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JULY, 1829.


THE Fifteenth Annual Meeting of the BAPTIST IRISH SOCIETY was held on the 19th inst. at the City of London Tavern, Bishopsgate Street. J. E. Gordon, Esq. took the Chair at 7 o'clock.

After prayer had been offered by the Rev. Peter Anstie, of Trowbridge,

circulation of the English and Irish scriptures; the distribution of tracts; and the employing of itinerant ministers of the gospel, who also superintend the schools. The agents employed by the society at present, are eighty-two schoolmasters and schoolmistresses, fifty-thee Irish scripture readers, and six itinerant preachers. "The number of scholars in the day The Chairman briefly introduced the busi-schools, is about seven thousand, principally ness by adverting to his exertions in Ireland, the children of Roman Catholics. The Comas having given him an opportunity of ob-mittee have just received from the superinserving the usefulness of this Society in that tendents particular accounts respecting the country. He could cordially bear testimony schools, and especially of those bearing the to the success of the labours of the Institu- names of their respective supporters in tion. The worthy Chairman then made a England, which are highly satisfactory. reference to an observation of Dr. Marshman's opinion, that the best mode of facilitating the spread of Christianity in the world, was to establish it fully in the British Empire.

The Secretary, Mr. Ivimey, then read the Report, from which the following are ex

tracts :


"The Committee would have felt happy, could they have reported an increase of the number of schools, but instead of this, they have to state that they have been reduced from ninety-three, the number reported last year, to eighty-two. This has arisen partly from some having been given up to other societies, and partly from others having been broken up, in consequence of the determined opposition made to them. Wilson (speaking of those under his superintendance) says, All of them would be doing well, were it not for the persevering opposition of some of the Roman Catholic priests; the teachers in general are quite competent to accomplish what is expected from them; the children are desirous to obtain the education given in the schools, and the parents are very anxious they should receive instruction.'

"It was stated that the number of readers of the scriptures in the Irish and English languages, amount to fifty-three; of these, seventeen are itinerant readers, constantly employed in that service, and the rest are engaged to read on the Lord's-days, in the respective towns or villages in which they reside.

The former Reports of the Society have stated, and the Committee would now renew the assertion, that while all attempts at proselytism to the peculiar principles of the denomination whose name it bears, are utterly disclaimed; yet, that being a protestant institution, and those who conduct it considering popery to be injurious to the present, and dangerous to the future interests of their fellow men, they intend, so long as the public support is given them, to persevere in the employment of the means which, through the blessing of God, may tend to prevent its increase on the one hand, and to bring over its professors to the protestant faith on the other; or they would rather say, those means which, by teaching all men the necessity of repentance towards God, and faith in our Lord Jesus Christ,' may enable them to become partakers of the divine nature,' and to escape the corrup"The Committee have in the last year tion which is in the world through lust.' engaged the Rev. John Franks, late of New"The Committee are increasingly satisport, in the Isle of Wight, as an itinerant fied, that no better means can be used for the gradual evangelization of Ireland, in regard to religious instruction, (because none are so well adapted to the destitute condition of the mass of its peasantry) than those which have been adopted by the society; viz. the establishment of free day schools, in which children may be taught to read and commit the scriptures to memory; the supporting or assisting of Irish protestants as readers of the scriptures to their countrymen in their own language; the gratuitous

minister in Ireland; his labours have been much interrupted by a very heavy affliction, but he is now mercifully restored.

"The Committee have been gratified from month to month with the journals of the itinerant ministers, who have for so long a time been employed by the Society, viz. Messrs. M'Carthy, Wilson, Davis, Thomas, and Briscoe. For the purpose of raising funds, they have been under the necessity of employing Mr. Davis several months in the past year, to collect in Eng


land and Wales, during which time his con- | ference, the Baptist Irish Society, it is gregation at Clonmel has been supplied, hoped, will persevere in its bumble course, partly by his son, a student for the ministry endeavouring to disseminate the knowledge of Bristol Academy, during his Midsummer of the glorious gospel of the blessed God, vacation, and at other times by the Rev. that it may have the honor and happiness of Mr. Hamilton, a respectable Baptist Minis- contributing towards the fulfilment of those ter at Youghall. animating predictions," Many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased," and "The knowledge of the glory of the Lord shall cover the earth as the waters do the sea."

