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neok thiyoedadatewetouh, neoni yaghtea nene oedatyeaokoeah. Seaha issi noewe, yoegwanisheatonh ne oegwaghwahroene, nenahotea ne yonkhirewaghtha, neoni yethiyeatarha ne ronouhha: yagh kady kea seaha ne oekyouhha egh thayoegwarhareghgwatouh ne Raniha ne kanikouhraokouh, neoni ne tsiyakoenhe? Ikea ne ronouhha orighwiyoh tsiyonkhighsohgwawishouhs neok ne tokarra niweghniserake ne thatiyaneaha ne ronouhha tsineathoneryeaghtiyoh; nok ne raouhha tsishoegwaghsohgwawishouhs nene oegwatsheanoenyat, aetewayataraghne ne raoyadadokeaghtitsherake. Keaiekea oweanaokouh, tyadadekeaghseriyoh, kaghyatouh ne Kaghyadouhseradokeaghtitsherakouh nene ayoekyouhwesgwatea neoni ayoegwanikouhrayeadaghtea; nene ayoegwanikouhkatsteke, neoni aetewatouhroeniheke, aetewahawe ne Eghtshitewaniha ne karouhyake raoghrewatshera, kaoknoewe neakeahatye oghkiok neayoghtouh ne tewadoenhakariouh eateshoegwateanyeghtea ne raodearatsherake tsinihoyanere. Neoni yagh oya tekayea ne ne seaha akowanea ne ayaoewesgwatouh akaouhhake ne Karighwiyostakne yeyadare, nene egh nayakodatyerea tsiniyouht ne Christ, ayakonikouhkatsteke ne nea eayakorouhyakeaghte teayoetoenhakary, teayakonikoerharea, neoni eayakonouhwaktea. Ikea ne raouhha yadehayady yagh enekea teshawenouhtouh ne yaoesahotoenharake, nok tyotyereaghtouh tehoteryeatakariouh rorouhyakeaouh; yagh oheatouh thiyeshotaweyatouh ne raoeweseaghtsherakouh tsiniyore sathoewayeatanharea. Egh kady otokeaouh niyoegwahahotea tsinoewe ne tsiniyeaheawe adoenharak ne eatewarouhyakeatahgwe ne keatho ne Christ; neoni ne tsiyoegwanhokaroete ne tsiyeadewadaweyaghte ne tsiniyeaheawe eatyoenheke eayoegwatsheanoenihake nene eadeweahe

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¶ Here the Minister shall rehearse the Articles of the Faith, saying thus,

Dost thou believe in God the Father Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth?

And in Jesus Christ his only-begotten Son our Lord? And that he was conceived by the Holy Ghost, born of the Virgin Mary; that he suffered

yaghte ne Christ; nene eatsitewatketskoh are ne keaheyatne, neoni yeatsitewagwekouh ne raouhhat ne tsiniyeaheawe yeatyoenheke. Noewa newahoeny, tsisanouhwaktany, ne egh nityoterighwayeratouh satsheanoenyat ne iese, sanikouhkatstek, Wakouhretsyarouh, no Raoghseanakouh ne Niyoh, ne seghyarak nenahotea tsinisaghsouh ne Niyohne tsineasarihoteahake ne Shasatnekosserawe. Neoni ikea tsinikouh wahy ne oghnakeahke ne keatho tsiyakoenhe eatyoedatkarodaghsyahse tsinoewe ne roterighwagwarihsyouh Ratsyeahayeaskowah, raouhhake agwekouh eayoedattsyeahayea, untkagwekte tsiok niyoegwedoteaghse, Wakoerighwanoetouhse kady ne sadatkacayouh yateghsyady neoni tsinighsoenhotea, tetsyarouh tsinoekady ne Niyohne neoni ne oegwene; ne wahoeny ne iese yateghsyady sadaderighwaestea tsinisanhiserouh, eawatouh ne easetsheary ne eanideareghtshera ne rasnoeke ne Eghtshitewaniha ne karouhyake nene Christ raorihoenyat, neoni ne yagh egh noewe thaoedayesarighwaestea neoni aoedayesateweadeghte ne nea waghteroeouhke ne tsinateayoetatyadoreghte. Ne kady wahoeny duntkatnahneta ne ieseke Tsiniyoriwake ne Tyoegweghtahkouh, ne wahoeny easateryeataraghne tokah nouhkea egh niyouht tsitiseghtahkouh tsiniyouht ne Karighwiyostakne yeyatare, neteas ne yaghtea.

