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they may truly and indifferently minister justice, to the punishment of wickedness and vice, and to the maintenance of thy true religion, and virtue. Give grace, O heavenly Father, to all Bishops and Curates, that they may both by their life and doctrine set forth thy true and lively Word, and rightly and duly administer thy holy Sacraments: And to all thy people give thy heavenly grace; and especially to this congregation here present; that, with meek heart and due reverence, they may hear and receive thy holy Word, truly serving thee in holiness and righteousness all the days of their life. And we most humbly beseech thee of thy goodness, O Lord, to comfort and succour all them, who in this transitory life are in trouble, sorrow, need, sickness, or any other adversity. And we also bless thy holy Name for all thy servants departed this life in thy faith and fear; beseeching thee to give us grace so to follow their good examples, that with them we may be partakers of thy heavenly kingdom: Grant this, O Father, for Jesus Christ's sake, our only Mediator and Advocate. Amen.

tsinayakoenhoghteahake yadayakotyestouh neoni ayakorighwiyostoehake tayoedadenorouhgwhake. Wagweanideaghtea oni ne asheyadanouhsdate neoni ashenhe agwekouh Rodirighwiyostouh Koraghkowatshouh, Radighseanowaneahse, neoni Radirighwakanoenis; neoni neki agwagh ne senhase VICTORIA Oegwakoraghkowah; nene onakouh ne aouhha ayoegwarighwiyostoehake neoni skeanea thayoegwaderighwatkanoenyeany: Neoni sheyouh tsiniwa Tsikoewatsyeahayeany, neoni agwekouh ne yakoderihoetouh ne onakouh ne aouhha, nene tokeaske neoni shadayaweane tsiahontsteriste yoderighwagwarihsyouh, ashakodighrewahte yakorighwaneraaxkouh neoni yagh tetyerighwayery, neoni ne ahadiyadanouhsdate ne tokeaske sarighwiyostak, neoni t'karighwayery. Sheyouh seadearat, O karouhyake Raniha, agwekouh ne Arighwawakhouhkowatshouh neoni Raditsihustatsy, nene tetsyarouh tsinihoenoen hotea neoni raonaderighwahnodouhtshera ahoederighwahdeatyehte satokeasketshera neoni ayoenhetsihouh Saweana, neoni aoedakarighwayerike tsiahonatsteristouh ne sarighwadokeahty Tekarighwakehadont : Neoni ne agwekouh ne soegweda sheyouh ne sarouhyakeghserakouh seadearat; neoni neki agwagh ne kea noewe Niyakotkeanissouh keatho yeyadare; nene, ayakaweryaghsahnetskhahake neoni ayakokoenyeastouh, ayoeroeke, neoni ayeyena Saweanadokeaghty; tokeaske ayesayodeaghseheke orighwadokeaghtitsherakouh neoni aderighwagwarihsyouhtshera eghniseragwekouh tsineawe eayakoenheke. Neoni wagweanideaghtea tsinisayanere, O Sayaner, ne asheyouhwesaghte neoni asheyenawase agwekouh, ne keatho keaok niyoriwes tsiyakoenhe teyakonikoerhare, yakonikouhraxhease, teyontkarryas, yakonouhwaktanyoeny, neteas oddyakeshouh tsiniyakotkeaghreahseroeny.

When the Minister giveth warning for the celebration of the holy Communion, (which he shall always do upon the Sunday or some Holy-day, immediately preceding,) after the Sermon or Homily ended, he shall read this Exhortation following.

DEARLY beloved, on -day next I purpose, through God's assistance, to administer to all such as shall be religiously and devoutly disposed the most comfortable Sacrament of the Body and Blood of Christ; to be by them received in remembrance of his meritorious Cross and Passion; whereby alone we obtain remission of our sins, and are made partakers of the Kingdom of heaven. Wherefore it is our duty to render most humble and hearty thanks to Almighty God our heavenly Father, for that he hath given his Son our Saviour Jesus Christ, not only to die for us, but also to be our spiritual food and sustenance in that holy Sacrament. Which being so divine and comfortable a thing to them who receive it worthily, and so dangerous to them that will presume to receive it unworthily, my duty is to exhort you in the mean season to consider the dignity of that holy mystery, and the great peril of the

Neoni waagwayadaderiste oni ne Saghseanadokeaghty, ne agwekouh ne shenhaseokouh ne nea tsyakodoekoghtouh ne keatho tsiyakoenhegwe ne tyakaweghtahkoene neoni yesatshanisgwe; gweanideaghteany ne askyouh ne keadearat ne ayakhinoederatyeghte ne yoyanere tsiniyonkhihahoenyeany, nene ronouhha yaoesayagwagwekhene ayagwayena ne sarouhyakeghtsherakonh sayanertshera. Takyouh keaiekea, O Raniha, Jesus Christ raorihoenyat, ne Shoegwarighwahseroenyeany neoni Shoegwadatyase. Amen.

¶ Neonea ne Ratsihustatsy eadeghshakonikoeradate ne. eayerighwanorouhgwe ne orighwadokeaghty Tekarighwakehadont, nenahotea tyutkouh Yaweadadokeaghtouhke, neteas Eghniseradokeaghtike, ne eahaweanaghnotouh keaiekea Yoedatretsyaroetha.


Agwagh gwanorouhgwha, ne Ikere, ne Niyoh raoyenawaghtshera, ne eakaderighwatsteriste akaouhhake agwekouh tsinikouh ne karighwiyostakne yakodadatkawea ne tsiniyoneghragwat tsiniyogwats ne Tekarighwakehadont ne Rayeroeke neoni Raonegweaghsa ne Christ: ne akaouhha eayeyena ne eayakaweghyahrahgweaniheke tsinadehodeantshouh Tsitekayaghsoete neoni Rorouhyakeaouh; ne karihoeny neok yadekayady eadewayena ne eatsyoegwateroegwaghtea ne oegwarighwaneraaxheraokouh, neoni eawadouh eatewayadarane ne Kayanertshera ne karouhyake. Ne wahoeny ne yoegwaterighoete aoesetewarighwaseragwahte aetewadadoeneaghte neoni oegweryane tatshidewanouhweratouh ne Agwekouh thihashatste Niyoh karouhyake Shoegwaniha, nene tsishoegwawy ne Royeaah Oegwayadaken haghtshera Jesus Christ,yagh neok thiyadekayady ne ashoegweaheyase,

unworthy receiving thereof; and so to search and examine your own consciences, (and that not lightly, and after the manner of dissemblers with God; but so) that ye may come holy and clean to such a heavenly Feast, in the marriage-garment required by God in holy Scripture, and be received as worthy partakers of that holy Table.

The way and means thereto is: First, to examine your lives and conversations by the rule of God's commandments; and whereinsoever ye shall perceive yourselves to have offended, either by will, word, or deed, there to bewail your own sinfulness, and to confess yourselves to Almighty God, with full purpose of amendment of life. And if ye shall perceive your offences to be such as are not only against God, but also against your neighbours; then ye shall reconcile yourselves unto them; being ready to make restitution and satisfaction, according to the uttermost of your powers, for all injuries and wrongs done by you to any other; and being like

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