Imágenes de páginas

On the Sabbath following his in- non-execution of these actions furterment, funeral sermons were nish our ideas of virtue and vice. preached for him, by the friend of A morally perfect man, then, conhis youth, Mr. Hogg, (who had en- sisting of soul and body, will have gaged to perform this service should his soul so completely under the he survive him,) from Eph. ii. 8- primary and pure law of his di10, a passage chosen by himself; vine Author, as to be disinclined to and also by his afflicted pastor, any thing offensive to His Holy Nafrom Nehem. vii. 2. “He was a ture; and the power of this unconfaithful man, and feared God above taminated soul over the body is many." perfect, and uncontrolled by any circumstance of time or place, and Thrapston, Aug. 10. is independent of every thing but God. This pure constitution of spirit produces a constantly conformable series of actions, which, as resulting from the promptings of an immaculate mind, present an image of the mystical perfection of the Deity.

S. GREEN, Jun.


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(Concluded from p. 15.) PERHAPS it may throw some light upon this question, if we consider the nature of man as he came from the hand of his Creator-a being morally perfect; and some clue may thence arise to the method in which sin has vitiated his heart and blinded his understanding.

We learn, from the perusal of the inspired writings, that man has two distinct capacities of existence (one material, and another immaterial), though both are intimately connected, and are commonly spoken of as one nature. As a created being, some obligation must have been laid upon his original nature; and that must have been strictly undeviating conformity to the will of his Creator. God, his Maker, being an abstractedly pure spirit, man, a living soul," in his relation with him, owes obedience as a spirit. Thoughts and desires are actions of the spirit, and sufficiently manifest to God its conformity or non-conformity to his will: but man has also a body, whose motions are governed by his spirit; it follows, therefore, that a series of material actions must be established, involving certain consequences; and the execution and


The induction of sin, or a principle of nonconformity to the divine nature, cannot destroy the obligation, though it defeats the influence of moral perfection; and thus it entails upon its subject the dreadful curse of omnipotent displeasure. That "good and acceptable will of God," which was before a law to the mind-the sole regulator of its action,-is defaced; the body usurps the office of the soul, and thus the economy of man's perfect nature becomes reversed.

The body, indeed, cannot act without the direction of the soul; but the soul is constantly biassed by the appetites of the body: and though generally conscious of iniquity, and consequent obnoxiousness to eternal justice, has not the power to regain its pristine ascendancy. Hence, when the truths of revelation and the promises consequent on their reception, are offered to men's acceptance, they cannot estimate their importance, because animal tastes and animal inclinations influence their minds, and they can only view them through the blinding mists of sense, which effectually obscure the light

of the Gospel.

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"They loved | mercy is graciously and abundantly darkness rather than light," says shewn forth unto all and upon the Saviour; and, to confirm what all them that believe." has been already advanced, we shall quote the latter part of the same passage, where the reason for men's hatred to the light (i. e. the Gospel) is given-" because their deeds were evil."

The subjection of the soul to the influence of the body, we believe to be a principal mode by which "the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not," and rendered them morally incapable of the abstraction and purity of spirit necessary to perceive and embrace that system of truth, which the inspired writers themselves declare can be only "spiritually discerned."

Incapacity of spiritual discernment, however, affords no excuse for rejecting the Gospel; because that incapacity originates in an evil principle. Even in human jurisprudence, inability to obey the requisitions of law, in consequenee of previous criminality, provides no absolution from further penalty; and if this rule is obvious enough to be recognized in temporal institutions, how shall we dare to impugn its justice in divine legisla


The curse of God was upon sin before the publication of the Gospel; and since its publication it is not the condemnation, but only the immediate object of condemnation, that has been changed. Unbelief, the manifestation of sin, is now the accusation;* before, it was the principle of sin itself;t and the justice of God is now made manifest in the condemnation of all who make him a liar, by disbelieving the record he has given of his Son, while at the same time his infinite

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Having briefly adverted to the mode in which the power of the enemy" thus depraves the heart and benights the understanding, it may be interesting to observe the character of that truth which unregenerate man is so unwilling to receive, as though it were inimical to his welfare instead of " being worthy of all acceptation," bringing "life and immortality to light."

