have some little doubt as to the rapid and extensive progress of infidel opinions: we are rather inclined to hope that comparatively, that is, with reference to the progress of Christianity, and with reference to the state of things only a few years ago, they are on the decline. It is true that "unbelievers in divine revelation are found not only among the nobility, the learned professions, and the educated classes, but also in very great numbers among the lower orders; but is it not also true, that believers are found among all these ranks of society in increasing multitudes-in hundreds, and even thousands, where they were unknown before? And is it not true, On the Signs of the Times; an Address that there is a far less infusion of the to Christians. By J. M. CRAMP. Price poison of infidelity into the pages of 6d. or 25 for half a guinea. Wight-literature, and even into the periodical

From a hint in the last page, we learn that the author intends to continue his "Visits." We shall be happy to meet him again as soon as his convenience will permit.

man and Co. 1829.

THE title of this small pamphlet is far less discriminating than its contents; but, if we may make a homely allusion, as we care little about the descriptive terms and painting of the sign-post at the door, when we find good accommodation within, so we will pass over the generalities of the first page, to express our approbation of the instructive discourse that pervades the rest.

"The signs of the times"-signs of what? Our author scarcely says, but rather presumes that the application is easy for the reader, whereas we think

press, than heretofore? Is not the Edinburgh Review, not to speak of one or two leading newspapers, demonstrative evidence? We think so; and the fact, if such be the fact, should awaken gratitude, and stimulate Christians to more vigorous, extensive, and unremitted exertions.

Expressing our high approval of Mr. C.'s pamphlet, with regard alike to its general sentiments, manner, and diction. We conclude this notice by subjoining an extract on the subject of extraordinary prayer for the Spirit. Having adverted to the limited success o

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the Gospel, when compared with the magnitude and extent of Christian exertions in modern times, Mr. C. proceeds to remark

"These are facts which cannot be concealed or denied. But it is gratifying to observe, that they have at length awakened serious attention. Christians are beginning to inquire into the reasons of their limited success, and to feel more powerfully the need of divine influence. A general impression has gone abroad, that the Spirit of God has not been duly honoured in our exertions. The low state of personal piety is also confessed and lamented. The first fruits of these convictions are witnessed in extraordinary and united prayer for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit and the revival of religion. We hail these events with gratitude and joy, as symptoms of returning vigour. And now we shall look for an enlarged blessing. It is excellently observed by Archbishop Leighton, that when God wakes his people and bids them rise, it is a sign that it is near day.' When the church is humbled, its exaltation is not far distant. The Lord is with you, if ye be with him.' "No spiritually-minded Christian will regard such occurrences with indifference, or refuse his zealous co-operation. We are bound to observe the works of the Lord, and to consider the operations of his hands.' His agency in the temporal and spiritual changes that are taking place around us, will be universally acknowledged by his people. To his influence we shall be disposed to attribute the present excitement of the public mind. He is saying to his church, Ask what I shall give thee,' and graciously inviting the prayer of faith. Let us hear the voice of heaven. Encouraged by the promises of his word, and by the facts that are recorded in the annals of his church, let

earth, his saving health among all nations." pp. 21, 22.

The Christian Sketch Book; in three Parts. Part I. The Essence of Theology, selected from the Works of eminent Divines. Part II. The Power of Religion, exemplified in the Lives and Dying Testimonies of distinguished Characters. Part III. Anecdotes, Precepts, Select Poetry, &c. By J. BURNS.

To say that any book is both serious and entertaining, may seem contradictory; but this is what we deliberately affirm of the volume before us. It will be found a very pleasant and useful companion in those journeys we all sometimes take; and for occasional reference at home it will not be useless, as it is much adapted to give a right direction to thought, and a holy and happy stimulus to feeling.

