Imágenes de páginas

adaghrenawy kanradarineghserahkowah neoni youhweadase; nene tsiniyaweaouh tsisathoedadouh tsiyesarighwanekeany, neoni eghtsherihoedany ne shakoghdoetha Karouhyakeghronouh rotkawea tsishakoghrewahtha; shadayawea noewa aahsere erea asgwahawightase keaiekea kanradarinese youhweadase, ne raorihoenyat Jesus Christ Shoegwayaner. Amen.

¶ Ne roewanadereanayeadaghgweanitha tsinikouh ne Orighwadokeaghtike roewadirig hoedane.

Seshatsteaghseragwekouh Niyoh, karouhyake Raniha, ne saghninouh yadeghsyady tyogwektouh ne Onouhsadokeaghty ne raonegweaghsanorouh eghtshenorouhgwhatsihouh Eghtsyeaah; Seanideareghtsherananouh asatkatho ok ne shakat, neoni keagh noewe niwathawise ne asheyaghsharine neoni aserighwakanoeny ne raodinikouhrake shenhaseokouh ne Arighwawakhoukowatshouh neoni ne Raditsihustatsy ne seatyoghgwake, nene yagh thadashakoneanisnouhsarea nok aoetyaktsy ounghka ne oegwe, nok aoedahoneghdahkouh neoni ahoedeaghnikouhrowanaghte ne ahadirakoh netho tsiniyeyaghdodeahse ne ayakoyodeah ne oyodeaghseradokeaghty ne Sanouhsadokeaghtike. Neoni tsinikouh ne eahoewadirighhoedea ne orighwadokeaghty eahoederighwadeatyete sheyouh ne seadearat neoni sarouhyakeghserake sayadaderightshera; nene tetsyarouh tsinihoenouhnhotea neoni raonade righwahnodouhsera ne ahoederighwahdeatyete ne soeweseaghtshera, neoni ne aoederighwahdeaty ne akodeasheanyeghtshera agwekouh ne oegwehokouh; ne raorihoenyat Jesus Christ Shoegwayaner. Amen.

Or this.

ALMIGHTY God, the giver of all good gifts, who of thy divine providence hast appointed divers Orders in thy Church: Give thy grace, we humbly beseech thee, to all those who are to be called to any office and administration in the same; and so replenish them with the truth of thy doctrine, and endue them with innocency of life, that they may faithfully serve before thee, to the glory of thy great Name, and the benefit of thy holy Church; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

TA Prayer that may be said after any of the former,

O Gon, whose nature and property is ever to have mercy, and to forgive, receive our humble petitions ; and though we be tied and bound with the chain of our sins, yet let the pitifulness of thy great mercy loose us, for the honour of Jesus Christ our Media tor and Advocate. Amen.

TA Prayer for the High Court of Parliament, to be read during their Session.

Most gracious God, we humbly beseech thee, as for this Kingdom in general, so especially for the High Court of Parliament, under our most religious and gracious Queen at this time assembled : That thou wouldest be pleased to direct and prosper all their consultations to the advancement of thy glory,

Neteas keaiekea.

Seshatsteaghseragwekouh Niyoh, ne sheyaw is agwekouh ne adadawightsheriyoh, ne saragweagh tsinadeakontdihanyoeke Tsieayakoderighhoedoeke ne Sanouhsadokeaghtitsherakouh; Sheyouh ne seadearat, wagweanideaghtea, ne agwekouh tsinikouh ne eahoewadihoekarryake neoni eahontsteriste neok ne shakat; neoni aaghsenane ronoubhake ne tokeasketshera saderighwahnodouhtshera, neoni asheyeritshe ne ahoenouhnhiy ohake, nene oeweseaghtshera ne kowanea Saghseana, neoni ne aotsheanoenyaghtshera ne Sanouhsadokeaghtike; ne raorihoenyat Jesus Christ Shoegwayaner. Amen.

¶ Adereanayeant eayontsthake tsioghnakeahke ne od dyakeshouh.

