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fubject to the terms aforefaid, from the Lieutenant-governor in Council, have wilfully perverted his Majefty's moft gracious intentions fignified in the proclamation aforefaid, namely, That the refpective patentees of fuch "lands fhould take their eftates granted to them, feverally, free of quit rent, "and of any other expences than fuch fees as are duly authorized and eftablifhed," by publickly and openly offering for sale fuch townfhips or portions of townfhips or by affixing an annual rent charge, to be paid for the grant of the fame and by many other finifter and illegal tranfactions in manifeft violation of the principles and conditions of the proclamation aforefaid, and of the terms under which they folicited for themfelves and affociates, fuch townfhips, or portion of townfhips: -Be it known therefore to all concerned, that it was this day refolved in Council, that all perfons claiming to hold lands by virtue of an order of Council to receive his Majefty's grant in and for the townfhips herein after named have forfeited the fame That the townfhips of Ofgoode, Wolford Montague, Ruffel, Kitley, Loughborough, Huntingdon, Rawdon, Murray, Clarke, Whitby, and Windham, are, and they are hereby declared to be vacant, and free for the admiffion of fuch perfons as fhall be defirous of occupying and fettling the fame agreeably to the terms and conditons of the proclamation aforefaid. And whereas many other townfhips and tracts of land have been appropriated under orders of the Lieutenant-governor in council to various applicants and their affociates-And whereas for want of information in refpect of the prefent improvement of the fame if any fuch be made or the future intentions of the faid applicants it does not appear to be expedient that fuch townfhips or tracts fhould at prefent be declared vacant-It was further refolved that all perfons who intend to avail themfelves of the benefit of any appropriations made in any townfhips or tracts of land what foever fhould be directed, and they are hereby directed accordingly, to fignify the fame to the Clerk of the honorable the Executive Council, on or before the firft day of June 1797, and to fhew caufe why the order in council made in their behalf fhould not be declared null and void.

And it was further refolved that all perfons who occupy lots of land in any of the townfhips or tracts aforefaid fhould be directed to apply (and they are hereby directed to apply) for their refpective patents or title deeds agreeably to the terms and conditions fpecified in the proclamation aforefaid, within the space of fix months, or fuch lands may be confidered as vacant and given to other applicants, of which all perfons will take notice and govern themfelves accordingly.

Given under my hand and feal at the government houfe at Navy-Hall, the twenty-fifth day of May, in the year of our Lord, one thoufand feven hundred and ninety-fix, in the thirty-fixth year of his Majefty's reign.

By Command of His Excellency in Council.


J. G. S.


1st July 1796.

By His Excellency JOHN G. SIMCOE, ESQUIRE, Lieutenant-Governor, and Major-General of his Majesty's Forces, &c. &c. &c.

To fuch as are defirous of fettling on the Lands of the Crown, in the Province of Upper Canada.

Whereas, by a proclamation bearing date at Quebec, the feventh day of February, 1792, the terms and conditions on which perfons would be fettled, who are defirous of fettling on the lands of the crown, in his Majefty's province of Upper-Canada, were promulgated and made known; and it was by the eighth article in particular declared, that the refpective patentees were to take the eftates granted to them, feverally, free of quit rent, and of any other expences than fuch fees as are or may be allowed to be demanded and received by the different officrs, concerned in paffing the patents, and recording the fame, to be ftated in a table authorifed and eftablifhed by the government, and publicly fixed up in the feveral offices of the clerk of the council, of the furveyor-general, and of the fecretary of the province.

And, whereas it appears to be no longer expedient or neceffary that any grant or furvey of lands fhould be hereafter run out or marked by his Majefty's furveyor, or deputy furveyor, at the expence of the crown:-Now know ye, that I have tho't fit, by and with the advice of the executive council, to revife fo much of the eighth article of the faid proclamation, as declares that, "the refpective patentees are to take the eftates granted to them feverally free of quit rent, and any other expences than fuch fees as are or may be allowed to be demanded and received by the different officers concerned in paffing the patent and recording the fame," and to declare, that in addition to the fees eftablifhed by government on all grants of land, the refpective petitioners will, in future, on the receipt of their patents, be charged with the expences of furvey, in proportion to the extent of their patents, which will be ftated in, and added to the table of fees, as is authorifed and eftablifhed by the government, and publicly fixed up in the feveral offices of the clerk of the council, of the furveyor-general, and of the fecretary of the province.

Given under my hand and feal, in the town of York, the first day July, in the year of our Lord one thoufand feven hundred and ninety-fix. By his excellency's command

J. SMALL, C. E. C.


The power which was given to the magiftrates, on the 6th of November, 1794, of recommending for fingle lots of 200 acres, having been fufpended by an order of council, on the 14th inftant:-Notice is hereby given to all perfons holding Recommendations, prior to the latter period, that unlefs they are prefented at my office, or thofe of the deputy-furveyors', before the 20th of Auguft next, they cannot be attended to.

Surveyor-General's office, 29th July, 1796.


Acting Surveyor-General.


31st Oct 1798.

PETER RUSSELL, Esq; Prefident, adminiftering the Government of the Province of UPPER CANADA, &c. &c.

