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Ethone ne Ratsihustatsy eahearouh,

Seshatsteaghseragwekouh neoni tsiniyeaheawe Niyoh, nene tsiniseanideareghtsherowanea eghtsyadanoesdatouh Noah neoni ne raowatsira ne kahoeweyaahkowahne nene oghnekake ahonaweadaouh; nok oni tsinisayerea tsisheyadanoesdatouh sheyaghsharinouh ne shakoyeaokoeah ne Israel soegweda tehonadohetstouh ne Onegweaghtara Tsinikanyadarotea, ne teweanakeraghdouhtsheroeny ne Sadatnekosserhouhtsheradokeaghty neoni ne Tsiroewaghnekosserhouh ne eghtshenorouhgwha Eghtsyeaah Jesus Christ kai'hhouhakouh ne Jordan, Saghnekadokeaghdistouh ne yagh teyokeant ne uskanoharete no karighwanerea; Wagweanideaghtea, ne tsinikowanaghtsiouh seanideareghtsheraokouh, none asathoedate seanideareghtsherananouh asheyatkaghtho keaiekea Exaah; sashenohares neoni sheyadadokeaghdist eakene Onikouhradokeaghty; nene taoesayoedoekoghte ne sanagwheaghserake, ayoedatyena ne kahoewakouh ne Christ Raonouhsadokeaghtike; neoni ayoghnirouh aoetayakaweghtahkouh, ayorharatstouh ayakotoenharake, neoni ayoghtehroetane ne adadenorouh, ne wahoeny tayoedohetste tsiteyoegwareestha ne keagh teyonikoerhara tsiyouhweatsyate, nene tsiyaoedoktea yaayoewe tsityouhweatsyate ne tsiniyeaheawe yayakoenheke tsinoewe ayakotsteristouh ieseke ne tsiyouhweatsyate ne yagh thiyaoedoktea; ne raorihoenyat Jesus Christ Shoegwayaner. Amen.

Seshatsteaghseragwekouh neoni soenheoewe Niyoh, ne sheyenawases agwekouh ne teyontkarryas, ne sheyatakenbas agwekouh ne egh yoedeghgwahtha ieseke nene ayoedatyenawaghse, ne egh yoetoenhetstahgwha ne tyakaweghtahkouh, neoni ne egh tsyontketsgwaghtha ne yakaweaheyouh; Wa

O Lord, as thou hast promised by thy well beloved Son, saying, Ask, and ye shall have; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you: So give now unto us that ask: let us that seek find; open the gate unto us that knock; that this Infant may enjoy the everlasting benediction of thy heavenly washing, and may come to the eternal kingdom which thou hast promised by Christ our Lord. Amen.

¶ Then shall the people stand up, and the Priest shall say,

Hear the words of the Gospel, written by Saint Mark, in the tenth Chapter, at the thirteenth Verse.

THEY brought young children to Christ, that he should touch them; and his disciples rebuked those that brought them. But when Jesus saw it, he was much displeased, and said unto them, Suffer little children to come unto me, and forbid them not for of such is the kingdom of God. Verily I say unto you, Whosoever shall not receive the kingdom of God as a little child, he shall not enter therein. And he took them up in his arms, put his hands upon them, and blessed them.

gwarouhyeahare ne akorighwake keaiekea Exaah, nene wakawenouhdoehatye ne Sadatnekosserhouhtsheradokeaghtike, nene ayeyena ne aoesayakoteroegwahse ne akorighwaneraaxheraokouh nene kanikouhrake ase aoesayoetouh. Sheyena, O Sayaner, tsiniyouht tsisarharatstouh egh nityawenonh tsinoeka ne eghtshenorouhgwha Eghtsyeaah, rawea, Sewarighwanoetouh, neoni easewatsheary; sewanhouhtishouh, neoni eayetshinhotoegwahse ne tsyouhha: Takyouh kady noewa ne nea yagwarighwanoetouh; kinyoh ne nea yagwesax yagwatsheary; tagwanhodoegwas tsiyodeaeaghrakaroete tsinoewe niyagwanhouhdishouh; nene keaiekea ne Exaah ne ayoetoenharaghgwe ne tsiniyeaheawe adaskatshera ne sarouhyakeghserake aoesayakoteanoharetea, neoni yaayoewe ne tsiniyeaheawe kayanertsherakouh nenahotea ne tsinihorharatstouh Christ Shoegwayaner. Amen.