¶ Keatho ne Ratsihustatsy nea ne dunthatnaneta ne Tsiniyoriwake ne Teweghtahkouh, eahearouh,

Tiseghtahkouh keagh ne Niyohtsherakouh ne Raniha ne Agwekouh thihashatste, Raoenissouh ne karoeya neoni ne oughweatsya?

Neoni Jesus Christsherakouh neok yekeaha Royeaah Shoegwayaner? Thoyeaghtahkouh ne Onikouhradokeaghtike, Rodoeny ne yagh tekanagh

under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, dead and buried; that he went down into hell, and also did rise again the third day; that he ascended into heaven, and sitteth at the right hand of God the Father Almighty; and from thence shall come again at the end of the world, to judge the quick and the dead?

And dost thou believe in the Holy Ghost; the holy Catholic Church; the Communion of Saints; the Remission of sins; the Resurrection of the flesh; and everlasting life after death?

¶The sick person shall answer,

All this I stedfastly believe.

T Then shall the Minister examine whether he repent him truly of his sins, and be in charity with all the world; exhorting him to forgive, from the bottom of his heart, all persons that have offended him; and if he hath offended any other, to ask them forgiveness; and where he hath done injury or wrong to any man, that he make amends to the uttermost of his power. And if he hath not before disposed of his goods, let him then be admonished to make his Will, and to declare his Debts, what he oweth, and what is owing unto him; for the better discharging of his conscience, and the quietness of his Executors. But men should often be put in remembrance to take order for the settling of their temporal estates, whilst they are in health.

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gwayeadery Wary; nene Rorouhyakeaouh onakouh ne Pontius Pilate, Tehoewayeadanhare, raweaheyouh, neoni ne aghseahadont niweghniserake shotketsgwea are; nene shotharadatouh karouhyakouh shawenouhtouh, neoni yesheaterouh tsiraweyeateghtahkouh rasnoeke ne Niyoh ne Raniha ne Agwekouh thihashatste ; neoni egh noewe nadeantre are ne tsineawatouhweatsyoktea, deateghshakotsyeahayeaghne ne eayakoen henyoeke neoni ne yakoweadaserouh?

Neoni tsiseghtahkouh keagh ne Onikouhradokeaghtitsherakouh; ne yeyogwektouh Onouhsadokeaghty; ne Tsitehodinearate ne Rodiyadadokeaghtiokouh; ne eatsyoedaderighwiyostea ne karighwaneraaxheraokouh; ne Eatsyontketskoh ne akowaghroene; neoni tsiniyeaheawe eayakoenheke oghnakeahke ne keaheyouh?

¶ Ne yakonouhwaktany eatyerighwaserakoh, Agwekouh keaiekea yohnirouh tewakeghtahkouh. Ethone ne Ratsihustatsy nea eahokaeayouh ne tokah tokeaske shodatrewaghtouh ne raorighwaneraaxheraokouh, neoni shakonorouhgwha agwekouh ne tsiyouhweatsyate; eahoghretsyarouh ne aoesashakorighwiyostea, aoetahanouhkokewe ne raweryane, agwekouh tşiniyakouh nene roewatswaghteany; neoni tokah kaneka ne raouhha nishakotswateany ashakorighwanoetouhse ne aoesahoewarighwiyostea; neoni kahnoewe neahonhikouh eashakokarewaghtouh oughkaok ne oegwe, sharighwahseroeny ne earatste ne tsinihoshatsteaghsera. Neoni tokah arekho tehotokeastouh tsineayawea ne raoyeadaghtshera, kinyoh roewadeweanharhos ne raweyeaneatan ne Raowill, neoni ratrory ne Tsiyokarotouh, tsiroewakarotoeny, neoni

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