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of the sun, and has power to ascend into the heavens, in order to prevail or intercede for the great multitude; and when he speaks there issues from his mouth the smell of the flower called Mahanil, to the distance of one yodoon, and from his body issues the smell of Sandal. Four deities, called Sidhi Widdedereyo*, (Siddhi Vidyadhara,) keep guard over the four sides of the king, and each of them wears a sword. The said king reigned an asankha of years, and in his time every living thing had the same age. And, at the same time, the lion was taken as king among the beasts, the bird called Hansea (Hansa, the goose) over all the feathered tribes, and the fish called Anand over all the fish.

The son of the king, Maha-Samata, was called king Rajenam, who reigned an asankha of years; his son, king Callaine, reigned the same number of years; years; his son, Mandatoo, was chakrawarty Rajet, who had such power, that he caused gold to fall like rain on the earth, and gathered the shower into a place, thirty yodoons in circumference. The said king continued in this world for a considerable time, and by the same power ascended to heaven, and there he enjoyed happiness for a great number of years; and from thence he again descended to this human world, and reigned another asankha of years; his son, king Marnenam, reigned also an asankha of years; and his son, king Upechaure, reigned the same number of years: his son, king Chetia, reigned the same number of years. This king Chetia, wishing to promote the Brahman called Korecawly, who was his school-fellow, into the office of prime minister, said that Capile (who was his prime minister at that time, and eldest brother to the said Brahman) was younger than the Brahman: the king sent orders to the multitude, who were gathered together, and wondering at the king's purpose, being contrary to the truth: then the king told a lie, being the first ever uttered, by saying that the prime minister was younger than the said Brahman; so that by this falsehood the Brahman obtained the office of prime minister; but immediately after the earth opened, and the king descended to hell; since which time falsehood is increased in the world, by which means the kings are ever since out of favour with the gods. This king had five sons; one reigned in the city called Hastipora, which is situated on the east of the country called Barenese; one reigned in the city called

⚫ Saints, possessors of knowledge.

+ Signifies a powerful king, whose authority extends from sea to sea, (S. Chakravartin.)

Aswapora*, which is on the south; one reigned in the city called Sinhapora, which is on the west; one reigned in the city called Dantepora, which is on the south-east; and the other in the city called Uttarapanchala, which is on the north. The succeeding kings kept their brothers, or ministers, to keep guard over them, instead of the four deities.

The eldest son of king Chetia, called king Mohalinde, by taking notice of the circumstances which happened to his father, continued his reign according to the customs of the former kings; and he reigned an asankha of years, and during his reign none of the inhabitants uttered any sort of falsehood. The other four brothers of the said king Mohalinde had eighty-four thousand children and grand-children, who continued to keep guard over their kings, as already stated. The son of the king Mohalinde, called king Pounchy Mochalinde, reigned an asankha of years; his son, king Saugera, reigned the same number of years; he had about sixty thousand sons, who divided Dambediwa among themselves, and each of them reigned in separate cities; and, after a great number of years, there were made different ranks and royal families from their descendants; but they were all, at first, of one rank, called Malia Samate. The king, called Sorimy, who was the eldest among the sixty thousand kings, reigned an asankha of years, in the principal place; his son, king Bawgry, reigned the same number of years; his son, king Rochy, reigned the same number of years; his son, king Maha Pretape, reigned the same number of years; who, in his reign, ordered his own prince, called Dharmapal, to be killed when he was seven months of age, by cutting off his hands and legs, by a murderer called Abimale, because the queen did not stand up from her seat when the king came in, because she had the child in her lap by which impious act of this king, he was condemned to hell; and since that period the horrid crime of murder has prevailed in the world, and since that time the kings have lost their personal beauty by degrees, but their age did not lessen.


The son of king Maha-Pratape, called king Pandare, reigned an asankha of years; his son, king Maha Panade, reigned the same number of years; his son, called king Saddasai, reigned the same number of years, and was king Chakrawarty, a powerful king; and in his reign he caused to be made a large and valuable city, extending twelve

A city in the middle kingdom of Jambudwipa.

yodoons. His son, called king Neroope, reigned an asankha of years; his son, called king Maha Neroope, reigned the same number of years; and his son, king Asie, reigned the same number of years. These are the kings who reigned an asankha of years each, and held the title of Maha Samate. The sons and grandsons of the said king Asie did not attain to the same age as the former kings; and, on account of their sin, they were out of favour with the other gods, and so they reigned each only one kile of years in the city Baked Miyolu Nowera. The most powerful king among them was called Maha Dewe, who, on seeing his first grey hair, caused the same to be plucked off, and resigned the throne to his son, called Maha Dewe; and went and remained in the wilderness for eighty-four thousand years, as an hermit; and from thence he transmigrated into the world, or heaven, called Brahma Loka; and, since that time, the title of Maha Samate was changed into the title of Maha Dewe. There were eighty-four thousand kings who had the title of Maha Dewe, all of whom, on seeing the hairs of their head become white, went also and remained in the wilderness as hermits; and afterward transmigrated into the said world, or heaven, called Brahma Loka. Each of the said kings reigned three hundred and thirty-seven thousand years.

