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unchafte fongs; or looked on im- [ Page.
modelt pictures?

Haft thou taken any carnal plea- 370
fure with thy hands, or expofed
any part of thy body, to excite o
thers to luft? Or,

Haft thou endeavoured to excite 370
luft by eating or drinking any
thing for that end?
Haft thou been careful to stifle and 372
fupprefs all beginnings of those
fins in thy thoughts, and to ap..
ply thy mind to good objects?
Haft thou made ufe of words of a 372-
double meaning, to create un-
chaste thoughts in others?
Haft thou repeated what thou hast 373
heard in fuch manner as to injure
chriftiae modesty ?
Haft thou carefully avoided all out- 374
ward temptations to this fin?
Haft thou prayed to God frequent- 374,
ly to preferve thee from ibis fin; | 375:
knowing that the perfection and
happiness of a reasonable creature
does not confift in fenfual enjoy-
ments, but in thofe which are

363 Haft thou been ready to give good
advice; to inftruct the ignorant;
and to refolve the fcruples of
thofe that apply to thee?
364 Haft thou taken care to bring thy
children up to fome honeft em-
ploy; and at all times to keep
them out of idleness?
355 Art thou a labourer or a fervant;
and doft loiter away thy time, for
which thou doft receive wages?
365 Haft thou neglected thy houfe-
hold affairs, thy family, children,
or employment, without which
thou canst not live according to
thy ftation, under a pretence of
mare pure religion?
366 Haft thou endeavoured to improve
all forts of piety and virtue, by
fixing thy mind upon heaven, as
thy end; by endeavouring to grow
in grace; taking every opportu-piritual?
nity of doing good both to the
fouls and bodies of thy neigh
beurs; keeping guard on thy paf.
frons, and being ready to obey the
checks of confcience.
367 Haft thou been drawn from thy
duty by temptation ?
368 Haft theu laid thy fins to the

charge of God or of the devil? 368 Haft thou begged God's grace to Strengthen thee, and refifted the devil?

Chastity or Purity. 369 HAST thou committed adultery, or fornication, or incest? 370 Haft thou been careful to abstain from all unnatural and unlawful pleasures of fenfe in thyself and

Temperance. HAST thou never eaten nor 376 drank beyond what God and nature has intended for the being and well-being of thy life? Haft thou eaten or drank onlyto gra-376tify thy tafte, or to excite luft? Haft thou lived at thy table above 377 thine ability, or indulged thyJelf with niceties and luxury? Haft thou avoided whatever thou 377 findet prejudicial to thy health, or to make thy body heavy, and incapable of performing thy duty? Heft thou fquandered away thine 377 own or creditors fubftance with banquetting, teafting, or drunkennefs, and company-keeping?


others; and haft thou been mo-Haft thou delighted in drunken 378
derate in the ufe of fuch as are
lawful and allowed by the chrif-
tian religion?

370 Haft thou delighted in, or used,
wanton or lafcivious words,


HOW haft thou employed thy 390


looks, or geftures, lewd compaHaft thou applied all the time 390,
thou couldst referve from the ne-91
ceffities of nature, to the glory of

ny, indecent balls, or revellings? 370 Haft thou read difhoneft books, or

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392 HAST thou let thy affections too much upon play? 393 Haft thou gamed thyself into a paffion?

393 Haft thou gamed too long, or come too often to thy recreations?

393 Haft thou preferred thy pastimes to thy business, to the detriment thereof? 393 Haft thou made a trade of gaming? 393 Haft thou lyed, cheated, deceived, fworn, or quarrelled at thy quarrelled at thy recreations?

393 Haft thou played for more money than thou wert able to lose withour difcompofure of temper, or hurt to thy family or estate? 393, Have thy recreations been short, 394 used for refreshment only, and always yielding to thy neceffary


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Haft thou followed the fafhions, | Page and dreffed thyself only to fet off 396 thy beauty; or to deceive the world into a falle opinion of thy greatnefs and honour? Haft thou taken up fo much time 397 in dreffing thyfelf, or fhewing thySelf to company, or in preparing thy fuperfluous cloaths, as to negglect the care of thy foul? Haft thou regarded the fashions of 397 drefs fo as to prejudice thy health thereby?

Haft thou been fo covetous as to 400 deny thyself convenient apparel fuitable to thy flation and circumftances?


Haft thou for any wicked purpoles put on the dress of the other fex? Haft thou been fatisfied with mean 399 and plain apparel, when it was not in thy power to get better with a good confcience?

Fortitude or Patience.

HAST thou been always calm 400 and compofed, and steady in

thy duty to God under afflictions, or in delay of thy expectations?

Haft thou permitted teafon and grace to guide thee in all thy



Haft thou concluded that God is 400 angry with thee, when thou haft fallen into divers temptations and afflictions?

Haft thou retired, changed the 405 difcourfe, or remained filent, when anger began to boil? Haft thou defpifed little trifles of 405 difcontent?

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Page Haft thou endeavoured, by a good | Haft thou been guilty of any lye, Page example, and admonition, and equivocation, or fraud, or vio- 407


authority, to promote virtue, and to fupprefs vice? 407 Huft thou carefully diftinguished between the glory of God and fatisfying thine own or another's paflion or inclination? 407 Haft tbou perfecuted for religion with a furious fpirit? 407 Haft thou bien always perfuaded that what you contended for was certainly and confiderably good: and what you oppofed was certainly and confiderably bad? 407 Haft thou been more concerned for the externals of religion, than for folid and real goodness?

lence, or oppreffion, &c. to
bring about, as thou fuppofedft,
a good end?