Whereas it appears by Letters lately received from his Grace the DUKE of PORTLAND, one of his Majefty's Principal Secretaries of State, to be his Majefty's Royal Will and Pleafure, that in order to raife a FUND for the

Public Service of the Province, all future GRANTS of LAND (thofe only excepted for which his Majefty's Governments were actually pledged previous to the receipt of thofe Letters) be fubject to a Fee of SIX PENCE, Halifax currency, per Acre, exclusfive of the ufual Expences of Survey:

Be it therefore known, That all Grants of Land (except as before excepted) confirming orders of Council made fubfequent to the twenty-fecond Day of December laft, (being the Day on which thofe Letters were read in Council) fhall be fubject to a Fee of Six-pence Halifax currency per Acre, exclufive of the charges for Survey, which are to be paid as ufual to the Surveyor-General, on prefenting to him the Warrants of Survey for location, agreeable to the proportions fpecified on each Grant in the Schedule hereunto annexed. And his Majefty having been gracioufly pleafed to direct that his Royal Favor fhall continue to be extended to those LOYALISTS who have adhered to the Unity of the Empire,

Be it further known, That in conformity to the above Inftructions, all Grants of Land, to the extent of two hundred Acres each, iffued, or to be iffued to Perfons of that defcription, and to their Children of the first Generation, confirming orders of Council fubfequent to the fixth inftant, fhall be fubject to only half the above Fee, (that is Three Pence per Acre) and fhall not be fubject to any charges whatever for the expences of Survey.-And that the faid Fees may be regularly collected, and applied to the public Services of the Province;

Be it known, That Perfons fubject to the payment of full Fees, or half Fees, are upon receiving their refpective Warrants of Survey, to pay to the Receiver-General of the Province, an advance of half the Fee they may be fubject to; and they are to pay the remaining half to the Secretary of the Province, upon receiving their refpective Patents from his Office.

Given under my Hand and Seal at Arms, in Council, in the Town of YORK, this thirty-firft Day of October, in the Year of our Lord one thoufand feven hundred and ninety-eight, and in the thirty-ninth of his Majefty's Reign.

By the Prefident's Command


JOHN SMALL, Clerk of the Executive Council.

SCHEDULE of the Charges for Survey, ordered to be taken by the SurveyorGeneral, to enable him to defray the Expences of the Surveys which he fhall receive Warrants for:

For Town Lots, and all other quantities of Land not exceeding one hundred Acres, Twenty Shillings.

All quantities exceeding one hundred Acres, and not exceeding two hundred Acres, One Pound Seven Shillings and Six Pence.

And for all other quantities, One Pound Seven Shillings and Six Pence on each Two Hundred Acres which the quantity ordered may amount to.

And when the EXCESS on Grants above Two Tundred Acres may exceed One Hundred Acres, and yet does not amount to Two Hundred Acres,-for fuch EXCESS fhall be charged Twenty Shillings.

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PETER RUSSELL, efq., Prefident, adminiftering the government of UpperCanada.

Whereas by letters received from his Grace the Duke of Portland, one of his Majefty's principal fecretaries of ftate, fince the iffuing the proclamation of the thirty-firft of OCTOBER laft, it appears that, in consequence of a Reprefentation made by the EXECUTIVE GOVERNMENT of THIS PROVINCE, to his Majefty's MINISTERS, on the Exemption of the U. E. LOYALISTS and their CHILDREN from every expence attending the grants of land made, or to be made to them, his Majefty has been graciously pleafed to fignify his Royal Pleafure that the FIRST LOYALISTS, and their SONS and DAUGHTERS fhall continue to receive his Majefty's BOUNTY of Two HUNDRED ACRES EACH as heretofore, free from any axpence whatever. And that it is to be underftood, that this MARK of the Royal Munificence is expreffly confined to thofe LOYALISTS only, who were actually refident in the province on, or before the TWENTY-EIGHTH OF JULY LAST.

Be it therefore known, that, notwithftanding what has been declared to the contrary in the proclamation aforefaid, all LOYALISTS coming within the above defcription, whofe names have been enrolled upon the U. E. lifts, previous to the date of this proclamation, and their sONS and DAUGHTERS when of AGE, OR MARRIED, to whom the King's bounty in lands has not been already extended, may continue to confider themfelves entitled to receive from this government, TWO HUNDRED ACRES OF LAND free from the payment of fees and all other charges; but that, except to the extent allowed by his Majefty's INSTRUCTIONS, neither U. E. loyalifts, nor their children, can be confidered as exempted from the STANDING FEES, it having been ordered that they fhall be annexed to every further grant of land, to them as well as to others, be its extent what it may.

GIVEN under my hand and feal at arms, in council at York, this fifteenth day of December, in the thirty-ninth year of his Majefty's reign, and in the year of our Lord one thoufand feven hundred and ninety-eight.

By Command of the Prefident in Council,




From 1792 to 1800, when Lieut Governor Hunter succeeded, Upper Canada shows a substantial increase of population, and the work of Surveying the wild lands was actively carried on. The following maps show how the Province was then laid out and organized:

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