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Hail was exceeding Great. It may poffibly be this Hail that fob means by the treasures of Hail, which God bath reserved for the Time of Trouble, against the Day of Battle and War, Job. 38. 22. This being indeed the Great Day of Battle and Destruction of the Antichri+ stian Powers out of the whole Earth, to which that Ancient Writer frequently refers.

II. THE Second Great Transaction, and which more immediately concerns this difcourse is the Destruction of Antichrist and his Great Army at the Battle of Armageddon. It is the Opinion of some, that the Prophe cy of Ezekiel, Chap. 39. concerning Gog and Magog is to be understood of Antichrist and his Army; though all know very well that by Gog and Magog, Rev. 20. is to be understood that vaft Diabolical Multitude that shall encompass the Holy City after the Millennium. How true this Opinion may be I shall not presume to say, but must acknowledge, that it seems to be favoured by several Circumstances of that Prophecy. r. The fame Invitation is made to the Fowls of Heaven, Ezek. 39. v. 17-21. 25 is made, Rev. 19. v. 17, 18. for the Slain of the Battle of Armageddon. 2. The Gog and Magog mentioned in the Revelations are to be devoured by Fire, and consequently not left to be eaten by the Fowls of Heaven. 3. The Destruction of the last Gog by Fire in the Revelations is said to be immediately followed by the Great and last Judgmer.t. Whereas in Ezekiel, the destruction of Gog

is mention'd with no such Consequences, but rather with a happy Succeffion of Peace and Repose to the Church in the very fame Earth'; mention being made of burying the Dead, burning the Weapons, and a Duration of Seven Years of Strangers travelling that way, and of the Heathens glorifying God upon the Account of his Judgments, which may be understood of their Converfion, even as we believe that the Millennial Glory will follow after the Destruction of Antichrift. Before this Battle of Armageddon, there is an Invitation to the Fowls of Heaven made by an Angel standing in the Sun, Rev. Chap. 19. τ. 17, 18. faying, Come and gather your selves together to the Supper of the Great God, that ye may eat the Flesh of Kings, and the Flesh of Captains, and the Flesh of Mighty Men, and the Flesh of Horses, and of them that fit thereon, and the Flesh of all Men (i. e. all forts of Men) both free and bond, both small and great. As it is also Ezek. 39. 17, 18, 19. Many different Opinions there are about this Place among the CommenThose of them who interpret it in an Allegorical and Mystical Sense, insist upon the Incongruity of setting an Angel in the Literal Sense to invite all the Fowls of the Air to a Banquet. But suppose we should grant that this part may be nothing more than an Oriental form of Speech; who attributed every thing, especially in Prophetical Writings, to the Ministry of Angels, yet I see no reason why we may not understand the other Part literally, that is, Ο 4 if



if this Antichriftian Army be to be destroyed or flain in a literal Sense, then their Bo, dies will be literally dead, and when so are proper Food for ravenous Birds, and wild Beasts of the Earth, and why then may it not express, that there shall be fuch great Maltitudes of them destroyed, that all the Fowls of Heaven may come and feast upon their Bodies? Though I must acknowledge that there are good Reasons given by Dr. More in the last of his Divine Dialogues to prove that this cannot be understood otherwise than in a Mystical and Spiritual Senfe.

§ 26. AND now follows the Grand Casaken and tastrophe. Whilst the Antichristian Army

cast into the Bet



are thus gathered together, Behold the Heavens were opened, Rev.19. 11. and a white Horse, and be that sate upon him was called Faithful and True, and in Righteousness he dotb Fudge and make War. By the white Horse may be fignified Christ's Royalty and Glory from his Refurrection to his Second Coming in his Kingdom. The Rider is said to be Faithful and True; because of his appearing in his Kingdom, according to his Promife, which Atheists, Deists, and they of the Antichristian Party had called in Question, asking, Where is the promise of his coming? These Unbelievers he will in his Righteousness judge and destroy.

V. 12. THIS Rider is described. His Eyes were as a Flame of Fire (penetrating and judging all things in a quick and terrible manner) And on his Head were many Crowns, (denoting

(denoting the Amplitude of his Dominion) And he had a Name writen which no man knew but Himself. By Name in Scripture, is often signified Nature, and so this Mysterious Name may be something expreffing the Hypoftatick Union of the Two Natures in our Bleffed Lord; which as it does infinitely transcend the short limited Capacity of Human Nature to comprehend, so it will appear now more Illustrious and Glorious than ever.

V. 13. HE was cloathed with a Vesture dipt in blood (expreffing his Triumph through the Blood of his Cross) and his Name is cal...

- led (or he is) the Word of God. i. e. He is the Eternal word of God, the Second Perfon in the Ever-Blessed-Trinity, the Word by whom God spake when he made the World; and spake also to our Forefathers under the Old Testament, and to us in the Gofpel.

V. 14. ARE described his Companions (and Attendants. The Armies which were in Heaven (i. e. the Angels and Saints, whether dead or living, in whom the Kingdom of Heaven is perfected) followed him upon white Horses, Companions and Partakers with Christ in his Glory and Kingdom, cloathed in fine Linnen white and clean. Their Robes or Righteousness having been washed and made white in the Blood of him who is cloathed with the Bloody Garment.


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2.15. AND out of his Mouth goeth a sharp Sword, (viz. his Word, which is sharper than any two-Edged Sword, Heb. 4. 12.) that with it


be may fmite the Nations of the Earth, and them with a Rod of Iron, (during the cor nuance of his Glorious Kingdom) and treadeth the Wine-press of the fierceness and Wrato Almighty God (as he once trod it by himfe alone when in his own Body he borewor the Cross the Iniquities of us all, Ifa. b So will he now tread down the wicked w are the accursed Vine of Sodom, or rather speak in the Language of Isaiah in the 'fore-cited Place, make them tread it the selves whilft they suffer that Vengean which he inflicts upon them.

V. 16. AND he had upon bis Vesture, and on his Thigh a name Written KING KINGS, and LORD of LORDS.( wore and discovered Glorious and Illuftr ous Symbols and Characters of his Suprem Universal Monarchy.) Some think that his former Name mentioned v. 13. den ted his Divinity; so this may denote Kingdom as Son of Man, therefore t wears a Title on his Vesture, as Kings d their Royal Cognizances, by which they are diftinguished and made known.

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WITH this Glory, this Might, and Au thority he scatters and confounds the Dia bolical Army, that are faid, τ. 19. gathered together to make War againit him. They fall before him as the shades of Darkness before the Rising Sun. See how the Lightnings flash in their Faces, how they tremble and are amaz'd, they ree!, and stagger, and are at their Wits end, and in this confufion they shall as in the


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