Imágenes de páginas

4 We feel our resurrection near,
Our life in Christ concealed;

And with his glorious presence here,
Our earthen vessels filled.

5 O would he more of heaven bestow,
And let the vessels break;

And let our ransomed spirits go
To grasp the God we seek.

6 In rapturous awe on Him to gaze,
Who bought the sight for me,
And shout and wonder at his grace
To all eternity.

HYMN 9. S. M.

Rejoicing and Praise.

1 Almighty Maker, God,

How glorious is thy name;
Thy wonders how diffused abroad,
Throughout creation's frame.

2 In native white and red

The rose and lily stand,

And free from pride, their beauties spread,

To show thy skilful hand.

3 The lark mounts up the sky,

With unambitious song,

And bears her Maker's praise on high

Upon her artless tongue.

4 O gi nyoh sat kets koh,
O neh on gwa Ni yoh :
E ne genh ji ka ronh ya geh
Ne shon gwa ya tis son.

5 N'eh ent ka ya gea ne,
Ko rah ko wa Ni yoh;
Ne enh tshi te wea na ten
Ji ni yon gwan hi gon.

6 O nen te wea ni denht,

Ne ji ni yon gwen tenht,
Ne ya tshi te wa rah kwa
Ne shon gwa ya tis son.


Shon gwa ya da gwahs.

1 Sad kah thoh shon gwah ne renh syonh, Wa he ron wa ro ten!

Ka ron da geh ro ya ten ton,
I se ya nek hwah se !

2 Sa ronk wa ha da de na ne!
Onh wen ja tyo ton nonh
Kah te ron tse ra gonh na ah,
Yo non ten yon na ah.

3 Yo non ten yon wat ka ri ne,
Eh na na a wea ne;

Yo ga ro wa nenh eh ni yoht,
Ro ga rya gon na ah!

4 Fain would I rise and sing

To my Creator too;

Fain would my heart adore my King,
And give Him praises due.

5 Descend, celestial fire,

And seize me from above;

Wrap me in flames of pure desire,

A sacrifice of love.

6 Let joy and worship spend
The remnant of my days;
And to my God my soul ascend,
In sweet perfumes of praise.

HYMN 10. C. M.


1 Behold the Saviour of mankind,
Nailed to the shameful tree;

How fast the love that Him inclined
To bleed and die for thee!

2 Hark how he groans, while nature shakes,
And earth's strong pillars bend!
The temple's veil in sunder breaks,
The solid marbles rend!

3 'Tis done the precious ransom's paid :
"Receive my soul," he cries :

See where he bows his sacred head;
He bows his head and dies!

4 Ji yon gwen denh ta on na ah,
I ih on gwa ri wa :

Ne ta ha nya rea ne ro tenht,
E tho wah renh he ye!

5 Te ho do hets tonh ken he yon,
Ra on we senh s'ra gon,

O Ni yoh ro ronh ya gea onh,
N'yen hen we yes ron he.


Shon gwa ya da gwahs.

1 Ra on ha ne shon gwa he wi Ne ka ya ta de rih tse ra

L. M.

Tenh tshi te wa rih wah kwa se
Seh shon gwa rih wi yoh stea nihs.

2 A hi ne gen ne ken ten rat,

Enh sha gya ta go o neh son;
Ka ronh ya gon ni yen henh ske
E tho sa ne ne wa gi tenht.

3 Ne ji yo de rih wa ne ren

Wa ge ni gonh ra nenh se re
Ye sus en hi yea di denh ten
Enh sha gi ten re Ke ris tus.

4 Ji ni wa ga teh henh se ra,
Ka rih wa ne ra ax he ra;
Ne se ne ra o ne gwenh sa
Ya te yo ne non wa gi tenht.

4 But soon he'll break death's envious chain,

And in full glory shine;

O Lamb of God, was ever pain,

Was ever love like thine ?

HYMN 11. L. M.


1 Of him who did salvation bring,
I could for ever think and sing:
Arise, ye needy, he'll relieve;
Arise, ye guilty, he'll forgive.

2 Ask but his grace, and lo, 'tis given ;
Ask, and he turns your hell to heaven;
Though sin and sorrow wound my soul,
Jesus, thy balm will make it whole.

3 To shame our sins he blushed in blood,
He closed his eyes to show us God;
Let all the world fall down, and know
That none but God such love can show.

4 'Tis thee I love, for thee alone

I shed my tears and make my moan;
Where'er I am, where'er I move,

I meet the object of my love.

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