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Comfort to the poore in Spirit.

MATH. 5. 3.

Blessed are the poore in spirit, &c.


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E are as you may remember upon the first blef fedneffe here that is attributed to the poore in fpirit. The fubject of this bleffedneffe we have poken too at large; who thole poore in Scripture are, And in Generall,that they are blefled. But we came the last day to make entrance into the bleffedneffe that Chrift pronounces upon them, I heirs is the kingdome of Heaven: There were divers obfervations taken notice of from the Connexion, Bleed are the poore, for theirs is the kingdome of Heaven; He doth not fay, blefied are the poore, for God will be mercifull unto them, but theirs is the kingdome of Heaven, A futable bleifing unto that Grace that is moft eminent in them. That poverty of spirit therefore Chrift would raise them up with the Glory of a kingdome, Theirs is the kingdome; But 'tis no kingdome but the kingdome of Heaven:-There we fhewed that 'tis not any thing of the world that can make us blessed, but it must be somewhat of the kingdome of heaven: And that's obfervable, he doth not fay, theirs fhall be the kingdome of Heaven, as he faith of others; Bleffed are the pure in heart,for they shall fee


God; he doth not fay, Bleffed are the poore for they thall have the kingdome of Heaven, but theirs is the kingdome of


Poore people cannot ftay, they have prefent need, faith Chrift, I will not onely promite you what you thall have when you dye; bur you shall have a kingdome now for the prefent; Theirs is the kingdome of Heaven.

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Wee came to the opening of this kingdome of Heaven, what it is, and thewed you the feverall acceptations of the words, the kingdome what it's taken for in Scripture. But this is that that was conceived to be the fcope of Chrift here (the kingdome of Heaven) that is, the eftate of the Meffiah, the good things that the Meffiah was to bring into the world in his Administration, that's the kingdome of Heaven that's here meant. I do not thinke that Chrift did aime at this, that they should goe to Heaven when they dye, and be in Glory there, as the onely thing; that's indeed among other things that will follow: But that which Chrift aymes at here, thofe that are poore in fpirit they are bleffed; for they are partakers for the prefent of the blessed eftate of the people of God, that is, in the time of the Meffias coming into the world. And therefore I doe not intend here to fpeake about the Glory of Heaven; For any thing that may be ipoken about that will rather fall into the io verfe; Bleffed are they which are perfecuted for righteoufneffe fake; for theirs is the kingdome of Heaven. But all that I thall peake of here is, The blessed eftate of those that are poore in fpirit, viz. the Ino, ment of the good things in the ftate of the Meffiah; and that is the meaning of that Scripture; Repent, for the kingdome of Heaven is at hand; That is, Repent and turne from your evill wayes, and follow not your lufts as you were wont. But repent, for Jefus Chrift is come into the world that brings a great deale of Glory with him. Because I would gladly finith at this time, I will paff by what we fpake too,and come to what remaines, and the rather, becaufe in that, that doth remaine we shall make use of fomewhat that we fpake too the last time about the opening of the point of the kingdome of Heaven;, and that's This. What


What Comfort there is in the Confideration of the estate of the Meifiahs Coming into the world, what Incouragement there is in This to tho.e that are poore in fitit, and how they in particular come to be made happy, that's the scope of this Sermon, and the fcope of Chrift: Now then for the opening of this, I thalt caft it into these three heads.

First, What Comfort thofe that are outwardly poore, poore people that have spirits tutable to their outward Conditions, that are Godly poore, whofe f irits are willing to fab÷ mit to God in that poore Condition that they are in, (what Incouragement they can have from the ftate of the Melfias, from this kingdome of Heaven:) And I rather thinke that Chrift Intended this, because I find in the 6 Luke that Chrift doth oppofe the rich in this world to poore in fpirit, Therefore Chrift Intended certainly in this Scripture to fpeak Com→ fortable words to Godly poore people.

And then fecondly, To thole that are poore in parts, poore men and women that have meane gifts and abilities, and yet are Codly, and their spirits are low in Confideration of the poore parts that they have, that they cannot be usefull for God as others are: To thew what good they have, or what Comfort they may have from this kingdome of Heaven.

Thirdly, Thofe that are poore in Grace, that are fencible of their fpiritual poverty, what bleffedneife they have from this kingdome of Heaven.

