4 We feel our resurrection near, And with his glorious presence here, 5 O would he more of heaven bestow, And let our ransomed spirits go 6 In rapturous awe on Him to gaze, HYMN 9. S. M. Rejoicing and Praise. 1 Almighty Maker, God, How glorious is thy name; 2 In native white and red The rose and lily stand, And free from pride, their beauties spread, To show thy skilful hand. 3 The lark mounts up the sky, With unambitious song, And bears her Maker's praise on high Upon her artless tongue. 4 O gi nyoh sat kets koh, 5 N'eh ent ka ya gea ne, 6 O nen te wea ni denht, Ne ji ni yon gwen tenht, TEYERIHWAHKWATHA 10. C. M. Shon gwa ya da gwahs. 1 Sad kah thoh shon gwah ne renh syonh, Wa he ron wa ro ten! Ka ron da geh ro ya ten ton, 2 Sa ronk wa ha da de na ne! 3 Yo non ten yon wat ka ri ne, Yo ga ro wa nenh eh ni yoht, 4 Fain would I rise and sing To my Creator too; Fain would my heart adore my King, 5 Descend, celestial fire, And seize me from above; Wrap me in flames of pure desire, A sacrifice of love. 6 Let joy and worship spend HYMN 10. C. M. Redemption. 1 Behold the Saviour of mankind, How fast the love that Him inclined 2 Hark how he groans, while nature shakes, 3 'Tis done the precious ransom's paid : See where he bows his sacred head; 4 Ji yon gwen denh ta on na ah, Ne ta ha nya rea ne ro tenht, 5 Te ho do hets tonh ken he yon, O Ni yoh ro ronh ya gea onh, TEYERIHWAHKWATHA 11. Shon gwa ya da gwahs. 1 Ra on ha ne shon gwa he wi Ne ka ya ta de rih tse ra L. M. Tenh tshi te wa rih wah kwa se 2 A hi ne gen ne ken ten rat, Enh sha gya ta go o neh son; 3 Ne ji yo de rih wa ne ren Wa ge ni gonh ra nenh se re 4 Ji ni wa ga teh henh se ra, 4 But soon he'll break death's envious chain, And in full glory shine; O Lamb of God, was ever pain, Was ever love like thine ? HYMN 11. L. M. Redemption. 1 Of him who did salvation bring, 2 Ask but his grace, and lo, 'tis given ; 3 To shame our sins he blushed in blood, 4 'Tis thee I love, for thee alone I shed my tears and make my moan; I meet the object of my love. |