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1. By choosing Him for our Portion, Pfal.
lxxiii. 26. and xlii. v. Lam. iii. 24.
2. By labouring after the Enjoyment of
Him above all Things, S. Matt. vi.


12. His Eternity, Deut. xxxii. 40. Pfal. xc. 2. Isa. Ivii. 15.

1. By believing He ever was, and ever will be, Ifa. xlvi. 6. Rev. i. 8.

2. By magnifying Him upon this Account, 1 Tim. i. 17. and vi. 16. Rev. iv. 9,


3. By admiring Him above all created Beings,Pfal. cxviii. 28, 29. Deut. xxxiii. 26, 27. 1. Sam. ii. 2. Rom. i. 25.

4. By taking more Care of our eternal, than of our temporal Estate, S. Matt. vi. 19, 20, 2 Cor. iv. 18.


1. Reproof.

1. To the Atheist, Pfal. xiv. 1.

2. To Idolaters, S. Matt. iv. 10. 2 Cor. x. 7. 3. To the Covetous, Coloff. iii. 5. Ephef. v. 5.


To the Ambitious, S. Luk. xxii, 26, 27.
S. Joh. xii. 43.

5. To the Voluptuous, Phil. iii. 19.

6. To the Prefumptuous, S. Luk. xiii. 3, 5.
7. To the Defperate, Exod. xxxiv. 6.
8. To the Hypocrite, Job xxii. 13, 14. and
xxxiv. 13.

9. To Unbelievers, 1 S. Joh. v. 10.

10. To the Swearer, Exod. xx. 7. S. Matt. v.
33, 34. S. Jam. V. 12.

11. To the unjuft Dealers, 1 Cor. vi. 9, 10.
12. In a word, to all forts of Sinners, Rom.
ii. 7, 8, 2 Thess. vii. 8, 9, 10.-

2. Ex

2. Exhortation to glorify GOD; because, 1. He made yon, Pfal. xcv. 7. and c. 3. 2. What you have, He gave you, I Cor. iv. 7. Act. xvii. 25.

3. He gave it for His Glory, 2 Sam. xii. 8, g 1 Tim. vi. 17, 18, 19.

4. The Angels glorified Him, Rev. vii. 11,


5. He glorifies Himself, S. Job. xii. 28.
6. He is highly offended at those that will
not give Him Glory, Mal. ii. 2. A.
xii. 23.

7. Glorify Him, and He will glorify you,
1 Sam. ii. 30.

8. Glorify Him in time, and glorify Him for ever, Rev. xxii. 5

S. Jott

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ESUS Chrift rofe the first Day of the Week;
S. Mar. xvi. 1, 2. S. Joh. xx. I..

That day He appear'd to Mary Magdalen S. Mar. xvi. 9. S. Joh. xx. 11, 12. to Cleophas and another, S. Luk. xxiv. 13. to all the Disciples, but Thomas, S. Joh. xx. 19.

Then He appear'd not again till the eighth Day after, which was alfo the first Day of the Week, S. Joh. xx. 26. neither do we read of the Apostles meeting together again, till that Day:

The Day is thus mention'd and specify'd for fome efpecial End, which could be no other, but to fhew the Tranflation of the Sabbath from the feventh to the first Day, by Chrift's own Appoint ment, in Commemoration of His Refurrection. Hence therefore,

1. It appears, that Chrift preferr'd the first before the feventh Day, and tranflated the Sabbath from the feventh to the first.

2. This appears alfo from the Difciples of Chrift having their publick and folemn Meetings, only up♣ on the firft Day, as Act. xx. 7. 1 Cor. xvi. 2


3. It is call'd 'Huieg Kveidni, Rev. i. 10: ds STVOV Kveidner, t Cor. xi. 26. S. John fuppofing thereby, the Day to be well known at the time of his Writing.

Μετὰ τὸ σαββαλίσαι κολαζέτω πως φιλόχεις elaxiv, S. Ignati

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Que nullam folemnitatem Chriftianorum fibi vendiat, non Diem Dominicam, non Pentecoften, Tert. Sometimes it is call'd Sunday, Tùr 3 Haix йμégv κοινῇ πάλες ἢ συνέλευσιν ποιέμεθα, Juftin

Æque Diem Solis letitia indulgemus, Tertull. So then the Jewish Sabbath was buried with Christ, and the Christian rose with Him. As foon as Chrift was rifen, Dies Dominicus, i. e. Octavus, qui & primus, incepit celebrari, S. August.

Με1ίθηκε ἢ ὁ ΚύαΘ * το Σαββάτο ἡμέραν εἰς Κυριακὴν, S. Athanas.

1. Why was the Day thus chang'd?

1. The Jewish Sabbath as kept on the feventh Day, was but a Ceremony peculiar to the Jews; a Sign that GOD was their GOD, and they His People, Exod. xxxi. 13, 14, 17. Ezek. xx. 12, 20. But now they are ceas'd to be GOD's Peculiar, and therefore the Sign muft needs cease.

2. The fem fh Sabbath was kept in Commemoration, not only of the Creation, but likewife of their Redemption from Egypt, Exod. xx. 8. Deut. xiii 14, 15. In Exodus the Creation, in Deuteronomy their Redemption, is made the Cause of their keeping this Day.

The Quotum for the Creation; the Defignation of this Day, tor their Redemption or Deliverance out of Egypt; but this Redemption was but a Type of Chrift's, and therefore must needs give place to it, when fulfill'd.

Hence the Apoftle reckons the Sabbaths among the Shadows of thofe Things to come, Coloff. ii. 16, 17.

3. The Jewish Sabbath began but in Mofes; for we read not of their keeping it, till it rain'd Manna, after their coming out of Egypt; the fecond Month, the 15th Day, they came to the Wilderness

Wilderness of Sin, Exod. xvi. 1. next Day it rain'd Manna, and fo for fix Days, ver. 4, 12, 13. the Seventh was their Sabbath, ver. 22, 23. fo that the 22d Day was the first Sabbath they kept; for the seventh Day before that, being the 15th of the fame Month, they travell'd, ver. 1. And if we compute from this 22d Day, then the time when Pharaoh was deftroy'd, was their SabbathDay, that is, the feventh of the Week.

But upon our Sabbath-Day, our fpiritual Pharaoh was destroy'd; for Jefus Chrift then rofe from the Dead.

Moreover, all the Mofaical Law ended in Christ, and therefore this; and the Jews ftill adhering to it, were deftroy'd upon their Sabbath-Day; for, on that Day, their City and Temple were taken, and fo their whole Polity ceas'd together.

II. Whether we are bound to obferve the Lord's-Day, as the Jews their Sabbath?

1. Tho' the Appointment of one Day in feven, for the Religious Reft, be of pofitive Inftitution, yet the Reft or Duty to be observ'd and perform'd on that Day, is certainly moral and perpetual. Dies est ceremonialis, quies moralis.


1. This was ordain'd before Mofes, Gen. ii. 2, 3. Questionless, the Patriarchs obferv'd it; be fure, they had Weeks, you, Gen. xxix. 27, 28.

2. It is part of the Ten Commandments, Gen. x. 4. Matt. v. 18

3. The Reafons affign'd for obferving it, are
moral and perpetual; as,

1. It is a Sabbath or Reft of the Lord.
2. On that Day He refted from His Work
of the Creation.

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