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Object. V. "The Chriftian Sabbath (faith J. S.) is a feftival, and confequently folacing ourfelves by a chearful and mutual converfation together in our houfes on that day (if there be nothing immodeft or indecent thereon, nor too much time fpent thereby) is not only lawful, but dutiful alfo."

Anf. 1. I fuppofe he means the convening of friends and neighbours to carnal feafts and entertainments on the Sabbath, and holding good fellowship together, after the manner of the world: for, if he meant any other converfation, I think he would not caution against the fpending of too much time therein; for there is little need of any fuch caution with refpe& to Spiritual converfation: Alas, there is little time fpent therein! J. S. had employed his pen much better, if he had recommended this fort of converfation on the Sabbath: For that of a carnal fort, people are apt ex nough to learn it without a teacher.

2. 1 freely own the Lord's day to be a feftival, but it is for the foul, not for the body. This is the day in which Chriftians are brought into the banquettinghoufe; but the fare is celeftial, the dainties fpiritual: On this day they are feafted and filled, but it is with the fatnefs of God's houfe, and the rivers of his pleafures: This day they are made joyful, but not with carnal joy and mirth; the pleafures are fpiritual, the joy is divine. I do not fay that this day ought to be kept as a faft-day for afflicting the body; no, it is neceffary the body fhould be feasonably refreshed and fupported, that it may be ferviceable to the foul in the work of the day, and fervice of God, and may call the Sabbath a delight, rejoice in God's goodness, and be cheerful in the celebration of the love and praises of our Redeemer. But to fay, that fet feafts, carnal entertainments, and good fellowship, are proper duties on the Lord's day, is ftrange doctrine; for then I fee not how carnal mirch and jollity can be excluded; and fo God's holy day shall be turned into a carnival, deftructive to the bleffed ends and defigns of it. Modeft and honeft provifion for our tables on the Lord's day, is what I do not difcommend: But I fay, "Set feafts, fumptuous entertainmets,

tertainments, and too liberal partaking of the creatures, are not proper on this day; in regard they are apt to indifpofe us for the duties of the day, by rendering the body dull and fluggish, and inclining us to drowfinefs and fleep ;" as alfo, the preparing of them doth detain fervants from the ordinances, and divert them both from public and private duties neceffary for the fanctifying of the Sabbath. It is obfervable of our bleffed pattern Jefus Chrift, that though he frankly went into the houses of Pharifees, and others, on weekdays, when invited; yet on the Sabbath-day, it is only faid, he went into one of their houfes to eat bread, Luke xiv. 1. that is, to take such moderate refreshment as was fuitable for that day, and we the work of it; teaching us, that on this day, we fhould, like Mofes and Jethro, with the elders of Ifrael, Exod. xviii. 12. "eat bread before God," i. e. with a deep fense of his all-feeing eye, and special caution against all manner of excefs, or any thing that may indispose us for holy duties.

Moreover, obferve what manner of converfation Christ had at this Sabbath-day's refreshment: He indeed folaced himself and the company with a mutual and cheerful converfation, but it was wholly fpiritual and heavenly, concerning the feaft provided for us in the gofpel. This was fuitable Sabbath-day's converfation, that needed not J. S's caution against spending too much time therein.

But J. S. is fo zealous for thofe Sabbath-days recreations and entertainments, that he is not content to prove the lawfulness of them, but he will have them binding on us, as neceffary duties. But I would fain know how any man will prove the dutifulness of them: Pray, where is the command for them? where is the advantage of them? wherein do they promote the great ends of the Sabbath, God's glory and fouls edification? I think I have clearly proven the contrary. fhall only add this word; I make a fuppofition, that a poor foul is brought under a law work, or deep convictions, like the jailor, by means of the fermons on the Lord's day: Will any man fay, that it would be


his duty, prefently after, to go to these feafts, entertainments and recreations, and thereby hinder or quench the operations of God's Spirit on his foul? I would rather think it his duty to retire from the world and company, to prayer and felf-examination, in order to entertain and cherish the Spirit's work on his heart.

Object. VI. "But thefe recreations and entertainments will not hinder the fanctification of the Sabbath, but rather help to quicken and prepare us for our fucceeding devotions."

