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support of Conference Claimants been carried out, and has the pro rata division been made? ¶¶321, 336, 338, 410.

$20. Has the apportionment for the Episcopal Fund been paid?

$21. Has the apportionment for the Expenses of the General Conference and other general expenses been paid?

$22. What is the Financial Plan adopted by the Benevolence Committee? (in case the Charge is a Circuit the question will apply to each Church).

$23 Have the directions of the Discipline for raising benevolent funds been carried out?

$24. What amounts have been received this quarter for benevolent purposes, and how have they been applied?

$25 (4) What amounts are officially apportioned to this Charge for benevolent causes for next year? 1. For Board of Foreign Missions.

2. For Board of Home Missions and Church Extension.

3 For Freedmen's Aid Society.

4. Por Board of Sunday Schools.

5. Por Education-Pablle Education.

6 For American Bible Society.

7. Por Board of Temperance, Prohibition and Public Mara's

& For General Descenes Board.

For other purposes as ordered by the Annual

FM (1) What is the complete record of benevolent oderings for the past part

1 For Board of Paris Missions: a. From

Church. b. From Sunday Schools. c. From
Special gifts.

2. For Board of Home Missions and Church
Extension: a. From Church. b. From Sun-
day Schools. c. From Special Gifts.

3. For Freedmen's Aid Society.

4. For Board of Sunday Schools: a. From Church. b. From Sunday Schools, including 10% Sunday School Missionary Offering. 5. For Board of Education: a. Public Educational Collection. b. Children's Day Fund.

6. For American Bible Society.

7. For Board of Temperance, Prohibition, and Public Morals.

8. For General Deaconess Board.

9. For Woman's Foreign Missionary Society.

10. For Woman's Home Missionary Society.

11. For City Missionary or Church Extension Society.

12. For Other Purposes.

§ 27. Who are licensed to preach, or recommended to the District Conference for License to preach? ¶ 214.

§ 28. [-4-] Was the Character of each Local Preacher, Exhorter, and Deaconess examined? ¶¶ 220, 228, 236, § 6.

§ 29. a. What Local Preachers and Exhorters are recommended to the District Conference for renewal of License? ¶¶ 220, 228.

b. [-4-] What Local Preachers and Exhorters have had their Licenses renewed? ¶¶ 220, 228.

$30. [-4-] What Local Preachers are recommended for Orders. ¶ 220, § 3.

§ 31. [-4-] What Local Preachers are recommended for the recognition of Orders? ¶¶ 165, § 2; 220, § 3.

§ 32. [-4-] What Local Preachers are recommended for Reception on Trial in the Annual Conference? ¶ 220, § 3.

§ 33. [-4-] How much Insurance is carried on each item of Church Property? ¶¶ 190, § 9; 350.

§ 34. [-1-] Who are the Custodians of the Deeds and other legal papers affecting the Church property?

§ 35. [-4-] (a) When and by whom was the sermon on Education preached?

(b) Has the canvass for Education been made? (c) What amount was contributed?

(d) Was Children's Day observed?

(e) Amount of Collection?

§ 36. (a) What students from this Charge are attending any of our Church Schools?

(b) In what institutions are they enrolled?

(c) What young people in this Charge should attend our schools in the near future?

(d) Have their names been sent to the educational institution supported by the Annual Conference?

§ 37. a. What students within the Pastoral Charge are attending any secondary school, college, university, or theological school?

b. Have our Pastors been notified that students of this Pastoral Charge are attending school in their Charges?

§ 38. Have the Rules respecting the Instruction of Children been observed? ¶¶ 49-54.

§ 39. [-4-] Has the Pastor made a Visiting List, or Plan of his Charge, as required by the Discipline? ¶ 182, § 29.

§ 40. [-4-] What Committees are appointed for the ensuing Conference year? ¶ 107, § 10.

§ 41. [-4-] Have the General Rules been read this year? ¶ 182, § 4.

§ 42. Where shall the next Quarterly Conference be held?

§ 43. Is there any other Business?

III. Auditing and Records

¶ 109. It shall be the duty of the Committee on Auditing Accounts to audit the books of the Church Treasurer and of the Treasurers of all Boards or organizations of the local Church or Churches of the Charge represented in the Quarterly Conference, and the accounts of the Benevolent Treasurer or Treasurers of the Charge, and report the same in writing at the first Quarterly Conference.

110. It shall be the duty of the Committee on Church Records to examine the records of membership, the minutes of the Quarterly Conference, the records of the Trustees, and the records of all the boards or organizations of the local Church or Churches of the Pastoral Charge, represented in the Quarterly Conference, and to make a written report thereon at the fourth Quarterly Conference. When any of these books are filled and are no longer in use, they shall be deposited with the Recording Steward for preservation.

IV. Apportioned Benevolences

111, § 1. There shall be nominated by the Pastor in each Charge for each organized Church within the

Charge, for election by the fourth Quarterly Conference, a committee of at least five on the Apportioned Benevolences, the Pastor being ex officio chairman. The Pastor, aided by this committee, shall arrange for a presentation to the public congregation of the interests and work of each of the Apportioned Benevolences as hereinafter provided.

§ 2. It shall be the duty of this Committee to raise the amounts apportioned to the Charge for the Benevolent Boards, as handed down by the Commission on Finance and to inculcate principles of Christian stewardship as presented in ¶ 71 of the Discipline. The budget for these benevolences shall be kept separate from that for the local Church expenses and for local benevolent causes. The Quarterly Conference or the Official Board shall elect a special Treasurer, whose duty it shall be to receive and keep an itemized account of the funds contributed to these benevolences. He shall remit the same monthly or quarterly to the Treasurers of the Boards for which the same are intended. This committee shall provide for a careful and systematic canvass of the membership of the Church and congregation to secure pledges upon a weekly basis for at least the amount apportioned to the Charge. In making the canvass for the apportioned benevolences, the committee may work in conjunction with the Official Board or Quarterly Conference in its canvass for ministerial support, current expense, or any local benevolent items. In the local Church budget the item of ministerial support, which includes the claims for Pastors, District Superintendent, Bishops, and Conference Claimants, and the item of current expense, which includes sexton, light, fuel, insurance, and other local expenses, shall in no

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