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desk now, than formerly. The pulpit does not contradict the reading-desk so much as it has been in the habit of doing. Men who are not afraid to talk of joy and peace in believing, begin to abound. The doctrines of the Reformers are coming from the rubbish. Let but these doctrines pervade the land, and England will put on the beautiful garments of salvation. I took tea with an aged minister of the Establishment in Birmingham, who seemed a true evangelist. His countenance and manner reminded me very much of one, who richly deserves respect, the Bishop of Virginia. He, like true evangelists generally, is devoted to the Bible cause. Professor Scholefield, &c. having furnished me with introduction to several faithful men on the route, I wished to visit them, but the period of the anniversaries in London drawing near, I concluded to proceed directly to London. At seven on the morning of the 22d April, therefore, I left the busy toy-shop of Europe,' and riding one hundred and ten miles, arrived in the metropolis at eight in the evening.

in the route.

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Much to interest appeared

"All the towns of England are antique in appearance, the streets narrow; but the country is generally well culti vated the venerable gothic piles in which the worship of the Most High is celebrated, attract particular notice. The Church of St. Alban's is remarkable for its size. The residences of the great, scattered over the land, show that it is a country of nobility; occasional parks, and now and then a forest, mark the possessions of the mighty.

'How vain are all things here below.'"



My brother's Journal thus proceeds

"London, Wednesday, April 23d, 1828.-On rising in the morning of the first of my days in this city, I repaired first to the office of the British and Foreign Bible Society. As the Secretary, to whom I had letters, was in the country, a few miles distant, I failed in my attempt at meeting him early. The next of my visits was to a Christian brother, Secretary to a Missionary Society. As I was seeking him, I most providentially came to a retired pleasant home, at which clergymen were accustomed to take lodgings, and located myself. It is a pleasant, quiet retirement, in the very heart of the city, near most of the religious societies' houses. Returning to the office of the British and Foreign Bible Society, I had the pleasure of seeing Messrs. Brandram, Pinkerton, Henderson, Dudley, Tarm, and others of note throughout the Christian world, as honoured with the agency of that noble Institution. In the course of the day, saw also Dr. Steinkoff, late Secretary, and still a volunteer in the holy cause. These men were interesting to me, because of their Master's work. I feel thankful for the privilege of their acquaintance and friendship. Thence, after much converse, to the Church Missionary House, where, saw the excellent minister of Jesus, E. Bickersteth -thence to Prayer Book and Homily House. These Insti

tutions delight my soul, and to be instrumental, though a hewer of wood and drawer of water, in promoting them, is my fervent desire. O Lord, condescend to use me as an instrument! Thou dost choose the weak things and the base things, aye, even things which are not!

"The day was passed in visiting various sections of the city with one of the Bible Society's Secretaries, with whom I had most valuable and interesting conversation. As it was St. George's Day, celebrated as the king's birth-day, we surveyed a portion of the titled visitors who were going to and from the king's levee. We also took a view of the exterior of Westminster Abbey, St. Paul's, St. James' palace, the Tower, &c.; traversed many streets-visited several parks-crossed in a coach two of the bridges over the Thames-examined the interior of a venerable church in the Bowery, where are several curious monuments ; and finally separated, after resolving to ride the next morning thirty miles to attend together the anniversary of a Bible Society. Took possession of my comfortable house that evening."

In a letter to his wife, he observes-" My health bids fair to improve much."

"Thursday, April 24, at 8 o'clock, mounted a stagecoach, and rode, in two hours and three quarters, through a fine country, to Chelmsford, distant from London thirty miles. There, was hospitably entertained in a Quaker family. The Friends of England are warmly interested for the Bible Society, regard the indifference of Friends in America to the Bible cause with sorrow, and are deeply distressed by the events now transpiring across the Atlantic; regarding, as they do, the friends of Elias Hicks as having departed from the true faith.

"We purpose, said an intelligent Friend, preparing a summary of our faith, not to be received as a creed, but an

expression of what we believe to be truth. The instruction of the rising generation in the Book of God, said he, has not been neglected among us.

"The Bible Society met in the Shire Hall: a numerous assemblage present-the Secretary from London gave much interesting information. The Rector of a neighbourhood spoke with spiritual fervour. A curate, from Oxford, was chosen Secretary, vice a rector deceased. The statements I was enabled to make, were, as at previous meetings, listened to with fraternal kindness, and an expression of deep interest as good news from a distant land. One highly respectable old gentleman gratified me much by his speech. His pious heart overflowed with warm emotion, as he urged upon the young, and upon the poor, and upon the ladies present, the holy cause of the Bible. In all these meetings, Dissenters unite their various ranks with Churchmen. Thus it will be in Heaven.

"Walked through the church, and contemplated its monuments. A flag, hung over the pulpit only twenty years ago, is dropping to pieces. Thus be it soon with all the insignia of war! Returned, after dinner, to London. As we rode on, the dwelling of George Fox, founder of the Friends' Society, was shown me-seventeen miles distant from the city. It was pointed out by a very intelligent Friend who accompanied. It is called 'The Gooses.'

"The Rev. Henry A. Budd, known as the author of various pious works, having attended the meeting to take part in promoting the interests of the society, returned with us to town; and we repaired, at eight o'clock, the time of our arrival, to his house; where a cup of tea, and Christian converse, made an hour pass most agreeably: we separated to meet, as I hope, often. Truly goodness and mercy continue to follow me. I found the ride to Chelmsford extremely beneficial to my health. The time occupied in speaking at the meeting was short; therefore, I was not injured by the effort the Lord be praised.

"London, April 28.-I spent yesterday, Sunday morning, in a manner not very edifying, but it was in consequence of various mistakes. Set out betimes, and walked nearly two miles to hear the Bishop of London preach. [No less than six bishops preached in town yesterday week.] Arrived at the church along with two Philadelphians, whom I met by appointment, an hour previous to that of service, which was later than usual. Resolved, instead of waiting, to go to a chapel at some distance, where it was concluded we would arrive in season. Approaching that chapel, we found ourselves near Westminster Abbey, and as service had commenced in the Abbey, we entered at Poet's Corner.' Dryden, Milton, Watts, and a host of learned and unlearned dead, some eminent for piety, and others for vice, gazed from their monumental thrones as we passed. The beauty of the array of tablets, the variety of marble figures, and of inscriptions, invited attention, but we passed through the long drawn aisles' to a seat overlooking the choir, where the worshippers were assembled. A large portion of them consisted of scholars and others arrayed in white vestments. The whole service was chaunted. At length the old churchman who was with me, insisting upon it, that the service thus performed was next to useless, and proposing our adjournment to some more intelligible place, left the Abbey. The rear of Westminster Abbey, by which we entered, is the most beautiful specimen of gothic I ever beheld. It is delicate, rich, and chaste in style-consisting, in part, of small, highly finished towers, rising around the almost continued window. The interior is magnificent. The stone pillars, each appearing as if formed of a cluster of smaller ones, ascending to the roof, the arches surmounting all-the beautifully painted glass; indeed, the whole of the building bespoke a taste which endeavoured to convert the soul by captivating the senses.

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