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HOUGH I be far lefs fit for framing a TESTIMONY to the principles, wrestlings, and attainments of this church, and against the corruptions, defections, and evils of the times, than many of my brethren; yet, being encouraged by fome whom I highly value to undertake it, and finding none elfe inclined to it, I have effayed it through Divine ftrength, hoping to fee a Witneffing Body appear within this church, as well as without it, at least fome who would defire to teftify against the evils of the day with juft zeal, impartiality, and meeknefs.

No fooner fet I my face to it, but I faw it to be a matter of great difficulty to fleer a ftraight courfe, without fwerving to the right or left hand, in thefe reeling and fhaking times, when fuch different opinions are vented, provocations are given, calumnies are fpread, and mens paffions are stirred on each fide, fo that even the meekest and wifeft are ready to ftagger: I found alfo the difficulty increase, from the divided fentiment of godly ministers with refpect to fome particular occurrences, and the strong inclination of many to live at ease, enjoy quiet, and even to fit down, Iffachar-like, and couch under the burden, when hopes of relief do not appear. These things greatly difcouraged me to proceed in the defign.

But when I duly weighed and confidered the growing dangers of the church, the backfliding difpofition that still prevailed, and the unfuccefsfulnefs of all other methods to recover her from it, fuch as Diffents, Protefts, Inftructions, Reprefentations, Petitions, Separations, Seceffions, &c. and that the only mean now left to be tried, for giving check to corruption, and exciting reformation, feemed to be that of an honeft Testimony of fome within the church : I determined at length to go on through all difficulties and difcouragements, to prepare and publish the following Effay, with a fincere intention to preferve the Motherchurch, and promote her interefts; looking to Heaven for a bleffing on it, that it may be of ufe to excite judicatories to put a stop to fome evils, and reform fome things amifs : And though it should have little effect on the present backfliding age, yet hoping it may be useful to the rifing gene


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sation, when God fhall fend a general revival of true Christianity in the land; at fuch a time the fubfcribers of this teftimony will continue, when dead, thus to speak, to the glory of the ever living Redeemer.

I confidered alfo within myself that our old fuffering minifters were all gone off the ftage, and many other worthy brethren were going off from time to time, and that I myfelf got frequent warnings to prepare for going: and at the fame time, that numbers of eminent good men drop into the filent grave, without leaving any testimony behind them; so that in a fhort time it may be called in question what their mind was concerning the principles and attainments of our fathers, and the corruptions of present and former times; and, if I continued to linger a little longer, this would be my own fate alfo. Wherefore I refolved to expofe this Effay, and myfelf likewife, to the cenfure of the world; and though I fhould be charged with mean and felfith views in it, as affecting fingularity, a name, applaufe from fome, &c. if the Lord call me to bear reproach in carrying on a good defign, why fhould I not fubmit to it? Surely it may be thought that one of my age fhould be dead to thefe vanities, and that it is high time for me to be feeking the approbation of my great Judge, more than that of all the world. May I ever mind this!

Queft. It is like it may be afked, What warrant have ye for emitting fuch a Teftimony?

Anj. The reafons and grounds of it seem so plain both from fcripture and found reafon, that we may adventure to submit them to all thinking perfons to judge of them.

I. The fervants of God, and especially minifters of the gofpel, are frequently in Scripture called his WITNESSES; in regard they are called to give teftimony to his truths and ways, and to bear witness against what is prejudicial or contrary thereunto, Rev. xi. 3, 7. Luke xxiv. 48. John v. 33. and xv. 27. Acts i. 8. and xxii. 15, 18. and xxvi. 19. It is by fuch witnefs-bearing that we must hold faft the truths of God when ready to be plucked from us, and to contend for the faith which he hath delivered to his faints, Rev. iii. 11. Jude verfe 3. And in this way we are to wrestle with and overcome truth's adverfaries, Rev. xii. 11. They overcame by the blood of the Lamb, and the word of their teftimony," The character which God gives his fervants three times in the compass of a