The kings who reigned afterwards did not follow such examples as the former kings, who, on becoming greyheaded, became hermits; and then the title of Maha Dewe was changed into the title of Asoke, and again the title of Asoke was changed into the title of Okase. The following kings were called Adeye Dastareye, Rameye, and all together were one hundred thousand kings, had the title of Okasa, some of them reigned fifty thousand years, some forty thousand years, some thirty thousand years, some fifteen thousand years, some ten thousand years, and some five thousand years; and at the end of all these there reigned a king, called Okkawre, whose descendants were called Adeyebadea Dennuvigae Corandua, Wes Anterea Senhesaye, and alltogether were one hundred thousand kings; and some of them reigned ten thousand years, and some less. Among the said number of kings, there reigned one called king Sote; his son, called king Atte Trity Okawre, had five hundred wives; and amongst them the principal queen was called Sabawatie, and she bore to the king a beautiful prince, called Jantoo. When the prince became five years old, the queen dressed him with flowers, and pre


sented him into the hands of the king, saying, King, behold the beauty of your son!" The king, on beholding such a beautiful boy, at the same time looked at the face of the queen, and told her that she might request any thing whatever she desired, for the trouble she had experienced in bringing forth the prince; to which the queen replied, that she would apply whenever she had occasion: and accordingly, some time afterwards, when the prince grew up, the queen requested the king to resign the throne to her said son. On which the king, moved with compassion towards the other four princes, whom he had loved very much, told the queen that he could not comply with her request, as he had four more princes by his former queen; and thus replying, the king could not restrain his anger, but withdrew to his bed-chamber. A few days after that, when the king was somewhat composed, the queen addressed the king, saying, "You as the king of truth and justice, is it proper for your majesty to tell a lie, such as your majesty did? And did your majesty never hear of the king who first told a lie having gone to hell, by the opening of the earth?" And thus she railed at the king, so that the king was ashamed, and could not bear his affliction; and calling the four princes of his former queen, related to them the whole circumstances, embraced them, and shed a flood of tears over their heads; and recommended them to depart to another country, and to take with them as much people and jewels as they liked, except the following articles, which a king always makes use of, viz. a hair fan, a golden band, which the king used to tie on his forehead, a golden sword, a golden pair of shoes, and a white umbrella; and so they took leave of the king, and departed. Upon hearing this, all the following people left the country, and accompanied the four princes, viz. the daughters of the said king, with their attendants and property, a thousand ministers, Brahmans, rich men, and several thousand merchants. And, on the first day, the whole company proceeded on their march as far as one mile; on the second day they marched eight miles, and on the third day they marched twelve miles, pursuing their march in the wilderness, and on one side of the city called Barenes; and there the princes took counsel, and spoke amongst themselves, saying, "If we take a town not belonging to us by force, it will greatly tarnish our fame ;" and so they determined to settle a new town. One of the said princes remained with the multitude to clear the wilderness, and when the others went through

the wilderness in search of a proper place to build a town, they found a hermit, called Kapiterusee, at the foot of a tree called Bogaha, on the margin of a lake; which hermit had devoted himself to piety and religion. He asked the princes what they inquired for, and the princes informed him what they searched for. Then the hermit advised them to make a city where his own hermitage stood; and also he gave them encouragement, by giving them a good account of the said ground, saying, that when the foxes happened to run after the hares, so soon as the hares came to the hermitage the hares used to turn about, and run after the foxes, and, in like manner, the does after the tigers, &c. : and, likewise, that any person, or persons, who should live in this place, would always be in great favour with the gods and Brahmahs, and also be able to vanquish their enemies in time of war; and, therefore, that this ground would be the most proper for their purpose: and also the hermit requested the princes, after they founded the city, to call it by his own name, Kapilewastoo. And, according to the advice given by the hermit, the four princes built the city, and gave it the name of Kapilwastoo Pura. The princes next considered, that if they should unite themselves by marriage to the other casts, it would be a disgrace to their rank and dignity, so that they took four of their youngest sisters as wives for themselves, and their eldest sister was honoured, and kept as their mother. Upon hearing that the princes did not unite themselves to any other cast, their father was very much pleased, and joyfully called them royal princes; and since that time the title of Okawel was changed into the title of Saukewansea, and thus there were two hundred and forty thousand seven hundred and seventy kings, who reigned in this city, also known by the name of Kimbolwatpora Nuwera, by the title of Sawkewansea.

It came to pass, that the eldest sister of the above mentioned four princes who built the new city, called Kapilwastoo Pura, was seized with a dangerous leprosy; upon which the four princes had a consultation amongst themselves, saying, that if the eldest princess should remain any longer with them, the disease with which she was seized would be communicated amongst them; they, therefore, took the princess in a carriage with them, under pretence that they were going to bathe, and carried her to some yodoons distance in the wilderness; and there they made a large pit, and on the bottom of it placed planks, and put the princess into the pit, with all kind of necessaries to support

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