From what has been already stated, it will appear that mankind, not fulfilling the requisitions of Divine Perfection, are exposed to the wrath of his offended justice. By what precise infliction God will ultimately punish "the workers of iniquity," it is not in us to determine. We have not in visible creation anything to give us an idea of that intensity of anguish, nor anything in language to express that depth of woe which inspiration has declared to be unutterable. There are upon earth means of torturing the frame till every separate fibre shall writhe in its own peculiar agony; and there are calamities which can afflict the mind till humanity shall dissolve beneath the suffering ; and there may be even something acutely painful beyond this; but" to fall [unpardoned] into the hands of the living God," must be an infinitely more "fearful thing." The dread of such a catastrophe is deep in the conscience of every guilty son and daughter of Adam; and there are times when the boldest scoffer and the most insensibly obdurate are dismayed, and tremble in their inmost souls through fear of "the terrors of the Lord."

Before offended deity the united

Rom. iii. 22.

energies of all created spirit and eousness among men? No: "they

matter are but as a feeble feather raised against a whirlwind. There is no darkness so obscure that his eye cannot penetrate. There is no depth so profound that he cannot fathom. There is no height so lofty that he cannot reach." He hath his way in the whirlwind and the storm, and the clouds are the dust of his feet. He rebuketh the sea and maketh it dry, and drieth up all the rivers. The mountains quake at him, and the hills melt, and the earth is burnt at his presence, yea, the world and all that dwell therein." "Hell is naked before him, and destruction hath no covering; the pillars of heaven tremble and are astonished at his reproof; and the thunder of his power who can understand.”

are all gone out of the way; they are together become unprofitable; there is none that doeth good, no not one." Shall we ask among the angels of God. No: they are holy-but their holiness is their individual duty-the very tenure of their being. Is there none who, without created obligation, can fulfil the law of God, and have love enough for men to suffer for their sins, lest they all perish "by the blast of the breath of His nostrils." Yes! there is one "who thought it no robbery to be equal with God," yet "made himself of no reputation, and took upon him the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of man. And being found in fashion as a man," he saith to Almighty justice, "Lo I As man is without escape from come, in the volume of the book the power of Omnipotence, so earth it is written of me, I delight to do has no sacrifice to appease his in- thy will, O my God; yea, thy law dignation or atone for the delin-is within my heart;" and though quency of a single soul. The" he did no violence, neither was reeking blood of all the human and brute victims that have been immolated, and the sweet odours of all the incense that has been burned upon the altars of zealous superstition, as attempted propitiation, are to him but an abominable thing. The caverned riches of the earth and the pearly treasures of the deep are but profitless dross in his esteem. Where then shall we find a sacrifice for sin? what must be the atonement for man's transgressions? There must be immaculate Here, then, is a sufficient price purity and strict obedience to the for the redemption of a lost world. will of God, and that obedience, Here is "a fountain of living water too, rendered by one upon whom opened for sin and uncleanness,' it is not an obligation. To this that shall wash the soul from every independent perfection must be stain, and " purge the conscience added a willingness to submit to from dead works." This is the the punishment of sin for the sake publication of peace; this is the of man, that the demand of eter- glad tidings of great joy;" this nal justice may not be compro-is" the glorious gospel of Christ, mised. who is the image of God," and "the Shall we find this offering of right-brightness of his father's glory.".

any deceit found in his mouth," yet "the Lord laid upon him the iniquity of us all;" and he "humbled himself and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross." Thus did Jesus Christ offer himself “ through the eternal spirit, without spot to God;" and after this "one sacrifice for sins, for ever sat down on the right hand of God; from henceforth expecting until his enemies be made his footstool."

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Such is the happy consummation of human destiny under the influence of faith in the gospel of Christ, and the guidance of the Holy Spirit.