First then, thofe that are outwardly poore, all Godly poore people, I am speaking to them, and I verily thinke Chrift fpeakes to them, and fo would have his Minifters to fpeake to shem, fuch as are for the outward eftate kept low and meane, and yet God gives them fpirits to fubmit to his hand in that, and are willing to honour God as they are able in thit poore Condition, without murmuring. Chrift Jefus doth pronounce you bleffed this day, and tells you that yours is the kingdome of Heaven; As if he thould Tay, be not you difcouraged becaufe you are meane inthis world; For your fpirits being fu table to that Condition God hath put your in, the Lord hath appointed a kingdome for you,even the kingdome of Heaven.


You cannot be great in this world, but you have very in the kingdome of Heaven.


Now for that there are thefe feverall things to be Conidered of in poore people, that are poore in this world, yet Godly. Lak 12.29, 30, 31. See what Chrift faith to them that are fo outwardly Foore, in reference to this kingdome; And feek not ye what ye shall eat, or what ye shall drink; neither be ye of doubtfull minds. What are the thoughts of poore people, even of poore Godly people many times, what frall we eat, what frall we drink, how ihall I provide for my Family: buc be not of doubtfull minds: Thofe that Chrift fpake too were in as hard a Condition, I beleeve, as almoft ány Godly poore are that hear me this day; yet be not troubled, why thould we not feeke for what we thould eat and drinke, &c. For all thefe things doe the Nations of the world feeke after; and your Father knoweth that you have need of these things: But rather Jeek ye the kingdome of God, and all these things shall be added unto you. Feare not little flock, for it is your Fathers good pleafure to give you the kingdome. Looke after the kingdome of Jefus Chrift, if you have that, you have enough, and though you be a little little flock, yet 'tis your Fathers pleasure to give you a kingdome. As if Chrift fhould fay, The Confideration of this that your Father hath appointed a kingdome for you, and doth give you a kingdome, thould quiet your hearts in all thofe ftraights that you are in, in respect of your poore Condition. But now for the particulars (that for the Generall,that the Confideration of the kingdome of Heaven should fupport all Godly people who are in a poore eftate, and whofe fpirits are humbled in respect of their roverty:) But particularly,

First Confider, He that is the King of this kingdome of Heaven, he was poore himfelfe, your King was poore; you tell us of a kingdome of Heaven, but we fuffer hard things in the meane time in this world :but you fuffer not harder things in this world then the King of this kingdome did, even Jefus Chrift himselfe, that was the great Prince; The King of this kingdome that you are tranflated into, he was poore in this

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world. Now the Confideration that the King himfelfe is in a poore Condition, and hath no better fupplyes and Comfort then we have; It is a very great fupportment. As now in an Aimy, If the Generall thould fay to his Souldiers to Incourage them, Goe on, you have nothing to drink but water, I but you have as good to drinke as your Generall: So Chrift may well fay, you that are poore in fpirit, what are you dejected becaufe of your poverty,why are you poorer then I was; It may be you have a poore houfe; you know what's faid of Ch.ift; The Foxes have holes, and the birds have neafts, but the Son of man hath not where to hide his head. Chrift had no houfe at all, Chrift had not fo good a houfe as you have, that was the great King of Heaven and Earth: For your diet, that feemes to be poore and meane, you have not thofe full dishes that others have. In the 21 Joh. 5.v. Chrift comes to his Difciples and faith, Children have ye any meate; He doth not fay, have you fuch and fuch kind of dithes, but have you any thing: yeaand this was after his Refurrection, after he had made an end of fuffering for fin. O remember that Scripture,Chrift was Content with any thing; have you any meate, faith Chrift. 2 Cor. 8. 9. He was made poore, faith the text, that he might make us rich. There was never a Godly man that we read of, was in a poorer Condition then Chrift was, in many refpects: Now he that was your King, and is your King, he subjected himselfe into fuch a poore condition; be Comforted in this, yours is the kingdome of Heaven. If you understood what the kingdome of Heaven meanes, who is the King of this kingdome, and Confidered that his eftate was fo poore, It fhould take away your murmuring thoughts against a poore eftate. My kingdome is not of this world, faith Chrift; Therefore what though you have not the Riches of this world,Chrift. himfelfe had them not.

But fecondly, Confider this, Chrifts poverty it was to fanctifie your poverty (meerely to Confider that our Captaine or King, fuffers as well as we, that's fomewhat, but no poverty or fuffering of a King or Captaine, can take away the curfe of the fufferings of his fubjects: I but the poverty of Jefus Chrift


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