Songs for the Sanctuary : OR, HYMNS AND TUNES FOR Christian Worship. SELECTED BY REV. CHARLES S. ROBINSON, D. D. THE CENTURY CO., NEW-YORK. SPIRITUAL SONGS FOR SOCIAL WORSHIP. Containing the Hymns and Tunes of the above book best adapted to Prayer and Social Meetings, with some valuable additions. 8vo. SPIRITUAL SONGS FOR THE SUNDAY-SCHOOL. The latest addition to the Spiritual Songs Series, containing Hymns and Tunes of a high class, for use in Sunday-schools. Square 12mo. SPIRITUAL SONGS FOR THE SUNDAY-SCHOOL. Completing the series for the Church, the Prayer-meeting and the Sunday-school. Small 4to. PSALMS AND HYMNS AND SPIRITUAL SONGS. A selection of Psalms set to Music, with Hymns, designed for Congregational singing. 8vo. Also, an edition containing words without music (4to), and one with Psalter (8vo). SONGS FOR THE SANCTUARY. Hymns and Tunes. 8vo. Separate editions for Presbyterian and Congregational Churches. Edition with Psalter, and editions without music, in two sizes (12mo and 18mo). |