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it is natural for those to feel who are conscious of retaining many tender ties, many animating prospects.

4. Parents mourn for their children with the bitterness of despair; the aged parent, the widowed mother, loses, when she is deprived of her children, every thing but the capacity of suffering; her heart, withered and desolate, admits no other object, cherishes no other hope. It is Rachel, weeping for her children, and refusing to be comforted, because they are not.

5. But, to confine our attention to the number of the slain, would give us a very inadequate idea of the ravages of the sword. The lot of those who perish instantaneously may be considered, apart from religious prospects, as comparatively happy, since they are exempt from those lingering diseases and slow torments to which others are so liable.

6. We can not see an individual expire, though a stranger, or an enemy, without being sensibly moved and prompted by compassion to lend him every assistance in our power. Every trace of + resentment vanishes in a moment; every other emotion gives way to pity and terror.

7. In the last extremities, we remember nothing but the respect and tenderness due to our common nature. What a scene, then, must a field of battle present, where thousands are left without assistance, and without pity, with their wounds exposed to the + piercing air, while the blood, freezing as it flows, binds them to the earth, amid the trampling of horses, and the insults of an + enraged foe!

8. If they are spared by the humanity of the enemy, and carried from the field, it is but a prolongation of torment. Conveyed in uneasy vehicles, often to a remote distance, through roads almost impassable, they are lodged in ill-prepared receptacles for the wounded and sick, where the variety of distress baffles all the efforts of humanity and skill, and renders it impossible to give to each the attention he demands.

9. Far from their native home, no tender assiduities of friendship, no well-known voice, no wife, or mother, or sister, are near to soothe their sorrows, relieve their thirst, or close their eyes in death! Unhappy man! and must you be swept into the grave +unnoticed and unnumbered, and no friendly tear be shed for your sufferings, or mingled with your dust?

10. We must remember, however, that as a very small proportion of military life is spent in actual combat, so it is a very small part of its miseries which must be ascribed to this source. More are consumed by the rust of inactivity than by the edge of the sword; confined to a scanty or unwholesome diet, exposed in

sickly climates, harassed with tiresome marches and perpetual alarms; their life is a continual scene of hardships and dangers. They grow familiar with hunger, cold, and watchfulness. Crowded into hospitals and prisons, contagion spreads among their ranks, till the ravages of disease exceed those of the enemy.

11. We have hitherto only adverted to the sufferings of those who are engaged in the profession of arms, without taking into our account the situation of the countries which are the scenes of hostilities. How dreadful to hold every thing at the mercy of an enemy, and to receive life itself as a boon dependent on the sword!

12. How boundless the fears which such a situation must inspire, where the issues of life and death are determined by no known laws, principles, or customs, and no conjecture can be formed of our destiny, except so far as it is dimly deciphered in characters of blood, in the dictates of revenge, and the caprices of power!

13. Conceive but for a moment the consternation which the approach of an invading army would impress on the peaceful villages in our own neighborhood. When you have placed yourselves for an instant in that situation, you will learn to sympathize with those unhappy countries which have sustained the ravages of arms. But how is it possible to give you an idea of these horrors!

14. Here, you behold rich harvests, the bounty of heaven, and the reward of industry, consumed in a moment, or trampled under foot, while famine and pestilence follow the steps of desolation. There, the cottages of peasants given up to the flames, mothers expiring through fear, not for themselves, but their infants; the inhabitants flying with their helpless babes in all directions, miserable fugitives on their native soil!

15. In another place, you witness opulent cities taken by storm; the streets, where no sounds were heard but those of peaceful industry, filled on a sudden with slaughter and blood, resounding with the cries of the pursuing and the pursued; the palaces of nobles demolished, the houses of the rich pillaged, and every age, sex, and rank, mingled in promiscuous massacre and ruin!


QUESTIONS.-In peace, does life or death reign? How is it in war? What is the difference between war and peace, according to the ancient poet? Who are victims of war beside those killed outright? Mention some of the most prominent evils of war.

What example of antithesis in the 3d paragraph? What, of relative emphasis ?


REMARK.-The tones of the voice and the style of reading should correspond with the nature of the subject.

[In reading the following extract, some variety of expression is required. The description of the ball should be read in a lively, animated manner; that of the distant alarm in low, hurried tones, as if intently listening and deeply anxious; the haste of preparation and departure requires life; and the 3d and last two stanzas should be read in a mournful and plaintive style.]

GIVE the r a distinct but soft sound in the following and similar words found in this lesson; there, fair, hearts, hear, car, pleasure, hark, more, tears, ne'er, morn, forming, thunder, soldier, ere, her.

1. Rev'-el-ry, n. noisy feasting and gay- | 4. Squad'-ron, n. a body of troops. ety. 5. Ar'-dennes, n. (pro. Ar'-dens) a forest near Waterloo.

Chiv'-al-ry, n. knighthood, a body of knights or brave men. [pleasure. Vo-lup'-tu-ous, a. exciting animal

6. Mar'-shal-ing, n. arranging in order. Blent, p. mixed, united.


1. THERE was a sound of revelry by night,
And Belgium's capital had gathered there
Her beauty and her chivalry, and bright
The lamps shone o'er fair women and brave men.
A thousand hearts beat happily; and when
Music arose with its voluptuous swell,

Soft eyes looked love to eyes which spake again,

And all went merry as a marriage bell;

But hush'! hark! -a deep sound strikes like a rising knell!