Has thy zeal caufed any one to fall 403
or feparate from, or to keep out
of the CHRISTIAN church?
Haft thou perfecuted without
meeknefs or charity?
Haft thou in religious difputes 408
avoided all reprcachful and
bitter reflections; all falfe rea-
fonings and mifapplication of

Art thou fledfaft in thy holy reli- 408
gion, and charitable to thofe that
diffent from thee?

The Prayer for a fincere Repentance.
After Self-Examination.

ALmighty God, unto whom all hearts be open, all

defires known, and from whom no fecrets are hid: cleanse the thoughts of my heart by the infpiration of thy Holy Spirit; that I may thoroughly repent of all my fins; feek for pardon and forgiveness thro' the merits of Chrift; perfectly love thee, and worthily magnify thy holy name, through the fame Chrift Jefus my Lord and Saviour. Amen.


By the KING's Authority,
Is lately published,

A NEW EDITION, carefully Corrected and Enlarged, of

HE NEW Week's Preparation for the Worthy Receiving of the LORD's SUPPER, as Appointed and Recommended by the CHURCH of ENGLAND; confifting of MEDITATIONS and PRAYERS for the Morning and Evening of every Day in the Week. With fuitable Directions for a devout Behaviour during the Solemnity, and for a beneficial and effectual Joining with the Minister in the Office of Adminiftration.

Together with the FORMS of Examination, and Confeffion of Sins: And MEDITATIONS to inable us to live well after receiving the HOLY SACRAMENT. The Whole being purified from those Extatic and Carnal Expreffions, which (in another Treatife upon this Subject) have been long complained of, is now ren dered a Plain, Orthodox, and Reasonable Service to Almighty God.

To which are added,

Prayers for Morning and Evening, to be ufed either with a Family or in Private; alfo Prayers for other Occafions.

Printed only for S. A. Cumberlege, at the King's-drms in Pater-nofter-Row, near Warwick-lane; and fold by all the Bookfellers of Great Britain and Ireland.

Where may be had,

The Second Part of the NEW Week's Preparation, Price 1 s.

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Prayers for the Holy Communjon. *

A Prayer for the worthy receiving of the Lord's Supper, to be faid immediately after Sermon.

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Know, O Lord, that the benefit is great, if with a true penitent heart and lively faith I do receive this holy facrament, (for then I fpiritually eat the flesh of Christ, and drink his blood; then I dwell in Christ, and Christ in me; then I am one with Chrift, and Chrift with me;) Grant therefore, good Lord, that I, and every one of us now approaching thereto, may repent us truly for our fins paft, having a lively and stedfaft faith in Chrift our Saviour; that we may amend our lives, and be in perfect charity with all men ; and fo become meet partakers of those holy myfteries. Amen.

A Prayer when we offer up our Alms.

Merciful Lord, by whofe goodness and providence I O am both willing and inabled to relieve the neceffities of my poor brethren! I beseech thee to accept of this testimony of my love and gratitude, and to make me truly thankful for all thofe happy opportunities thou giveft me of doing good, in the name of that perfect pattern of all goodness, thy Son Jefus Chrift, my only Saviour. Amen.

A Prayer immediately after the Bread and Wine are


GRacious Lord, who fo lovedft the world, that thou gavest thine only-begotten Son to humble himself to the death of the cross, that I might be redeemed from a state of fin and mifery; who (to the end that all men should always remember his exceeding great love in dying for us, and the innumerable benefits, which by his precious blood-fhedding he has obtained to us) did inftitute and ordain fuch holy myfteries as pledges of his love, and for a continual remembrance of his death, to our great and endlefs comfort: I humbly

The Reader that would be fatisfied concerning the Nature, Defign, and End of the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper, is referred to Sunday VI. Sect. I, II, III, and IV, in this Book..

I humbly implore, that the power of it may strengthen my weakness against all temptations; that the wisdom of it may cure my ignorance; and that the purity of this oblation of himself once offered may fanctify me throughout in body, foul and fpirit; and this I beg for the all-fufficient merits of Jesus Christ my Lord and Saviour. Amen.


A Prayer before receiving the confecrated Bread.

Rant me, I befeech thee, gracious Lord, fo to eat the flesh of thy dear Son Jefus Chrift, and to drink his blood, that my finful body may be made clean by his body, and my foul washed through his moft precious blood; and that I may evermore dwell in him and he in me.



As the Priest comes to give you the Bread, fay, ET thy body, I beseech thee, O Lord Jefu Christ, which was given for me, preserve my body and foul unto everlasting life; and grant that I may take and eat this in remembrance that thou haft died for me, and feed on thee in my heart by faith with thanksgiving. Amen.


As the Minifter comes to give you the Cup, fay,

ET thy blood, I beseech thee, O Lord Jefu Christ, which was fhed for me, preferve my body and soul unto everlasting life; and grant that I may drink this in remembrance that thy blood was fhed for me, and be thankful. Amen.


After receiving the confecrated Bread and Wine, fay, LORY be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost for seeing now, O gracious Lord! that I, who am but duft and afhes, have been refreshed with the body and blood of thy dear Son, I will magnify thy holy name; and as long as I have any being, I will fing praises unto my God. O let not these feet, which have approached thine altar, ever more walk in the ways of the wicked: let not these hands, that have received the bread and the cup, which came down from heaven, be ever defiled with injuftice, or any kind of impiety; but grant that they may evermore be washed in innocency: let thefe eyes be chafte, that

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