"In addition to those régularly employed by the Society, the Committee have paid the expenses incurred by the itinerant labours of two other ministers in Ireland, viz. the Rev. Mr. Hardcastle, of Waterford, and the Rev. Allen, late of Cork.

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Resolution I." That a retrospect of the past fifteen years of the Society's labours During the past year, there have been presents alike a powerful claim to the dedistributed about 2000 English and Irish vout gratitude of all its friends and supTestaments, besides Bibles in both lan-porters, and an encouraging stimulus to guages; 3440 of the first part, and 2400 of the second part of the Society's Spelling Book. There has likewise been a considerable quantity of writing paper given as rewards to the children of the schools.

renewed and persevering exertion; and that the statements contained in the report of this day, additionally proclaiming the necessity of humble dependance on divine aid, and increased and united endeavours to meet the exigencies, and further the objects of this important Institution, it be received and circulated under the direction of the Com

"It has heen very encouraging to the Committee, that some of their former liberal benefactors have this year renewed their bountiful donations; the Treasurer has re-mittee." ceived from Thomas Key, Esq. of Waterfulford, 100l.; from Mrs. Holland, of Bristol, 501.; from a lady at Liverpool, 501.; also a legacy of 2001. left by the late Mrs. Brown, of Oakbury, near Derby; another of 1001. by the late William Aspinall, Esq. of Liverpool; and 207. by the late Mrs. Harris, of Hackney.

"The Committee gratefully acknowledge a quantity of tracts from the Religious Tract Society; a donation of 251, from the conductors of the Youth's Magazine; and 200 copies of a neat edition of Bunyan's Pilgrim's Progress, from a benevolent friend to the Society.

"In concluding this Report, the Committee take the liberty to remind the friends of the Society, ¡that the aspect of the times in regard to Ireland, portends important events. Should political animosities between its Protestant and Roman Catholic inhabitants be henceforth extinguished, it will indeed be a most favorable circumstance, as it may be expected their agents will no longer be annoyed, nor their schools interrupted or dispersed. But it is possible that such undisturbed peace may engender a spirit of apathy, relative to propagating the reformation, that Ireland may share in the blessings which the other parts of the united kingdom have unquestionably derived from an unrestrained circulation of the Bible, and the preaching of the unconditional salvation made known in the gospel. It is not, indeed, likely that Protestants will ever so far forget or undervalue those doctrinal principles which their forefathers, the Reformers, spent their lives and spilt their blood to promote and defend; but, should any manifest such laxity and indif

The Rev. J. Birt, of Manchester, in rising to move the reception of the Report, said he knew not whether most to admire, the resolution or the report which had just been read. The plan which this Society had adopted was, in his opinion, the one which was of all others best adapted to promote the best interests of Ireland. In that country the people were overwhelmed with ignorance and superstition. Nor was that of a negative character; those who thought thus fell far short of the truth. Ignorance was dangerous; it was bondage; it would lead to evil. Although education tended to enlarge the mind, and improve its faculties; yet it was necessary that every precaution should be taken to prevent the entrance of corrupt and debasing principles. One of the greatest benefits of this Institution, was the system of scriptural education which it adopted. It supplied to the people that scriptural knowledge which would make them wise unto salvation. If the schools of the Society were visited, the children would be found reading in the bible. If the readers employed by the Society were observed, it would be found that the book which they read was the bible; and if other books were read, they were those which would illustrate, and throw light upon the scriptures. Not only was the tree of knowledge planted in Ireland; that of life was also placed near it, so that those who plucked the produce of the tree of knowledge might also gather those fruits which endured unto eternal life. All the letters received from the agents of the Society bore testimony to the progress of scriptural knowledge in Ireland. This was the best remedy against popish ignorance and superstition, and it must eventu

increased; they are situated in the counties of Clare, Limerick, Tipperary, Galway, and the King's County. The fifteen schools at present under my care (are in a prosperous state, and the others may be re-established in several places, if the funds of the society would admit. Great good has been done, and the conduct and example of the children, have differed materially from others, who, if they get any at all, are under that

