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ing Expectation that they had, to see the return of our Dear Redeemer, to see his Church triumphant, and all his Enemies put under his Feet; yet let us however be driven by the Terrors of the Lord, and not put far from us the Evil Day, confidering that whatever Reasons our Fore-fathers had for judging the Confummation to be at hand, ought more closely to affect us, who at this distance of time are so much nearer to it than they. So then if we do in good earnest watch for that Day, in Abstraction from the Darkness of this World, and standing in the Spirit of Light and Truth, we shall as Children of the Light and of the Day fee when Evil cometh, so that that Day shall not overtake us as a Thief, 1 Theff. 5. 4,5. So says Hippolytus, § 50. "But let us, having


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the Mystery of God in our Hearts, faith-
fully attend to those Things that have
been spoken by the Holy Prophets, that
we knowing them before-hand, may not
be deceived; for in the Fulness of Times
He, concerning whom these Things are
spoken (viz. Antichrist) shall furely be

made manifeft. Whilst on the other hand they that neither love nor believe the Truth, but take pleasure in Unrighteousness, upon them God shall send the Energy (or Strength ) + Ενέραof Error (viz. Antichrift) that they shall αν πλάbelieve a Lie to their Condemnation, 2 Theff. vns.

2. 11, 12.

BUT whether we regard it or not, whether we be provided or not, that Day will furelycome, the Times are ripening apace;

God hath begun to shake the Heavens an the Earth; An Alarm is founded to the Ends of the Earth; The Day does already dawn upon the tops of the Mountains And the Spirit of Love and Peace is de scending in plentiful Showers, like the

latter Rain upon the Earth, to unite, strengthen, and prepare for himself, a pe culiar People to be the First-Fruits of th Kingdom of the Lamb. Even so, Lord Je fus, come quickly! Turn Thee, O The. Beloved of our Souls, and come swiftly a a Roe, or a young Hart over the Mous tains of (Bether) Division (even the Divi fions and Distractions of the Chriftian Church) till the Day (even Thy Day) break forth, and the Shadows of Darknels be perfectly diffipated. O! That Thou would'st rend the Heavens, that Thou would'st come down, that the Mountains might flow down, and melt at thy Prefence Lord pity the Stones of Zion! It is Time that Thou have Mercy upon her, yen the Time is come. Thine Holy Cities are a Wilderness, Zion is a Wilderness, Jerufalem a Defolation. Our Holy and Beautiful House where our Fathers praised Thee is burnt up with (the) Fire (of Contention and uncharitable Zeal). We fee not our Tokens, there is not one Prophet more, there is none amongst us that knoweth how long. Wilt thou refrain thy felf for these Things? O God! Where is thy Zeal and thy Strength, the Sounding of thy Bowels, and of thy Mercies towards us; are they re strained? strained? Arise, and let thine Enemies be scattered, and let them that hate Thee flee before Thee. Send Thy Fear upon all the Nations that feek not after Thee. Shew new Signs, and make other strange Wonders: Glorifie thy Hand and thy right Arm, that they may fet forth thy wondrous Works. Make the Time short, remember the Covenant, gather all the Tribes of Jacob together, and inherit Thou them as from the Beginning. O be merciful to Jerusalem thy Holy City. Fill Sion with thy unspeakable Oracles, and thy People with thy Glory. Give Testimony to those whom Thou hast possessed from the Beginning, and raise up Prophets such as have been in thy Name.

O Lord hear the Prayer of thy Servants, according to the Blessing of Aaron, yea of our everlafting High Priest Christ Jesus over thy People, that all they which dowell upon the Earth, may know, that Thou art the Lord, the Eternal God. Amen.





HEREAS in the last Part of this Treatise, Page 161, 165. &c. there are cited certain Passages of Hippolytus, it was intended here to say somewhat of that Father, and of the Book De Confummatione Mundi, which we have under his Name, as also of his other Works: But because the Booksellers press much to have the Book now come out, and there are many Things to be said on this Subject, it was upon further Confideration thought fit to defer the fame to another Opportunity, when the Matter may be handled with that Accuracy which it deferves.




Passages of Scripture explain'd or illu
strated in this EssAY.

N. B. Where this Mark * occurs, the Passages are more
fully explained: When this †, they are not expresly cited,
but illustrated only. E. fignifies the Discourse of Ephraim
Syrus. Note also, That the Verses are here expressed,
where they are not in the Book it self.

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