Anf. I am perfuaded that thofe who exercife themfelves to godlinefs, and are acquainted with the power of it, will not talk fo; nay, they will tell, from their fad experience, that the meeting of promifcuous companies on the Lord's day, for carnal entertainments, vain walking, talking and fporting, are fo far from fitting us for after devotions or fpiritual exercises, that they directly tend to deaden the heart, fupprefs convictions, quench any warmnefs of affections and liveliness of frame wrought in us by the public ordinances, and fo render us the more indifpofed for fpiritual employments. Instead of quickening and difpofing our minds for returning to God's worship, they do the more increase our averfenefs thereto. Experienced Chriftians can tell, that private meditation, reading, or Chriftian conference, are far better means to fit us for our evening devotions on the Lord's day, than carnal re


Object. VII. "Some intermiffion for recreation is needful; for we cannot be employed in fpiritual exercifes a whole day: This would be a great toil to the fpirits, especially of fuch who have been fore toiled with fervile labour through the week: Nay, the best are ready to faint and weary in the continued exercise of piety."

Anf. 1. The extent of God's precepts is not to be measured by our ability or inability; neither can our impotency, to give obedience to God's commands, in the leaft invalidate or weaken the authority thereof.

2. By the fame argument, the Jews might have pleaded, that they were not bound to reft the whole Sabbath, nor fpend the whole day in religious exercises; VOL. IV.


for they were liable to the fame infirmities that are incident to us

3. I frankly allow what refreshment is neceffary for fupporting nature, and for the better performance of the duties of the Sabbath: But, for the forefaid carnal diversions, they are fo far from being neceflary for furthering the work of the Sabbath, that they are great hindrances thereto.

4. If labouring people need recreation for their bodies, then let them have fome time on week days for it.--. -If for their minds, I know no fuch fit recreation as the joyful commemoration of the love of Christ, and our redemption from hell and wrath through his blood, and the cheerful finging the praises of our Maker and Redeemer, which is the very work of the Sabbath. Is it not a recreation for Chrift's sheep to feed in his green pastures, and to be led by him befide the ftill waters? to behold the waters of life, clear as cryftal, flowing betwixt the banks of ordinances? to get a pleasant prospect from mount Nebo, of the promifed land? Is it not a recreation for a condemned man, to come and hear his pardon pronounced? for a hungry man, to get pleafant food and heavenly dainties? for a fick man, to get all his diseases healed? Muft it not be a carnal and stupid heart, that will call thefe a burden or wearinefs? There are many who weary not to spend whole days at markets, in buying and felling; nay, whole days and nights in gaming and drinking: And, will you call a day fpent in fuch pleafant and refrefhful work a toil, which is the highest privilege of a rational creature? Surely, no workman can be fo glad of a day's eafe from his fore labour, as a believer should be to have a day's release from his worldly business, that he may freely and entirely converse with his God and Saviour, and rejoice in his bounty and redeeming love.

5. Every Sabbath we meet with many unavoidable interruptions, which take us off from the duties of God's worship, though we go not to contrive unneceffary diverfions and recreations for this end. There is much of every Sabbath fpent in preparing food, dref Ling

fing and feeding our bodies, going to the church, and returning from it, attending children, cattle, &c. O how many are our avocations and intermiffions in ferving our Creator and Redeemer on the Lord's day, which we cannot fhun! And fhall we think the rest of the day too much for this important work, that we must feek carnal diverfions to drive it away?


6. I grant, the belt are ready to grow weary of duty, because of the averfion of our corrupt nature to that which is good; but carnal recreations will never cure this averfion, nor overcome that wearinefs, but will certainly indulge and increase the fame. The best way to cure wearinefs (next to the grace of God) is practice and experience in religion, and fincere wrestling and ftriving against it. Refifting overcomes it; but giving way to it doth increase it.

7. The Lord knows the carnality and wearinefs that our hearts are naturally prone to in the work of the Sabbath; wherefore, for remedy thereof, he hath graciously appointed variety of exercises on the Sabbathday, that, when we weary of one; another may be our recreation. Are you weary of hearing? then recreate yourselves with prayer: If of that, then recreate yourfelves with finging of God's praifes: If of that, then recreate yourselves in reading God's word, and other good books: If of that, then recreate yourselves with meditations: If you weary of that, then recreate yourfelves with Chriftian conference, repeating the fermons, instructing your families, &c. If you weary of public duties, then go to private; if of thefe, go to fecret duties. Is there not here a delightful variety of pleafant fpiritual employments, fufficient to recreate ourfelves with for one day, without needing the help of any fenfual diverfion, to put off the precious time of this bleffed day? How think you to fpend a whole eternity in fpiritual exercifes, when you weary fo much of one day? Whatever carnal men think, I am fure a godly foul will be far from counting this work a burden: Hearing and reading the fcriptures is a far lefs burden to him, than recreations and paftimes would be; for God's " teftimonies are his delight, and



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