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That you may pray this conftantly and fer⇒ vently; Confider,

1. We are all prone to Sin, Jer. xvii. 9. 2. None but God can keep you from it.

3. He hath promis'd you to do it, Ezek. xxxvi. 26, 27.

4 But He expects that you pray for it, Ifa. Xxxvii. 15, 21.

5. If this be granted, you are happy

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S. MATT. vi. 13.

For thine is the Kingdom, the Power, and the Glory, for ever.



HIS is call'd the Doxology, i. e. Giving Glory to GOD, and is the Reafon or Foundation of our offering up these foregoing Petitions to God; For, or because,

I. Thine is the Kingdom; which includes His Sovereignty over all Things, Pfal. Ixxxiii. 18. 1. As Creator, Rev. iv. 11.

2. As Preferver, A&t. xvii. 28.

3. As Difpofer of all Things, S. Matt. x. 29, 30. Prov. xvi. 33.

II. The Power; whereby we confess,

1. That Property whereby he can do what he will, S.Luk. i. 37. Pfal. cxv. 3. and cxxxv. 6. Dicitur enim Omnipotens faciendo quod vult, non patiendo quod non vult. Auguft. Deo nihil eft impoffibile, nifi quod non vult. Tertull.

2. With Means, or without, Gen. i.

3. Without Labour,Pfal.xxxiii. 9. and cxlviii.5. From whence it follows, that His Power is infinite, i. In itself.

2. As to the Creatures, S. Matt. iii. 9. And that Nothing is impoffible for God to do, but,

1. Such Things as are contrary to His Nature, 2 Tim. ii, 13.


Quid ergò ei impoffibile? non quod virtuti arduum, fed quod natura ejus contrarium. S. Ambrof. 2. Or imply a Contradiction.

3. Or argue Weakness and Infirmity, Habak. i. 13. Tit. i. 2. Hebr. vi. 18.

Mentiri autem, non virtutis, fed infirmitatis eft. S. Ambrof.

III. The Glory; that is, the Honour due unto His Name; by which,

1. We acknowledge Him glorious in His own Nature, Exod. xxxiv. 6.

2. Afcribe the Glory of all Things to Him, Rev. vii. 12.

3. Confefs Him to be the ultimate End of all our Prayers and Actions, 1 Cor. X. 31.

And this Kingdom, Power and Glory, we appropriate unto God, faying, Thine is the, &c. Because none but He hath them.

1. Effentially.

2. Originally, Rom. xiii. 1. Prov. viii. 15.
3. Infinitely, Pfal. cxlvii. 5.

4. Eternally, 1 Tim. i. 17.

Wherefore as They are due and belong to God

only, fo do They alfo for Ever and Ever.
That is,

1. From Everlasting, Pfal. xc. 2,
2. To Everlasting, Exod. iii. 14.

Amen; which fignifies,

1. The Truth of what is faid, S. Luk. ix. 27.

S. Matt. xvi. 28. S. Mar. ix. 1.

2. Our Affent, 1 Cor. xiv. 16. Deut. xxvii. 26. 3. Our Defire of what we have asked, Rev. xxii. 20. évoto, LXX. 1 Chron. xvi. 36.

IV. And this Claufe or Doxology is added to

the Prayi


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1. To confirm our Faith, that we shall receive what we have desired, seeing He, to whom wẹ pray, is,

1. A King, and fo poffeffes all Things.
2. Powerful, Ephef. iii. 20.

3. Will have the Glory, Jer. xiv. 7.

2. To fhew that our Hope of obtaining, is to be only in God.

3. To fhew that we fhould always add Praifes to Prayers, 1 Chron. xxix. 11, 12, 13.

4. To poffefs our Hearts with an Holy Fear and Reverence of God.

5. To fhew that God's Glory fhould be the End of all Petitions as well as Actions.


1. Wherefore fay this Prayer.

2. Say it conftantly.

3. Say it with Fervency and Understanding. Amen.

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S. MATT. vi. 33.

But feek ye first the Kingdom of God and His Righteoufness, and all these Things Shall be added unto you.



HE Kingdom of God and His Righteousness, must be fought in the firft


I. What is the Kingdom of God?

1. The Kingdom of His Grace, Rom. xiv. 17. 1. Confifting in Righteousness.


in Peace.

1. With God, Rom. v. 1.

2. With Conscience.

3. With the Creatures, Job v. 23, 24.
Joy in the Holy Ghost.

2. The Kingdom of Glory. Confisting,
1. In the Freedom from all Evil.
1. Of Sin.

2. Of Mifery.

2. In the Enjoyment of all Good.

H. What are we to understand by Righteousness?

It is the Righteoufnefs of his Gospel, whereby we are entitled to both thefe Kingdoms. For thereby,

1. Our Sins are mortify'd, Rom. vi. 14. 2. The contrary Graces are implanted. From whence it is, that,

3. Our Sins are pardon'd, Pfal. xxxii. 1. 4. And our Perfons juftify'd, Rom. v. 1.

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