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few verfes fhould make very deep impreffion upon us, Ifa. xliii. 15, 12. and xliv. 8. Ye are my witneffes, faith the Lord. And it is in that capacity he calls and requires us to 'confefs Chrift before men,' to bear witnefs to Chrift and to his truths,' to ftand fast in the faith.' to quit ourselves like men,' to be strong, to be ftedfaft,' to be zealous and valiant for the truth,' to be faithful unto death,' to contend earnestly for the faith, and fet ourselves for the defence of the gospel, to plead with our mother,' to keep the charge of the Lord, and the charge of his fanctuary,' to keep that which is committed to our trust,' to be clean who bear the veffels of the Lord, and not to touch the unclean thing,' to • fave' ourfelves from an untoward generation,' to keep our garments clean and unspotted from the world,' to the work of them that turn afide, that it may not cleave to us,' to keep our felves pure, and not to be partakers of other mens fins,' to flee from fin, and deliver every man his own foul,' to abhor what is evil,' to cleave unto the Lord, and to that which is good,' to keep ourfelves from the accurfed thing,' to be watchmen to the houfe of Ifrael, and give them warning from God,' to ་ cry aloud and not fpare, to fhew the houfe of Jacob their fins, to reprove the works of darkness; not to fuffer fin upon our brother,' to be pure from the blood of all men, and not to fhun to declare all the counsel of God.' thefe multiplied Scripture texts and Divine precepts afford us clear and plain warrant to make an open appearance and declaration for our Lord Jefus Christ, and for his truths. and ways when injured; and against the evils and corruptions of the times, especially when they are avowed and infectious, and like to infect more and more.

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II. Writing and leaving a teftimony behind us to true religion, and against error and corruption, is neceffary and ufeful for the instruction, conviction, and confirmation both of the prefent and future generations, and a very proper mean for handing down God's truths and inftitu tions pure from age to age; which is a debt that one generation owes to another, as God declares in his word, Pfal. lxxviii. 5. 6. 7. He established a teftimony in Ja cob, and appointed a law in Ifrael, which he commanded our fathers that they should make them known to their children; that the generation to come might know them, even the children which fhould be born, who fhould arife VOL. IV. Tt.

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and declare them to their children: That they might fet their hope in God, and not forget the works of God, but keep his commandments.' Pfal. cxlv. 4- One genera tion fhall praise thy works to another and shall declare thy mighty acts. And, according to Pfal. cii. 18. God's works of grace and mercy are to be written for the ge nerations to come, that the people which are to be created may praise the Lord.' And we are injoined, Pfal. xlviii. 13. to walk about Zion, to tell her towers, mark her bulwarks and palaces,' viz. the inflitutions and ornaments of the gospel church, that we may fhew them to the generation following.' And we are appointed, Ezek, xliii. 11. to fhew to the house of Ifrael the form and fashion of the house of God, with the ordinances and laws thereof, and to write it in their fight, that they may keep them and do them.? All thefe do plainly demonstrate our Scripture warrant for leaving fuch written teftimonies, be hind us.

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III. Writing and emitting faithful teftimonies for God and his ways, is neceflary and seasonable, especially in times of corruption and backsliding, even when true religion is in danger. In fuch times Chrift doth kindly accept and reward our open confeffing of him' and his truths before men, Rev. ii. 2. Matth. x. 32. And, on the other hand, he feverely threatens our conniving at error and im piety, and not bearing testimony against them when they abound, Rev. ii. 14. 15. 16. Now, is not the backsliding day in which we live a proper feafon for fuch open confeffions and faithful teftimonies, when errors of all kinds are tolerate, approven truths are run down, and manifold corruptions prevail, to the dishonour of God and our holy religion; and when applications to judicatories for redrefs. are unsuccessful? Surely it must be in such a time as this, that God calls his fervants and witneffes to rife up for him (by faithful teftimonies) against the evil-doers, and ftand up for him against the workers of iniquity,' Pfal. xciv. 16.

Object. Some perhaps will fay, The corruptions and grievances of the times are not fo great as fome are ready to make them.

Anf. No doubt fome do aggravate them beyond what is true and just. But, if what these fay be fact, who use to fpeak within bounds, viz. 1. That a fpirit of infidelity and error greatly prevails in the land, and open attacks


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