Imágenes de páginas

nene yoekenorouhgwha ne iih, neoni yerighweahawe ne akerighwisaahtshera.

Oegwe. Sayaner, tagweadearhek, neoni egh skareaghrahgwat ne oegweryane wahoeny keakayea weany ayoegwayenawakouh.

Ratsi. Toghsa Eghtsheanayesat ne Royaner Saniyoh; ikea ne Royaner yagh teyawet egh niyouht tsiahoyena ne yagh thahorighwasteanire ne Raoghseana eahatshaweanoryaghte.

Oegwe. Sayaner, tagweadearhek, neoni egh skareaghrahgwat ne oegweryane wahoeny keakayea weany ayoegwayenawakouh.

Ratsi. Seghyarak seadadokeaghtistoehak ne Sabbath. Yayak niweghniserake easayoghtea, neoni eaghseweyeaneadane agwekouh tsinisayea tsineaghsatyere; nok ne tsyadakhadont keaghweade ne Raosabbath ne Royaner Saniyoh: Egh noewe yaghothenouh thaoesaghsatyere tsiok nikayodeaghserotea, iese, neoni eghtsyeaah, neoni sheyeaah, eghtshenhase, neoni senhase, satshenea, neoni ne thiyakaouhweatsyate ayesouhweatsyoreaouh. Ikea yayak niweghniserake ne Royaner raoenissouh ne karoeya neoni oughweatsya, ne kanyadare, neoni agwekouh tsiniwat netho, neoni egh niyehodorishea ne tsyadakhadont keaghweade: newahoeny ne Royaner rayadaderistouh ne tsyadakhadont keaghweade, neoni raweghniseradokeahdistouh.

Oegwe. Sayaner, tagweadearhek, neoni egh skareaghrahgwat ne oegweryane wahoeny keakayea weany ayoegwayenawakouh.

Ratsi. Shekoenyeasthak ne yaniha neoni ne sanisteaha; nene tsisadeghniseratennyouh ayeasouh ne tsiwadouhweatsyate, nenahotea ne Royaner Saniyoh eayouh.

Oegwe. Sayaner, tagweadearhek, neoni egh skareaghrahgwat ne oegweryane wahoeny keakayea weany ayoegwayenawakouh.


Thou shalt do no murder.

People. Lord, have mercy upon us, and incline our hearts to keep this law.

Minister. Thou shalt not commit adultery. People. Lord, have mercy upon us, and incline our hearts to keep this law.

Minister. Thou shalt not steal.

People. Lord, have mercy upon us, and incline our hearts to keep this law.

Minister. Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour.

People. Lord, have mercy upon us, and incline our hearts to keep this law.

Minister. Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's house, thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's wife, nor his servant, nor his maid, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor any thing that is his.

People. Lord, have mercy upon us, and write all these thy laws in our hearts, we beseech thee.

Then shall follow the Collect for the Queen, the Priest standing as before, and saying,

Let us Pray.

ALMIGHTY God, whose kingdom is everlasting, and power infinite; Have mercy upon the whole Church; and so rule the heart of thy chosen servant VICTORIA, our Queen and Governour, that

Rats. Toghsa asherryoh.

Oegwe. Sayaner, tagweadearhek, neoni egh skareaghragwat ne oegweryane wahoeny keakayea weany ayoegwayenawakouh.

Ratsi. Toghsa kanaghgwa aserighwanerake. Oegwe. Sayaner, tagweadearhek, neoni egh skareaghragwat ne oegweryane wahoeny keakayea weany ayoegwayenawakouh.

Ratsi. Toghsa asheneaskoh.

Oegwe. Sayaner, tagweadearhek, neoni egh skareaghragwat ne oegweryane wahoeny keakayea weany ayoegwayenawakouh.

Ratsi. Toghsa aserighweahawe onowea asheyatroryea ne seanouhsanekea.

Oegwe. Sayaner, tagweadearhek, neoni egh skareaghrahgwat ne oegweryane wahoeny keakayea weany ayoegwayenawakouh.