O Niyoh, tsinighsouhnhotea neoni ne saweank tyutkouh ne ashedeare neoni aoesaghsherihwiyostea, aahsyena yoegwadadoeneaghtouh gwarighwanekeany; neoni sane yagwanereah ne yagwaghnereastouh ne tekanaghdodarhouh oegwarighwaneraaxhera nok taoesasgwanouhyanieke nene tsiniseanideareghtsherowanea aoesasg waghnereahsy; ne raoneadouhtshera Jesus Christ Shoegwarighwahseroenyeany neoni Shoegwadatyase. Amen.

Ne Adereanyeant tsinikariwes Ronatkeanissouh Tsikeatsistagweniyoh.

Seanideareskouh Niyoh, wagweanideaghtea, nene Tsiyenakerennyouh ne keagh noewe, neki agwagh Tsikeatsistagweniyoh noewa ne keagh noewe niwathawise ronatkeanissouh; Nene egh naoedaghsenoewene ne asadeweyeanoeny neoni asaderaswiyoste agwekouh tsineahadirighwakanoenyanyouh nene ao

the good of thy Church, the safety, honour, and welfare of our Sovereign, and her Dominions; that all things may be so ordered and settled by their endeavours, upon the best and surest foundations, that peace aud happiness, truth and justice, religion and piety, may be established among us for all generations. These and all other necessaries, for them, for us, and thy whole Church, we humbly beg in the Name and Mediation of Jesus Christ our most blessed Lord and Saviour. Amen.

A Collect or Prayer for all Conditions of Men, to be used at such times when the Litany is not appointed to be said.

O GOD, the Creator and Preserver of all mankind, we humbly beseech thee for all sorts and conditions of men, that thou wouldest be pleased to make thy ways known unto them; thy saving health unto all nations. More especially we pray for the good estate of the Catholic Church; that it may be so guided and governed by thy good Spirit, that all who profess and call themselves Christians, may be led into the way of truth, and hold the faith in unity of Spirit, in the bond of peace, and in righteousness of Life. Finally, we commend to thy fatherly good

ederighwahdeaty ne soeweseaghtshera, ne aoyanereagh ne Sanouhsadokeaghtike, ne aoyadanouhsdatshea, kaneadouhtshera, neoni aotsheanoenyaghsera


Oegwakoraghkowah, neoni Tsiyotsteristouh; nene agwekouh tsinahoteashouh tsiahoederighwahdeatyete neoni ahadirighwahseroeny ne tsinihonadatyoteastouh, nene aouhhaah aoedakarighwayerine neoni orighwiyoh ne aoedontkeaseraghgwe, ne kayanerea neoni atsheanoenyaghsera, tokeasketshera neoni tk'arighwayery, karighwiyostak neoni youhnhiyoghtshera, ne aoederihowanaghte oekyouhhake agwekouh oni tsiwakaghwatsiradatye. Keaiekea neoni agwekouh oddyakeshouh tsinadeyodouhweatsyohouh, ne ronouhha oni ne oekyouhha, neoni tsinadewa ne Sanouhsadokeaghtiokouh, wagweanideaghtea waghgwanekea ne Raoghseanakouh neoni Shoegwarighwahseroenyeany Jesus Christ oegwayadaderightshera Oegwayaneda neoni Shoegwaghnereahsyouh. Amen.

¶ Ne Adereanayeant agwekouh ne oegwehokouh, ne eayontste tsinoewe nea yagh thaayontste ne tsiok noewe Yoedeneanayeadaghgwha.

O Niyoh, ne Soenissouh neoni Sheyadeweyeatouhs agwekouh ne oegwehokouh, wagweanideaghtea ne agwekouh tsiniyoghtannyouh neoni tsiniyakonakonaktoteaghse; ne oegwehokouh nene aeseryeahtiyoh ne ashenaghdoehase tsisahate, tsiniyodaghkarite tsisheyaghdanouhsdats agwekouh yeghnegwahsatennyouh. Neki agwagh, wagwadereanayeadaghgwe ne aoyanerea aoedouh. Aoetakagweakte ne Onouhsadokeaghty; nene tsinayawea ne ayoghsharine neoni akarighwakanocny ne Sanikouhriyoghtshera, nene agwekouh ne egh niyakorighotea

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