The immediate consequence stroy every vestige of evil ascendof "believing with the heart ancy; and the soul, escaping from unto righteousness" this divine corruption, shall be arrayed in testimony, is sanctification-a pu- the lustre and beauty of perfect rifying of the mind by the in- holiness, and, gazing with un-. fluence of the Holy Spirit. The clouded vision upon the glory most obvious demonstration of this of the heavenly majesty, shall is a sense of spiritual freedom from mingle with exceeding joy" in the deadly influence of sin. Not, the rapturous chorus of beatified indeed, that sin is at once com- saints around the Eternal Splenpletely eradicated from the whole dour. man, or that his conduct from the instant of belief to the end of life, is without a single spot; but his mind is informed by the "good and acceptable will of God," and through the knowledge of that will, The message of this great salvasin becomes exceedingly hateful. tion is addressed to all mankind Its indulgence no longer affords without distinction. Its author pleasure, the society of its votaries decides not by external circumis irksome; and even what are stance. With him riches are no termed innocent gratifications (an recommendation, and poverty is unrestrained indulgence in which no bar. He speaks to all as guilty leads to so much actual crime), needy creatures, whether starvbecome tasteless, and of infinitely ing in squalid rags, or attired with inferior consideration, compared to princely apparel. "The rich and that acquaintance with God to the poor, [the learned and the igwhich the soul so ardently aspires. norant,] the wise and the foolish," The truths of revelation take their meet together in his presence, and place in the mind as subjects of he "hath concluded all in unbeconstant thought. They are no lief, that he might have mercy upon longer enveloped in gloom; the all." mist which formerly concealed And now, reader, let us with them is dissipated; the veil is re- earnestness enquire if you have yet moved from the mental sight, and, "received with meekness this en"with open face beholding as in grafted word, which is able to save a glass the glory of the Lord," the soul." Again it is addressed the believer himself is " changed to you. This is another instance into the same image, from glory of long-suffering kindness and to glory, even as by the spirit of the Lord."

tender mercy. We beseech you, lift not suicidal hands against your immortal soul: let not another rejection of a Saviour's love be added to the amount of your offences. Oh, "return to the Lord and he will have mercy upon you; and to our God, for he will abundantly pardon."

Habitual contemplation of the divine purity, the patient suffering, the dying love, and the redeeming sacrifice of Christ, excites in the heart an active principle of assimilation to his character, which predominates over animal inclination, and becomes progressively But, perhaps the "things that more powerful, sanctifying the are seen" have more inviting atthoughts and desires, and words tractions for you than the lowly and actions, till death shall de- Man of Sorrows;" and

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you hide

your face from Him who, for the THE LAST ADDRESS of the late Rev.

sake of sinners," was acquainted
with grief." There is, however,
a time approaching when the testi-
mony which God has given of his
son will appear so distinctly lu-
minous, that even your dark minds
will acknowledge its truth. It will
be then too late. Infinite wis-
dom will not be contemned for ever.
If you will not have him to rule as
a father, you shall have him to reign
as a sovereign; and He who now
invites you to his presence with ac-
cents of the kindest love, will then
say—“Depart from me ye cursed."
Yes--and the memory of this one
and those other former instances of

your guilty blindness will be brand-
ed in imperishable characters upon
your conscience, and will add a
pang to every torture, an acuteness


every agony you will suffer amid the woes of that place, "where the worm dieth not, and the fire is not quenched."


To the Editor of the Baptist Magazine.

THE following solemn and faithful
Address of my departed friend,
delivered at the close of the morn-
Sabbath, March 18, 1829, was not
ing and afternoon services of the
only the last public exercise of his
ministry, but the last subject of
his private and devout meditation,
for public exhortation to his be-
loved people, for whose spiritual
and eternal welfare he had laboured
as their pastor fourteen years.

of your work, as a specimen of its It is not presented to the readers author's talents. Had my object been to exhibit these to their admiration, I should rather have referred them to his discourse on

slavery, in which the energies of his mind, and the elegance of his How different is your situation But here we have the milder racomposition, are more apparent. from that of the man who, not diance of a setting sun; and there finding in himself any thing on is not, perhaps, in the moral world, which to depend for happiness, a more solemn or impressive scene has placed his whole reliance, with than that of a pastor delivering his unhesitating faith, upon the all-final admonition to the people of sufficient love and atoning sacrifice his charge: clearing his own conof Christ! He lies down with con- science, by resting the burden of fidence, and awakes with hope. the responsibility on theirs, when "In the valley of the shadow of about to return to Him from whom death he fears no evil;" but his he received his commission. peace passeth all understand its impression may be permanent ing," for "he knows that his and efficacious in the hearts of Redeemer liveth;" and this recol- those to whom it was immediately lection goes with him through all addressed, and that we may all his trials and sorrows, shedding a derive from it the instruction it is light around his steps, and cheering the dreariness of his journey to calculated to convey, is the ardent that heavenly rest, where He whom prayer of, he hath believed "shall lead him to living fountains of water," and where God shall wipe away all tears from his eyes."

G. L.

Yours, &c.


JOHN MACK. Clipston, Nov. 16, 1829.

See our Review of this excellent Discourse in the Number for March, 1825, p. 117; a Discourse certainly of rare merit, and full of the richest and most glowing sentiments.-ED.

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