For the purposes we have mentioned, this work merits the regard of the cultivated and well informed of all ages; but it is peculiarly well fitted to please and benefit young people, and those who have not many books, and who can command but a small portion of time for reading. More than eighty subjects of the greatest importance in theology are here well treated by respectable writers; the power of religion is manifested in the conduct and exit of twentysix persons of great eminence; and we have in this volume anecdotes, maxims, and poetic selections, greatly numerous and truly valuable. A few of the pieces are not of a high order of excellence, but some are of the first class; of this few will doubt, who are told that we are indebted for them to such writers as Saurin, Bishop Watson, Robt. Hall, Dr. Beattie, Fenelon, Chrysostom, Dr. Hunter, Leighton, Horsley, Massillon, &c. &c. The selections from the poets will be new to some, and they are such as few persons will be content to read but once. And the general conduct and last moments of such men as Luther, Latimer, Calvin, Boyle, Locke, Sir Isaac Newton, Dr. Watts, Westley,

us seek God with our whole hearts, and 'give him no rest till he establish and till he make Jerusalem a praise in the earth.' Let us speak often one to another on these momentous topics, and stimulate each other's devotion, and ardour, and faith. If our prayers be the offspring of deep conviction and holy desire-if the temporary impulse become a permanent habit--if watchfulness and self-examination abound-if Christians mourn apart' for their sins, and put away evil from among them-if the word of God regain its lost honours-if impure motives and worldly aims be relinquished; if we cease to live unto ourselves, and are subject to Christ in all things ;-then may we expect such a manifestation of God to his people as hath not yet been seen-then will the church be blessed, and made a bless-Dwight, Howard, &c. here given, must ing'-then will God be merciful to us and be interesting to all mankind. In our bless us, aud cause his face to shine upon judgment, Mr. Burns has compiled a us; and his way will be made known upon very entertaining and useful volume.


1. The Outpouring of the Holy Spirit or in 15 parts at 2s. each. This important essential to a Revival in Religion; a Sermon and interesting work, exhibiting the great preached at the Baptist Chapel, Stroud, success of Missionary exertion is sanctioned February 8th, 1829. By William Yates. by the most eminent ministers. pp. 31. Price Is. Wightman and Cramp. This discourse is evangelical in its sentimeat, pious in its spirit, and respectable in its composition. It is founded on Joel ii. 28, 29. The plan is;— remarks on the animating prophecy-consider the glorious effects connected with the dispensation of the Spirit-urge the means by which the divine influence may be eminently enjoyed by us in the present day. Under each of these articles the serious reader will find much to claim his attention and excite his

5. Progressive Exercises for the Voice, from the easiest Lessons in Solfeggio, to the most difficult passages in modern Music: with Illustrative Examples from the Works of Purcell, Handel, Haydon, Mozart, &c. &c. By David Everard Ford.


2. The Fall of a Great Man contemplated: a Sermon occasioned by the death of the Rev. William Winterbotham, late pastor of the Baptist Church, Shortwood, near Nailsworth, Gloucestershire; preached at Wellington, Somerset, on Sabbath evening, April 12th, 1829. By Joseph Baynes, formerly assis tant minister at Shortwood. pp. 25. Price 1s. In this sermon the "intellectual," spiritual, and pastoral character of the late Mr. Winterbotham, is drawn by the pencil of friendship dipped in such colours as truth, affection, and gratitude supplied. If the representation should not be considered as faithfully exhibiting, the original, the failure will not be imputed by those who read these pages to any deficiency of opportunity, ability, or intention on the part of the author. It happens, however, in this as in all similar instances, that the deceased being extensively known, the portrait will be inspected by many who nolens volens will

determine for themselves as to the correctness of the delineation. Concerning the general features, we presume there will be no difference of opinion, and all will doubtless acknowledge that the effort is highly creditable to the feelings and talents of Mr. Baynes.

6. The Fulfilling of the Scriptures, or the Bible the word of God; considered in a Course of Seven Lectures, delivered at Mansfield, on the Fulfilment of Scripture Prophecies; chiefly those whose fulfilment may be seen in the present day. By Robert Wea

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A revised Edition of the Life and Works

of Richard Hooker. With an Introduction,
additional Notes, and characteristic Portrait
finely engraved by E. Finden, after Hollar.
By a careful collation with the genuine and
earliest copies of this celebrated author's
respective productions, the numerous pas-
sages in the subsequent editions, which have
been either accidentally rendered obscure,
or perverted by conjectural interpolations,
are restored to their primary and true read-
ing. Those obscurities, too, which Time
had brought upon many brilliant and piquant
controversial points in the
Polity," are elucidated by apposite Notes:
and the Editor has ventured occasionally to
remark on the sentiments of the author,
and to discuss some of the subjects of his