¶ Ethone ne oegwehokouh nea teatsyetane, neoni ne Ratsihustatsy eahearouh.

Tsyathoetek ne oweanaokouh ne Orighwadokeaghtike, roghyatouh ne Royadadokeaghty Mark, ne oyeharihadont Tsiyoterighwatahsawe, nok aghsea yaweare Niyoweanakehadont.

Waoedatyatheouh akotexhatoeniaghshoeahChristne, nene kea niyashakoyere; neoni ne raotyoghgwa washakonariste ne egh waoedatyathewe. Nok neonea ne Jesus wahatkaghtho, wahoterouhse, neoni washakaweahase, yoekyatorean ne keaniyexhadasa, neoni toghsa yetshiyaghtyawearats; ikea eghse niyeyadotea ne raoyanertshera ne Niyoh. Agwagh wagweahaghse, Oughkakiok yagh thahayena ne raoyanertshera ne Niyoh ne egh nayawea tsiniyouht ne keaniyexhadaah, yagh thiyahadaweyate ne

After the Gospel is read, the Minister shall make this brief Exhortation upon the words of the Gospel.

BELOVED, ye hear in this Gospel the words of our Saviour Christ, that he commanded the children to be brought unto him; how he blamed those that would have kept them from him; how he exorteth all men to follow their innocency. Ye perceive how by his outward gesture and deed he declared his good will toward them; for he embraced them in his arms, he laid his hands upon them, and blessed them. Doubt ye not, therefore, but earnestly believe, that he will likewise favourably receive this present Infant, that he will embrace him with the arms of his mercy; that he will give unto him the blessing of eternal life, and make him partaker of his everlasting kingdom. Wherefore we being thus persuaded of the good will of our heavenly Father towards this Infant declared by his Son Jesus Christ; and nothing doubting but that he favourably alloweth this charitable work of our's in bringing this Infant to his holy Baptism; let us faithfully and devoutly give thanks unto him, and say,

ALMIGHTY and everlasting God, heavenly Father,

tho. Neoni wateshakoyadaghgwe washakotyadeahawa, wateshakonisnouhsarea, neoni washakoyadaderiste.

Gwanorouhgwha, sewathoete ne keaiekea Orighwadokeaghtike ne raoweanaokouh ne Oegwayadakenhaghtshera Christ, nene shakorihoetany ne exhaokoeah ne egh ayoedatyadeahawighte raouhhake; shakorighwastaniouh ne eatyoedadatyenawaste eayoedatyatoedakoh ne rouhhake; shakoghretsyaroehouh agwekouh ne oegwehokouh nene ayerighwahsere ne ayakoenhiyohake. Wesewariwakea oni tsiniyouht ne atste noekadighkouh ne raodeweyeanake rotrory tsinihothoedadouhtsheriyoh ne akaouhhake noekady; ikea washakoyena ne rasnoeke, wateshakonisnouhsarea, neoni washakoyadaderiste. Ne wahoeny toghsa tesewanikouhrakehak, nok tsinasewagweny kaseneghtakoehak, nene shateahayere eashakoyena keaiekea Exaah; eashakotyenawaste ne ranuntshake ne raonideareghtshera; nene eashakaouh ne adaskatshera ne tsiniyeaheawe eayakoen. heke, neoni eashakaoenyea ne eayeyadarane ne tsiniyeaheawe ne raoyanertshera. Ne wahoeny egh niyoegwatatenikouhrayerea nene tsinihothoedatouhtsheriyoh ne Eghtshitewaniha ne karouhyake tsinoekadighkouh keaiekea Exaah, ne rotrory ne Royeaah Jesus Christ; neoni yagh othenouh thateyoegwanikouhrakehak nene eashakoriwawaghse kea iekea adadenorouh yoegwayohtehgwea egh yethiyateahawightha kea iekea Exaah Raodatne kosserhouhtsheradokeaghtike; kinyoh tyoegweghtakoehak neoni yoegwaghnikouhriyohak tetshitewanouhweratouh, neoni tewearouh,

Seshatsteaghseragwekouh neoni tsiniyeaheawe

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