ally procure their overthrow. The best remedy for the heretical doctrines of popery, would be found in the course of means which this Society employ. It was not, therefore, matter of surprise, that it had obtained so large a share of public opinion, of English opinion, and Irish opinion. The Committee might congratulate themselves on this, for it was of great importance to them. With respect to the principle of the resolution, it was, the duty of confidence in, and depend-" instruction that causeth to err from the ance on the divine aid. We heard much of the march of intellect, and it would be found that the Almighty had on various occasions made the intelligence of the age the means of promoting his own work. He rejoiced that the difficulty adverted to in the report was not a falling off in exertion, or in success, but in the funds. This was the least evil, and the one which might be most easily remedied. God was thus putting the friends of the Society in recollection of their duty, and pointing out to them what they ought to do. He might congratulate the meeting on the success of the Society's labours. No Society had been established for promoting religion, that had not been acknowledged by the Almighty. His blessing had also rested here, and he trusted that it would continue to accompany their exertions until Ireland should be delivered from her darkness and her superstition.

way of saving knowledge." The quantity of Scripture committed to memory by the children in your schools is almost incredible, and such is the anxiety to receive instruction, that a child in the school at Parson's Town, walks to and from the school ten miles, and commits a chapter to memory every day. At Arbour Hill, in the 'county of Tipperary, a young lady, Miss Francis Antisell, took compassion on two or three poor children, and she determined to teach them to read; they increased to five or six; the books were of a bad description which they had. She applied to me for some books; and when the children heard that she received them, a greater number fled to her for instruction. She appointed to meet them in one of her father's tenant's houses on the following Lord's day, when, instead of meeting, as she expected, ten, there were forty, with their parents, who said, When will Mr. The Rev. E. Clark (of Truro) said, that Thomas come to this part of the country? the resolution had been so amply discussed we hope you will prevail upon him to give by the preceding speaker, that little remained us a day school, and no power on earth shall to be said upon it. He highly approved of prevent us from sending our children. I was the resolution, because it was of a practical obliged to comply with their wishes last nature. He had no idea of an assembly Lord's Day week, when I met the Miss being convened to hear speeches, unless they Antisells, Lady Osborn, and other highly were prepared to follow them up by practi- respectable persons, and about sixty chilcal efforts. The aspect of the resolution was dren, and many of their Roman Catholic two-fold; it referred to the work already parents. When I classed the school, I accomplished, and to that which remained to shewed the master and the persons present, be effected. Whether it was viewed, there- the system of instruction they were to purfore, retrospectively or prospectively, it was sue. They were all delighted with the soa practical resolution. One of the most ciety's book. The people are so poor, that pleasing features of this society was the em- they cannot afford to buy books, even of an ployment of Scripture readers. He never inferior description, much less pay for the heard of the special adoption of that plan in education of their children. They were the evangelization of Ireland, till it was pur-very grateful to the society, and although sued in connexion with this society. He the school had been only a few sabbaths esembraced the present opportunity of return-tablished, fifteen of the children had coming the society his individual acknowledg-mitted from two to six chapters each to mements, and those of his Christian friends in the country, for the example of the employment of Scripture readers, in going among the poor, and acquainting them with the word of life.

The Rev. William Thomas (of Limerick, one of the society's ministers) said, "I beg leave to state, that the number of schools under my superintendence were twenty-two; that these schools have been reduced by the unabated persecution of the priests to fifteen; but the Irish scripture readers were

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mory. A respectable priest in the neighbourhood of Limerick, went into one of your schools, saw how the children were taught, looked at the books, and said, this is a blessed society, and the man that would oppose it, lifts his pany arm against the Majesty of Heaven, and deprives his creatures of the greatest happiness they can enjoy on this side the grave.' O, continued this respectable gentleman, what a pleasure it is to see the children reading and committing the Scriptures to memory, and teaching

their parents at home who gave them birth.' (of the society, and felt at a loss for suitable