Ratsi. Toghsa eghtshenosha ne tsyeanouhsanekea tsironouhsote, toghsa eghtshenosha ne tsyeanouhsanekea rone, neteas ne ronhase, neteas ne ranhase, neteas ne raotsheneaokoeah, neteas tsiok nahotea ahoyeatake.

Oegwe. Sayaner, tagweadearhek, neoni s'yadouh agwekouh keaiekea weany ne oegweryaghsakouh wagweanideaghtea.

Ethone nea ne eayoghserete keaiekea Koewadereanayeadaghgweanitha ne Kakoraghkowah, ne Ratsihustatsy eahadake tsiniyouht noheadouh, neoni eahearouh,


Seshatsteaghseragwekouh Niyoh, sayanertshera tsiniyeaheawe eawadaghtye, neoni sashatsteaghsera yagh thiyeyodokte; Asiteare yakagwekte ne Onouhsadokeaghty; neoni asatsteriste ne aweryane tsya

she, (knowing whose minister she is) may above all things seek thy honour and glory: and that we, and all her subjects (duly considering whose authority she hath) may faithfully serve, honour, and humbly obey her, in thee, and for thee, according to thy blessed Word and ordinance; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who with thee and the Holy Ghost liveth and reigneth, ever one God, world without end. Amen.

¶ Then shall be said the Collect of the day. And immediately after the Collect the Priest shall read the Epistle, saying, The Epistle (or, the portion of Scripture appointed for the Epistle) is written in the

Chapter of beginning at the Verse. And the Epistle ended, he shall say, Here endeth the Epistle. Then shall he read the Gospel (the people all standing up) saying, The holy Gospel is written in the Chapter of beginning at the

Verse. And the Gospel ended, shall be sung or said the Creed following, the people still standing, as before.

I BELIEVE in one God the Father Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth, And of all things visible and invisible:

daragwea Senhase VICTORIA, Oegwakoraghkowa neoni karighwakanoenis, nene aouhha (yoderyeadarak oughka yakotsteristahse) ne agwekouh seaha issi noewe ne awesaxheke aesakoenyeasthake neoni oeweseaghtshera: neoni nene oekyouhha, neoni agwekouh ne aouhhake yagwanikouhrayeadaghgwea (aoedakarighwayerike ayagweanouhdoenyouheke oughka koewashatsteaghserawy ne kahawe) aoedayoegweghtahkoehake ayagwayoghdeahseheke, ayagwakoenyeasthake, neoni ayoegwadadoeneaghtouh ayagwayoghdeahseheke, ayagwaweanaraghgwhake ne aouhha, ne iesetsherakouh, neoni ne iese, ne aoedayoyaneahawe tsiniyouht ne Saweanadokeagty neoni tsinisarighwadadouh; ne raorihoenyat Jesus Christ Shoegwayaner, ne raouhha ne ieseke neoni ne Onikouhradokeaghty roenhe neoni rotsteristouh, tsiniyeaheawe uskat ne Niyoh, tsiyouhweatsyate yagh thiyaoedoktea. Amen.

¶ Ethone'nea nene Adereanayeant ne aoweank ne Keaghweade. Neoni ne nea eawadoekoghte ne Adereanayeant ne Ratsihustatsy eahaweanaghnotouh ne Epistle tsiyeaharighoktea. Ethone nea ne eashaweanaghnotouh ne Orighwadokeaghty (ne oegwehokouh agwekouh teayedaghne.) Neoni nea ne Orighwadokeagty eaharihoktea, ne Skarig hware teaskyadaghsoeterea, ne oegwehokouh, ok yekakoete eayekeanyatake.

Tewakeghtahkouh uskat ne Niyoh ne Raniha ne Agwekouh thihashatste, Raoenissouh ne karouhya neoni oughweatsya, Neoni agwekouh tsinahoteashouh ne yontkaghthos neoni ne yagh teyontkaghthos:

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