Imágenes de páginas

Among the plays secured by Franklin H. Sargent for the coming season at the Empire Theatre, is Mrs. Craigie's (John Oliver Hobbs) new threeact romantic drama, Osmond and Ursyne. This will be given at a matinee in November at the Empire Theatre with a strong professional cast.

Miss Ocean Daly, of the Columbia School of Oratory, succeeds Mr. Marcellus R. Ely as teacher of elocution in Nebraska State Normal School. Mr. Ely goes to Kirksville to study osteopathy, he believing that a knowledge of it will solve some if not all of the problems of vocal, elocutionary, and physical cultural science.

William Furst, musical director of Charles Frohman's Theatres, and Tom Karl, formerly leading tenor and manager of "The Bostonians," will be the directors of the new School of Opera which has been organized in connection with the Empire Theatre Dramatic School (American Academy of the Dramatic Arts).

Miss Clara F. Randall, whose suggestive Kipling Program appeared in our August issue, graduated 55 young men and women last June. She is a 1879 graduate of the Boston University School of Oratory under Lewis B. Monroe and for the last ten years has been teacher of English literature and elocution at the Rockford High School.

Prof. Robert I. Fulton delivered a series of lectures on "Sources of Power in Oratory" before the Ocean Grove Summer School of Theology, dividing the subject as follows: "The Human Voice as an Instrument of Power, "The Philosophy of Vocal Expression," Literary Interpretation," "Extempore Speaking," "Kinds and Qualities of Discourse."

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Mrs. Lorraine Immen, member of various musical and elocutionary associations and of many women's clubs, gave two lectures at the Bay View Assembly in July,on "The Bible and Shakespeare" and "The Twelve Masterpieces." Among the guests that she entertained at her Grand Rapids home this summer was the Rev. Francis T. Russell, the distinguished elocutionist.

Miss Amanda Kidder, who has given 500 public readings, gives entire evenings from the writings of James Whitcomb Riley and Charles Dickens. Her program for a Sabbath reading is: Psalm xxiv., "The King at the Door," "The Eternal Goodness," "My Legacy," "II. Kings, V Chap.,' "Vashti," "The Touch in the Heart," "The Daisy Seekers," "The Healing of the Daughter," "Carcassonne."

In the list published in our August issue of the States represented at the Chautauqua Convention, Michigan was inadvertently omitted. Of course, every one at all acquainted with the Association knows that the President was Prof. Thomas C. Trueblood, of the University of Michigan. Both he and Mrs. Trueblood were present as were also Miss Rachel M. Axford and Prof. F. L. Ingraham. The oversight was simply a clerical one which we trust will be pardoned by our Michigan friends.

At the Jewish Chautauqua Society Summer Assembly at Atlantic City, Miss Mannheimer, whose portrait appears on the frontispiece of this issue, gave two recitals, her numbers being: "Candor." "The Happy Little Cripple," "To-morrow at Ten,' "Pauline Pavlovna," Scene 1, Act IV of "As You Like It," "Der Erl-König," Die Männerfeindin," "Sandalphon," extract from "Joshua," "Kindergottesdienst,' "Belshazzar," extract from 'The Children of the Ghetto," and "Little Goldenhair." The Rev. Harriet I. Baker, of Iowa, writes: "In my five years of teaching elocution and physical culture I found your magazine of inestimable value. Now that I have ceased teaching, to do pulpit work in the Universalist Church, I still find WERNER'S MAGAZINE of so much help and inspiration that I could ill afford to do without it. While I have found a great deal in each number, I think no feature ever proved of more value and delight to me than the series, last year, 'The Fine Art of Poetry.'

Mrs. Nellie Averill Armstrong, graduate of the California School of Elocution and Oratory, gave a midsummer "Evening of Song and Story," the program of which was made up largely of pieces from "Werner's Readings and Recitations No. 10." This is an exceptionally fine collection of historical and patriotic pieces in prose and in verse and was compiled by Miss Caroline B. LeRow, the eminent

teacher of elocution, writer and lecturer. Mrs. Armstrong is making a special feature of Pauline Phelps's Minister's Black Nance."