I wish I could speak as respectfully of other priests as of this worthy man; but I will not render railing for railing,' I will not speak unkindly of my countrymen, some of them think they are right, but we are assured they are awfully and dangerously deceived; but I hope the time will come when a great company of the priests will be obedient to the faith.' John Nash is a most useful servant to the society. I beg leave to say a little respecting his exertions as school-master and Sabbath reader. About ten years ago I went to the western point of the county of Clare to establish an Irish school, about sixty miles west of Limerick. When I arrived, it was reported that I was an officer who came from the King, and had a ship in the Shannon to take away all their children. The people drove their children before them, and hid them in the clefts of the rocks on the Atlantic shore. John Nash came to the cabin in which I lodged, and begged of the mistress of it to intercede to get an Irish Testament for him, having heard that I had some to give away. She did, and I asked him whether he could read the Irish;" he said he could. I opened the testament, and he read the 3d chapter of John in a most pleasing manner, which affected some persons present to tears. I promised him a Testament from the society, and that if he was a diligent, good man, I would encourage him, by recommending him to the committee. When I again visited the country in a short time, I found he was very diligent. I employed him as Sabbath reader and schoolmaster for the society, he became an enlightened, zealous, and very pious man. I shall never forget the large tears that rolled down his cheeks when I told him of the love of Jesus. He and all his family have left the Romish religion; he has taught a school at Kilfera, containing from 60 to 100 children. He has also taught about 400 adults to read the Irish scriptures, and reads them to congregations in the villages round where he lives; the people love to have the Scriptures in their own language, and admire his amiable and pious spirit. The people told me, that they did not know what a Testament was, nor did they hear of it, until I went among them in that remote, neglected, but very popolous part. The readers of the Irish and English scriptures are a most useful set of men; the number under my superintendence is six itinerants fully employed, and ten Sabbath and evening readers; they have also taught a great number to read the Irish Scriptures, and have been employed by the society to good effect. When I commenced the operations of the society in the most dark and dreadful parts of the south-west of Ireland, I had only one protestant in the employment

agents. By the blessing of God, however, upon my humble exertions under the society, he has raised up an excellent set of teachers and readers from among the Roman Catholics, who are decidedly pious, mighty in the scriptures, and zealously devoted to the service of the society. My labours extend over a great part of the province of Muuster, and in some parts of Leinster and Connaught, in the counties of Clare, Limerick, Tipperary, Galway, and the King's County. Large congregations have been formed in the houses of several excellent and highly respectable gentlemen, whose names I might mention with great respect and affection. The congregations are greatly encreased. The last month at Carhue, there were more than 200 Catholics; at Camas more than 100 were denounced and excommunicated for hearing me preach where the gospel was never heard until I went among them. I trust I have endeavoured to maintain the motto of the Baptist Irish society, who, to their honour be it spoken, took the most difficult, and dark, and dangerous part of the Lord's vineyard for cultivation : that motto is, "Glory to God in the highest, and on earth, peace, and good will towards men ;' and while I endeavoured to contend for the faith once delivered to the saints,' I laboured to give no wilful offence to Jew, nor Gentile, nor to the church of God, but to win them to Christ. The Irish thank you for your kindness; they are grateful and generous, and your enemies know they are brave."

The Rev. Joseph Ivimey, read a letter from Mr. Bevan, a magistrate in Ireland, confirmatory of the statements made by Mr. Thomas.

II." That the index of Divine Providence distinctly points to this as the period when every friend to the evangelization of Ireland should be found at his station, contributing to the utmost to its emancipation from the intolerance of ignorance and superstition, and endeavouring to invest the liberated mind with principles derived from the Scriptures of truth, whose sanctifying influence is the best security for the righteous and beneficial influence of civil enlargement, and the only safe guide to the possession of perfect and everlasting freedom."

The Rev. Joseph Tyso, (of Wallingford) in proposing the second resolution, observed, that clocks and watches would be useless, if the index did not move. The index of divine Providence was moving, and pointed to a variety of things and events. There was a time when it was inquired "watchman, what of the night? watchman what of the night?" But when Christians now looked at the index, they inquired not the the hour of the night, but of the morning.