2. Did ye not hear it? - No'; 't was but the wind,
Or the car rattling o'er the stony street:

On with the dance! let joy be unconfined;
No sleep till morn, when youth and pleasure meet
To chase the glowing hours with flying feet-


This battle was fought on June 18th, 1815, between the French army on one side, commanded by Napoleon Bonaparte, and the English army and allies on the other side, commanded by the Duke of Wellington. At the commencement of the battle, some of the officers were at a ball at Brussels, a short distance from Waterloo, and being notified of the approaching contest by the cannonade, left the ballroom for the field of battle. This was the last of Napoleon's battles. He was here completely overthrown.

But, hark'! - that heavy sound breaks in once more',
As if the clouds its echo would repeat',

And nearer', clearer', deadlier' than before!

Arm! arm! it is—it is the cannon's' opening roar !

3. Ah! then and there was hurrying to and fro',
And gathering tears', and tremblings of distress,
And cheeks all pale', which, but an hour ago'
Blushed at the praise of their own loveliness';
And there were sudden partings, such as press
The life from out young hearts, and choking sighs
Which ne'er might be repeated who could guess
If ever more should meet those mutual eyes,

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Since upon night so sweet such awful morn could rise.
4. And there was mounting in hot haste'; the steed',
The mustering squadron', and the clattering car'
Went pouring forward with impetuous speed,
And swiftly forming in the ranks of war;
And the deep thunder, peal on peal afar,
And near, the beat of the alarming drum
Roused up the soldier ere the morning star;

While thronged the citizens with terror dumb,


Or whispering with white lips-"The foe'! They come! They

5. And Ardennes waves above them her green leaves,
Dewy with nature's teardrops, as they pass,
Grieving, if aught inanimate e'er grieves,
Over the unreturning brave!-alas!

Ere evening to be trodden like the grass,

Which, now, beneath them, but above, shall grow

In its next verdure, when this fiery mass

Of living valor, rolling on the foe,

And burning with high hope, shall molder cold and low.

6. Last noon beheld them full of lusty life,

Last eve in beauty's circle proudly gay,

The midnight brought the signal-sound of strife,

The morn, the marshaling in arms, the day,

Battle's magnificently stern array!

The thunder clouds close o'er it, which when rent,
The earth is covered thick with other clay,

Which her own clay shall cover, heaped and pent,
Rider, and horse, — friend, foe, -in one red burial blent.


QUESTION S. -When, where, and between what parties and commanders was the battle of Waterloo fought? What is described in the first few lines? What place is meant by the capital of Belgium? What


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sound interrupted their dancing? What was the result of the battle? What is meant by nature's teardrops in the second line of the 5th stanza? Explain the sixth and seventh lines of the 5th stanza? Explain the last three lines of the lesson.

What instances of absolute emphasis, in the 2d stanza? What, of relative emphasis, in the 5th stanza? In the last line of the 4th stanza, should the emphasis there marked, be expressed by a loud tone or a low tone?


Shrubs, spruce, sprinkl'd, sparsely, shrunk, shrivl'd.

Sweet-scented shrubs. Spruce was sprinkl'd sparsely. The roots lia shrunk and shrivl'd till spring. Thou sneer'st and scoff''st inexcusably. He was formidable, unbearable, intolerable, unmanageable, and terrible.


GIVE the r its rough sound in the following, and similar words found in this lesson: rose, reigned, rank, criterion, shrine, creed, crescent, cross, parricidal, tribune, crowns, crumbled, trembled, prodigies, incredible, protection, patron.

1. Prod'-i-gy, n. something wonderful.
2. Cri-te'-ri-on, n. a standard of judging.
Shrine, n. a box of sacred relics.
Here the thing worshiped.
Sub-sid'-i-a-ry, a. aiding, assisting..
Dy'-nas-ty, n. a succession of kings
of the same family.

Cres'-cent, n. the Turkish flag is so
called because it has on it the figure
of a new moon, and it is here put for
the Turkish power.

Par-ri-ci'-dal, a. relating to the crime of murdering a parent or destroying one's country.

Di'-a-dem, n. a crown.

3. Pan'-to-mime, n. a scene in which things are represented by action without words.


De-vel'-op-ment, n. unfolding, dis


U-biq'-ui-ty, n. (pro. u-bik'-we-ty) the
being every where at the same time.
Skep'-ti-cism, n. doubt, unbelief.
Sub-al'-tern, n. an inferior officer in
the army.

Tit'-u-lar, a. existing in title or name.
Dig'-ni-ta-ries, n. church officers of a
high rank.

5. Lev'-ee, n. a concourse of persons on
a visit to a great personage in the
Jac'-o-bin, a. relating to a political
party of that name in France.

7. Med'-ley, n. a confused mass.

Syn'-a-gogue, n. a Jewish congregation or place of worship.


1. HE is fallen! We may now pause before that splendid prodigy, which towered among us like some ancient ruin whose frown terrified the glance its magnificence attracted. Grand,

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