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Wagweanideaghtea tagwathoedats, Sayanertsheri


Nene asenoewene asadeweyeatouh neoni aseshatstate ne tokeaskeoewe aesakoenyeasthake, aderighwagwarihsyouhserakouh neoni ayouhnhatokeaghtihake, ne senhase VICTORIA, oegwayanertsheriyoh kakoraghkowah neoni karighwakanoenis;

Wagweanideaghtea tagwathoedats, Sayanertsheri


Nene asenoewene asatsteriste ne aweryane aoedayaweghtakouh aesatshanighsheke, neoni aesanorouhgwhake, neoni nene tsiniyaawe egh ayodeweanodaghgwea iesetsherakouh, neoni tyutkouh ne awesaxheke satkoenyeastaktshera neoni oeweseaghtshera; Wagweanideaghtea tagwathoedats, Sayanertsheri


Nene asenoewene ne aouhha asenhe neoni asadeweyeatouh, aahsouh ne ayakosheany agwekouh tsinikouhwasweaghse.

Wagweanideaghtea tagwathoedats, Sayanertsheri


Nene asenoewene asyadaderiste neoni asadeweyeatouh Adelaide Kakoraghkowah Yodeghreouhse, neoni agwekouh ne Koraghkowah Tsinihadighwatsira;

Wagweanideaghtea tagwathoedats, Sayanertsheri


Nene asenoewene tasheghswathedea agwekouh ne Arighwawakhouhkowatshouh, Raditsihustatsihokouh nene tokeaske ahonaderyeatarake, neoni ahouhronkhake ne Saweana; neoni nene tetsyarouh raonadcrighwanodouhtshera neoni tsinihoenoenhotea ne ahouhdeatyete, neoni egh niyouht tsiawenehake; Wagweanideaghtea tagwathoedats, Sayanertsheri


That it may please thee to endue the Lords of the Council, and all the Nobility, with grace, wisdom, and understanding;

We beseech thee to hear us, good Lord.

That it may please thee to bless and keep the magistrates giving them grace to execute justice, and to maintain truth;

We beseech thee to hear us, good Lord.

That it may please thee to bless and keep all thy people;

We beseech thee to hear us, good Lord.

That it may please thee to give to all nations, unity, peace, and concord;

We beseech thee to hear us, good Lord.

That it may please thee to give us an heart to love and dread thee, aud diligently to live after thy commandments;

We beseech thee to hear us, good Lord.

That it may please thee to give to all thy people increase of grace, to hear meekly thy Word, and to receive it with pure affection, and to bring forth the fruits of the Spirit;

We beseech thee to hear us, good Lord.

That it may please thee to bring into the way of

Nene asenoewene asheyeritshe ne Rodiyanertshouh Tsikeatsistayea, neoni agwekouh ne Radighseanowaneahsc, keadearat, kanikouhrowaneaghsera, neoni aghronkhahtshera ;

Wagweanideaghtea tagwathoedats, Sayanertsheri


Nene asenoewene asheyadaderiste neoni asheyadeweyeatouh ne raditsyeahayeashokouh: asheyouh ne keadearat ahoederighwadeatyehte tk'arighwayery, neoni ahoederighwadeweyeadouh ne tokeaske; Wagweanideaghtea tagwathoedats, Sayanertsheri


Nene asenoewene asheyadaderiste neoni asheyadeweyeatouh agwekouh ne soegweta;

Wagweanideaghtea tagwathoedats, Sayanertsheri


Nene asenoewene asheyouh agwekouh yeghnegwaghsatennyouh, uskat yakeahake, kayanerea, neoni shaakonikoerat;

Wagweanideaghtea tagwathoedats, Sayanertsheri


Nene asenoewene aaskyouh oegweryane agwanorouhgwhake neoni agwatshaghnisheke, neoni ayoegwatstenyarouhke ne egh nayakyoenhodeahake tsinisarighwadatouh;

Wagweanideaghtea tagwathoedats, Sayanertsheri


Nene asenoewene asheyouh agwekouh ne soegweda ayakodeghyahroehase ne keadearat, ayakonikouhranetskhahake ayoerouhke ne Saweana, neoni ayeyena yayonttoke, neoni yakahewe akaneahoedea ne Kanikouhrake;

Wagweanideaghtea tagwathoedats, Sayanertsheri


Nene asenoewene aoesaghsheyathewe tsinoewe

truth all such as have erred, and are deceived;

We beseech thee to hear us, good Lord.

That it may please thee to strengthen such as do stand, and to comfort and help the weak-hearted, and to raise up them that fall, and finally to beat down Satan under our feet;

We beseech thee to hear us, good Lord.

That it may please thee to succour, help, and comfort all that are in danger, necessity and tribulation;

We beseech thee to hear us, good Lord.

That it may please thee to preserve all that travel by land or by water, all women labouring of child, all sick persons and young children, and to shew thy pity upon all prisoners and captives;

We beseech thee to hear us, good Lord.

That it may please thee to defend and provide for the fatherless children and widows, and all that are desolate and oppressed;

We beseech thee to hear us, good Lord.

That it may please thee to have mercy upon all


We beseech thee to hear us, good Lord.

niyohade ne tokeaske agwekouh tsinikouh ne yakoyaghdahtoeouh, neoni yoedadenikouhrhadeany; Wagweanideaghtea tagwathoedats, Sayanertsheri


Nene asenoewene asheshatstate ne ieyete, neoni asheyouhwesate neoni asheyenawaghse yokeaheyouh ne akaweryane, neoni aoesaghsheketskoh ne yakoyatyeneaouh, neoni tsiyaoedoktea eghtake asyaghdoety nc oneshouhronouh agwaghsitokouh;

Wagweanideaghtea tagwathoedats, Sayanertsheri


Nene asenoewene asheghsnycnouh, asheyenawaghse, neoni asheyouhwesate agwekouh nene teyoteryeaghthara, teyontkarryas neoni teyakoteryeahtakarryea;

Wagweanideaghtea tagwathoedats, Sayanertsheri


Nene asenoewene asheyadeweyeatouh agwekouh nene teyoedaweary oughweatsyake neteas aweake, agwek ouh tyakothoewisea yenerouhse, agwekouh ne yakonoewaktanyoeny neoni niyakasah exhaokoeah, neoni ashedeare agwekouh enasgwah neoni yagh teyoedadeweaniyoh :

Wagweanideaghtea tagwathoedats, Sayanertsheri


Nene asenoewene ashenhe neoni tashesnyene ne yagh teyakonighsheatouh neoni yakoteghreouhse, neoni agwekouh ne yeyesaghse neoni teyoedouhnhakarryas;

Wagweanideaghtea tagwathoedats, Sayanertsheri


Nene asenoewene asheteare agwekouh ne oegwehokouh;

Wagweanideaghtea tagwathoedats, Sayanertsheri


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