The Holy Bible: Containing the Old and New Testaments : Translated Out of the Original Tongues, and with the Former Translations Diligently Compared and RevisedAmerican Bible Society, 1860 - 984 páginas |
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Página 10
... CHRIST cir . 2346 . 11. The generations of Noah . CHAPTER X. 1 The generations of Noah . 2 The sons of Japheth . 6 The sons of Ham . 8 Nimrod the first monarch . 21 The sons of Shem . NOW these are the generations Before CHRIST 2347 . of ...
... CHRIST cir . 2346 . 11. The generations of Noah . CHAPTER X. 1 The generations of Noah . 2 The sons of Japheth . 6 The sons of Ham . 8 Nimrod the first monarch . 21 The sons of Shem . NOW these are the generations Before CHRIST 2347 . of ...
Página 12
... CHRIST cir . 1920 . b ch . 20. 18 . 1 Chr . 16.21 . Ps . 165. 14 . Heb . 13. 4 . & 26. 10 . 18 And Pharaoh called Abram , and said , What is this that thouc ch . 20. 9 . hast done unto me ? why didst thou not tell me that she was thy ...
... CHRIST cir . 1920 . b ch . 20. 18 . 1 Chr . 16.21 . Ps . 165. 14 . Heb . 13. 4 . & 26. 10 . 18 And Pharaoh called Abram , and said , What is this that thouc ch . 20. 9 . hast done unto me ? why didst thou not tell me that she was thy ...
Página 28
... CHRIST cir . 1748 . Ps . 35. 24 . & 43. 1 . Lam . 3. 59 . That is , judging . cir . 1747 . + Heb . wrestlings of God . ch . 23.6 . That is , my wrestling . k Called , Matt . 4. 13 . Nephtha- lim . cir . 1749 . I ver . 4 . cir . 1748 . cir ...
... CHRIST cir . 1748 . Ps . 35. 24 . & 43. 1 . Lam . 3. 59 . That is , judging . cir . 1747 . + Heb . wrestlings of God . ch . 23.6 . That is , my wrestling . k Called , Matt . 4. 13 . Nephtha- lim . cir . 1749 . I ver . 4 . cir . 1748 . cir ...
Página 34
... CHRIST cir . 1729 . g ch . 46. 8 . Ex . 1. 2 . h ch . 13. 18 . 27 T And Jacob came unto Isaac his father unto h Mamre , unto the 1 city of Arbah ( which is Hebron ) & 23. 2 , 19 . where Abraham and Isaac so - Josh . 14.15 . journed . 28 ...
... CHRIST cir . 1729 . g ch . 46. 8 . Ex . 1. 2 . h ch . 13. 18 . 27 T And Jacob came unto Isaac his father unto h Mamre , unto the 1 city of Arbah ( which is Hebron ) & 23. 2 , 19 . where Abraham and Isaac so - Josh . 14.15 . journed . 28 ...
Página 136
... CHRIST cir. The earth swalloweth up some , Before 24 Speak unto the congregation , ] saying , Get you up from about the CHRIST tabernacle of Korah , Dathan , and Abiram . 25 And Moses rose up , and went unto Dathan and Abiram ; and the ...
... CHRIST cir. The earth swalloweth up some , Before 24 Speak unto the congregation , ] saying , Get you up from about the CHRIST tabernacle of Korah , Dathan , and Abiram . 25 And Moses rose up , and went unto Dathan and Abiram ; and the ...
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The Holy Bible: Containing the Old and New Testaments Translated Out of the ... Vista completa - 1834 |
Términos y frases comunes
Aaron Abimelech according Achish Ahaziah altar Amorites begat behold blessed brethren brought burnt-offering CHAPTER children of Israel CHRIST cir commanded congregation covenant cubits daughter David Deut dren dwelt earth Edom Egypt ephod Ezek Ezra f ch g ch gold h ch hearken heart heaven Hebron holy hundred Jacob Jehoshaphat Jeroboam Jerusalem Joab Jordan Josh Joshua Judah Judg king of Israel king's Kohath land of Egypt Levites LORD hath LORD said unto LORD spake unto LORD thy Luke Manasseh Matt meat-offering Merari Moab Moses offering pass Pharaoh Philistines pray thee priest Prov rael Rehoboam reign Saul sent shalt thou Shechem shekels shew slain slew smote Solomon sons tabernacle ther thereof thine hand thing thou hast thou shalt thousand thy servant took tribe unclean unto the LORD unto thee Wherefore wife words