"The watchman said, the morning cometh, | her the reason, appealing to her, whether and also the night; if ye will inquire, inquire he had ever said any thing to her on the subye; return, come." His friends around him ject; she replied, No Sir, but you put had returned, and come again to the annual the Bible into my hand, and I could not find meetings to inquire the state of things, and a word about the mass, and I told father the resolution pointed to the period in which and mother so;" they said, oh, sure, it they should exert themselves for the evan- must be there,' and I offered to read it to gelization of Ireland. them, and accordingly I began at Genesis, and went through to the Revelations; but we could not find either that, or many other things we heard of .from the priests, so father and mother said they would go no more; and they have gone to preaching, which they found to be consistent with the Bible. The priest called to remonstrate, and mother told him we could not find any thing about the ceremonies he enforced the Bible. The priest said he knew it was all there; but, being asked in what part, he could not tell; upon which mother said, Well, sir, when you come by shew us where it all is, we will come back, but not till then.'


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father, is duly appreciated by this meeting, and that he be solicited to continue his valuable assistance during the ensuing year.

W. B. Gurney, Esq.-I have great pleasure in seconding this resolution. The circumstance I would refer to as improving the resolution is, the late establishment of a society by the Roman Catholic hierarchy for the circulation of tracts, and which has already. circulated them very largely, and opened shops in various towns in Ireland for their sale. Hitherto, there has been a design to banish tracts from Ireland, but that has failed, and now they have determined to take up these weapons themselves; and were it not for the efforts of societies like these, I should fear that this might for a time be attended with mischievous effects; III.- That the efficient aid rendered to but I trust that our efforts will be in con- this society by Mr. Wm. Burls, jun. as its sequence increased, and if tracts are tole-Treasurer, on behalf of his highly esteemed rated, those on both sides will no doubt be read. The Roman Catholics have been making efforts also in the promotion of schools; but only let schools be established The Rev. T. Griffin said, he was requested by this society, and I have no doubt those to move the re-appointment of the Treasuinstructed by pious teachers, who have the rer. He never refused an invitation to best interests of the children at heart, and preach, though he always refused to make conducted on the system of Scriptural in- a speech; but on the present occasion, the struction, will be blessed. The mixture of goodness of the cause, and the zeal and beRoman Catholics with Protestants prevents nevolence that existed in the hearts of the the introduction of written catechisms, and audience preserved him from excessive emthe system of catechizing on the Scriptures barrassment. He begged to advert to a, themselves, being in consequence adopted, statement often made in reference to some the minds of the children are familiarised individuals, but which, he trusted, would with the sacred scriptures, and the habit never be applied with justice to that meeting, formed of searching them for themselves, either individually or collectively. It had I know instances in this country of those sometimes been said, that " persons were who have been instructed in this mode, which saints abroad, but demons at home." His I would recommend to all Sunday-school Baptist friends had been acting like saints teachers, who have afterwards been exposed with respect to the miserable condition to the contagion of infidel principles, but of man in foreign parts. Saints loved holiwho have afterwards, when they made a pro- ness, and delighted in promoting it. The fession of religion, which they are now saints in heaven especially rejoiced when honouring, declared that their minds were sinners were brought to repentance; and so imbued with the Scriptures that they ne- those who were still in the militant state, ver could receive, (although disposed to do prayed for the outpouring of God's spirit, for so) the sentiments contained in the books the accomplishment of that object both at put into their hands. A few years ago, I home and abroad. He was sure that those heard from an excellent magistrate in Ire-persons present who really desired to see the land, some very interesting statements respecting the proficiency of many children who had been thus instructed; among other facts, be stated, that many had, without one word being said on that subject, become attendants on Evangelical preaching, and were decidedly pious. I will mention one, a girl of twelve or fourteen years of age, after attending him for some time in the school, ceased to attend the Roman Catholic worship, and this gentleman meeting her asked

accomplishment of so desirable an object, would do what they could to promote it. His friends had been contributing to the spread of the Gospel in foreign parts, but they had a little sister at home demanding all their prayers, and every exertion that could be employed. He was persuaded that whatever view was taken by the individuals composing the present meeting, relative to the recent legislative enactments for Irela they must all labour more than ever for

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