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S. MATT. vi. 9.

Hallowed be thy Name.

Doft.WE are to pray that the Name of God

1. What are we to understand by the Name of God?

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1. God himself, Act.i. 15. iv.12. 1 King. v. 5. 2. Whatsoever he makes himself known to us by; as,

1. His Titles.

1. Proper M, Exod. vi. 3: MMR, Exod. iii. 14., Pfal, Ixviii. 4. Lord of Hofts, &c. R, Gen. xvii. 1.

2. Common, 178, Pfal. lxxxii. 1, 6. 2. His Properties or Attributes, Exod. xxxiv. 5, 6, 7. Nahum i. 3.

Which God has difcover'd and manifefted to us givea

1. In his Works, Pfal. xix. 1, 4. Rom. i. 20, 2. In his Word.

II. What by Hallowed?

Not that we can give any thing to Him; but that we,

1.Acknowledge Him to be the true God,

* 61 Pfal: xcvi. 7, 8.

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12. Admire Him, Rom. xi.


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4. Believe Him, 1 Joh. v. 10.

5. Submit to Him, 1 Sam. iii. 18.
6. Fear Him, Ifa. viii. 13.

7. Pray to Him, Pfal. xcv: 1, 2, 3. Pfal. 1. 23.
8. Obey Him.

III. What

III. What do we defire of God in this Pëtition?

1. That we may know him, Pfal. c. 3.
2. So know him, as to believe in him, S. Joh.
iii. 33. Rom. iv. 20.

3. So believe, as to trust his Promises, Pfal.

ix. 10.1

4. So truft, as to fear his Threatnings, Amos iii. 8.

5. So fear, as ftill to love him, S. Matt:

xxii. 37.

6. So love him, as to defire him, Pfal. lxxiii. 25.

7. So defire him, as to rejoyce in him, Habak. iii. 18.

8. So rejoice in him, as to obferve his Precepts, Pfal. cxix. 14, 15, 35, 36. S. Matt.

V. 16.

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9. So obferve his Precepts, as to be fatif fied with his Providences, 1 Sam. iii. 18. Ifa. xxxix. 8.

10. So to be fatisfied with his Providences, as to be thankful for all Mercies, 1 Theff. V. 18.

IV. Why is this Petition plac'd first ?

1. Because God's Glory is the End of all
Things, Prov. xvi. 4.

2. The End of all the other Petitions.
3. It contains all our other Desires, so that
until this be granted, we can have none
of the other.


1. Endeavour after the Glory of God.

2. Let his Glory be the End of all your Actions, 1 Cor. x. 31.

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3. Seek it in the firft Place, S. Matt. vi. 33. For,

1. Without that ye feek nothing.

2. In feeking that, ye feek all Things,
S. Matt. vi. 33.

4. Have a Care of prophaning His Name.
1. By taking it in vain. III. Command.
2. By taking it falfly, Lev. xix. 12.
3. By Hypocrify.

4. By Irreverence in His Ordinances, Deut.
xxviii. 58.

5. By a finful Converfation, 1 Cor. vi. 20. 4. Make ufe of all the forefaid Means, for Sanctifying His Name.

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S. MATT. vi. 10.

Thy Kingdom come.

HAT is the Kingdom of God?


1. The Kingdom of his Power, Pfal. ciii. 19.

2. Of his Grace, S. Mar. i. 15. 1 Cor. iv. 20. Wherein,

1. Himself and Chrift is King, Pfal. ii. 6. Ifa. ix. 6, 7.

2. All Saints are his Subjects, Ifa. lxv. 9, 13. A&t. ii. 18. Tit. ii. 14.


Their Hearts his Palace, Ephef. iii. 17. Isa.
Ivii. 15.

4. The Word his Law, Job xxii. 22. S. Jam.

ii. 8, 12.

1. The Old Testament.

2. The Gospel.

5. The Minifters in this his Kingdom are, 1. Angels, Hebr. i. 14.

2. Men.

1. Kings and Temporal Governours, Ifa. xlix. 23. Rom. xiii. 14.

2. The Spiritual Governours of his Church, and Preachers of his Gospel, who are also his Ambassadors, 2 Cor. v. 20. and these are either,

1. Bishops, S. Joh. xx. 21. Alt. xx. 28. I Pet. V. 2.

2. Presbyters.

3. Deacons.

6. His Ordinances are the Places where we

may converse with him, S. Matt. xviii.


1. In Prayer we speak to him.

2. In Hearing he speaks to us, ifa. İxv. 12. 7. The Sacraments are the Seals of this Kinga dom, Rom. iv. II.

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8. The Potent Enemies of this his Kings dom are,

1. Sin, 2 Cor. x. 4, 5. Rom. viii. 7. Gal. V. 17.

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2. Satan, Ephef. ii. 2.

3. The World, S. Fam. iv. 4.

3. The Kingdom of Glory

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1. His Subjects shall all know him, 1 Cor. xiii.

Í 2.

2. Not only know, but be with him, S. Johi xvii. 24.

3. Not only be with him, but also fee him,
1 Cor. xiii. 12.

4. Not only fee him, but enjoy him.
1. By Loving him.

2. By Rejoicing in him.

5. Not only enjoy him, but that conftantly. 6. Not only conftantly, but eternally, S.Matt. XXV. ult.

II. What is meant by the Coming of this Kingdom, or what is it that we pray for in this Peti tion, when we fay, Thy Kingdom come?

1. That his Kingdom of Grace may be fet up in all the World, Gen. ix. 27. Pfal. ii. 8. viz. 1. That all Nations may be fubject to Christ, Phil. ii. 10.

2. That he would in every Place fettle a faithful Miniftry, S. Matt. ix. 38.

3. And accompany it with his Spririt, 2 Theff.

iii. I.

4. And fubdue the Oppofers of this King
dom, 2 Theff. ii. 8, 9.
E 2

5. That

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