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3. A Guide to Acquaintance with God. By the Rev. James Sherman, Minister of Castle Street Chapel, Reading. Third Edi- The Life of the Rev. John Wesley, A.M. tion. Nisbet. pp. 180. Having express- late Fellow of Lincoln College, Oxford. ed a favourable opinion concerning this Third Edition. With much additional matwork, we have only to add that we are ter. By the Rev. Henry Moore, sole surhappy to find it has reached a third edition, viving Trustee of Mr. Wesley's Papers, and we hope it will extend to many more. Mr. Sturtevant's Second Volume of Lec4. The History and Origin of the Mis-tures on Preaching is almost complete, and sionary Societies. By the Rev. Thomas will be out by the middle of the present Smith. 2 vols. 8vo. bds. Price 11. 11s. 6d. month.



her to write. Her first serious impresThe late Mrs. Ivimey was descend- sion in regard to religion was received ed, by her paternal ancestors, from in the church which stood near the Protestants of the north of Ireland, bridge at Maidenhead: she had no rewhose ancestors had come from Scot-ligious instructions from her mother, land, when James I. peopled Ulster. and was, as respected the knowledge Her grandfather, named Spence, was of God, remarkably ignorant. They a Protestant magistrate in Donegal; her soon after returned to Portsea (the grandmother was of the family of place where her father had died, proO'Brian, and a Roman Catholic. Her bably seven or eight years before), and father, Mr. Patrick Spence, entered here she sometimes, when they did not early into the army, and came to Eng- go to the garrison church, where her land; he commanded (probably as a father's brother officers, the marines, lieutenant) the guard appointed to watch attended, heard Mr. Tuppin, the Indeover Lord Lovett the night before he pendent minister, who was a predeceswas beheaded on Tower-hill, in 1745; sor of the Rev. John Griffin, of Portsea, he had previously fought in the famous and the immediate predecessor of the battle of Dettingen in Germany, under Rev. William Jay, of Bath. Her mind George II. and received many wounds, was first roused to a concern for her the seams of which he bore with him soul from hearing Mr. Tuppin repeat to his grave. Her mother, Mrs. Martha that Scripture, "For every idle word Combe, was the second wife of Mr. that men shall speak, and every secret Spence, and was married when he had thing, they shall give account thereof arrived almost at old age: he died at in the day of judgment: and whatsoPortsea when his daughter Anne was ever is done in secret shall be proclaimonly three years old. The mother was ed upon the house-tops." She was descended from a French Huguenot greatly astonished at the sentiment, family, who, on account of their Pro- and much alarmed, justly concluding, testant principles, had fled from France that however circumspect her life had in the reign of Louis XIV. on the re- been outwardly, yet if every secret thing vocation of the Edict of Nantes in 1685. was to be brought into judgment, she It was a family of distinction, as their should not be able to justify herself becoat of arms shows. The motto," Omnia fore God. From this time she became Vincit Amor," "Love conquers all a serious enquirer after the salvation of things," contains a sentiment honour- her soul. A female acquaintance, whose able to the French warrior on whom mother was the widow of one of Mr. they were bestowed. They settled near Spence's former brother officers, occaRingwood, but became reduced, so that sionally went to the Baptist Meetingthe grandfather of the late Mrs. I. was house, in Meeting-house Alley, where a shipwright in the dock-yard at Ports- the late Mr. Horsey and Mr. Miall, who mouth. The late Mrs. I.'s mother being is still living, were the ministers. This a half-pay officer's widow, had only a friend invited Miss Spence to go with small income, but with much industry her, which she did, and her mind was she and her daughter lived respectably. gradually led into the knowledge of About the year 1775, her mother re- Christ and his righteousness, as the sided at Maidenhead, where Anne was sinner's only hope. She was soon afterput to school; and a dissenting minis- wards (June 26, 1785) baptized, and ter, who married a daughter of Dr. joined that church, being at the time Samuel Jones, at Hammersmith, taught about sixteen years of age.

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