Prof. T. C. Trueblood delivered an address on "Wendell Phillips, the Orator of Emancipation," before the Chautauqua Assembly, in the amphitheatre, July 1. He named the following as the six greatest oratorical efforts in American history: 1. Patrick Henry's speech before the Virginia convention; 2. Alexander Hamilton's speech before the New York convention; 3. Webster's reply to Hayne; 4. Wendell Phillips's Faneuil Hall speech; 5. The Lincoln-Douglas debates; and Henry Ward Beecher's speeches in England during the Civil War.

Miss Pauline Wannack has charge of the elocution and physical culture departments of the Gresham High School. At the school's exhibition exercises, May 31, the program consisted of a dumb-bell and free gymnastic drill, closing with the "Rataplan Chorus;" an oration, "The Soldier of the South," which won a medal to its reciter, Mr. Wallace Miller; the recitations: "A German Fire-Eater," "The Curse of Regulus," and "The Revolt of Mother;" figure marching, a ball drill, and an Indian club drill; and the oration "The Justice of the Hispano American War," by Hon. John L. McLaurin.

At the annual meeting of the Manuscript Society it was decided to change the name of that organization to "The Society of American Musicians and Composers." The managment of the society's affairs will, as heretofore, be in the hands of a board of fifteen directors, resident in New York. To this body will be added ten of the foremost musicians of the country as members at large, thus constituting a council of twenty-five members. Under the new policy, a composition by any musican can be placed, if worthy of production, upon the programs of the concerts, without consideration of the question whether the composer is a member of the society or even an American.

The recital at the West Chester State Normal School had as its principal number the musical recitation " Magdalena." This, it will be remembered, is a humorous account of an Englishman's love affair in Spain, which was brought to an abrupt end by the appearance on the scene of a grandee with an interminable name. This fine poem has been set to music especially for recitations by Sumner Salter, the New York composer. This would be a most suitable piece for any festivity or ceremony connected with Admiral Dewey's return the last of September. The Local News, in describing the effect that the musical recitation had, says: Throughout the recitation the musical accompaniment ran on low and sweet, varying in character with every change of sentiment. Now it seemed the tinkle of a mandolin, now the quiet flow of the moonlight stream, now the passionate out-pouring of the lover's feelings and now the fierce challenge of the rival. Poem and music together held the audience spell-bound and brought a storm of applause."

Mr. Franklin H. Sargent, who has recently returned from England, said in an interview that in London "there are six or eight authorized 'schools' of acting. The best teaching is, however, done privately and exclusively by Genevieve Ward, an American, but schooled by the great Regnier and a disciple of the French methods; Mrs. William Archer, a trainer in physical work based on the Delsarte system; Hermann Vezin and a few others. If the English were not already so academic in their acting methods, a real school of acting might help. So it is, perhaps, we may be instrumental in America in showing them the way in this respect. Who knows? The feeling as to teaching of acting has improved. Even Irving is now greatly interested. I believe Wyndham is the chief opponent of such a plan. A movement has been on foot to combine all amateur societies and establish a dramatic school in their midst. A foolish and light-headed notion at best. There are many fanatics in London. The most interesting, perhaps, is William Poel, the director of the Elizabethan Stage Society, of which every one knows. He tells me his best actors are the Hebrews and Irish, his own inspiration on the art of acting derived from Salvini, Jefferson and Charles Matthews! He has now departed from Elizabethanism and is about giving an East Indian drama. Considering his obstacles, his results have been very fine and always very scholarly."


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FOWLER MERRITT, Connected with the Business Nine


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EDGAR S. WERNER, President.

FOWLER MERRITT, Vice-President.

WILLIAM F. MUNCH, Secretary.


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