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4 Jesus, my God, thy blood alone

Hath power sufficient to atone ;

Thy blood can make me white as snow, No other thing can cleanse me so.

HYMN 103. C. M.

Christ Precious to a Believer.

1 Jesus, I love thy charming name, "Tis music to my ear;

Fain would I sound it out so loud,

That earth and heaven might hear.

2 Yes, thou art precious to my soul,
My transport and my trust;
Jewels, to thee, are gaudy toys,
And gold is sordid dust.

3 All my capacious powers can wish,
In thee most richly meet;
Nor to my eyes is light so dear,
Nor friendship half so sweet.

4 O may thy grace still cheer my heart,
And shed its fragrance there;
The noblest balm of all its wounds,
The cordial of its care.

5 I'll speak the honours of thy name
With my last labouring breath;
When speechless, clasp thee in my arms,
My joy in life and death.


1 D'ne sek Sa ya ner ka non we,
Ta g'rih hon yen ji nen gye re;
Ta gyes tas ji gen nenh ton yon,
Ji ni yo ha ha ah ye geh.

2 Ne n'a gya tah ton ta gen he,
Ne ka na yeh ka ni gon ra;
N'a on gen hih ten ne toh sa,
So ji ne wa gya ta nets kha.

3 Yah te wa ge shats tenh s'ra yen,
Ta gyes tas n'a gon no ronh kwe;
Sea ni ten rehs kon ta gwan hes,
Sa te nyen denh ston n'a gwe ri.

4 Ta gye na was ta g'ri hon nyen,
Ne a gon wea na rah kwa ge:
Ske nya gens ne wa gen hi gon,
Ne ok n'a gon no ronh kwa ge.

5 Toh sa ak' ni gon ra 'gye rat,
Ne ok ni se sa ni gon ra,
Ji ni ga tyer ha ga da tih,
Te g'ri hoh ser ne sa wea na.


1 Ne kah sea na o gon,

Ne onh wen ja gwe gon ;

On gwe ho gon Jews e nas kwa,
Yon da de wea ni yo.

S. M.

HYMN 104. L. M.

1 Be with me, Lord, where'er I go ;
Teach me what thou wouldst have me do ;
Suggest whate'er I think or say;
Direct me in the narrow way.

2 Prevent me lest I harbour pride,
Lest I in my own strength confide;
Show me my weakness; let me see
I have my power, my all from thee.
3 Enrich me always with thy love;
My kind protection ever prove;
Thy signet put upon my breast,
And let thy Spirit on me rest.

4 Assist and teach me how to pray;
Incline my nature to obey ;

What thou abhorr'st, that let me flee,
And only love what pleases thee.

5 O may I never do my will,

But thine, and only thine fulfil ;
Let all my time and all my ways
Be spent and ended in thy praise.

HYMN 105. S. M.

Christian Unity.

1 Let party names no more

The Christian world o'erspread : Gentile and Jew, and bond and free,

Are one in Christ their head.

2 Enh skat ne K'ris tus neh,
Sha gat n'onh wen ja geh,
Ne ro di ya ta do genh ti,
Ska ri wat ne gen hak.

3 Toh sa a ye nos ha,

I non te gya te rat;

Yon da da te gwaht nen ne eh,
Eht sa ronk Ro ya ner.

4 O nonh sa do genh ti,

Sha gat ne e ne gen:

Ji tyo yenh tah kon ken ten rat,
On gwe ri enh skah ne.


1 Tenh non tya ga weh tah kon hak,
N'o nen enh si he ye;

Te yo non ya niht ken he yat,
Yon te ronhk yo shats te.

2 Ga thon de yo don ha rah kwe,
Yoh te ronhs ne kse neh;
Ji yon da dya da ta as tha,
N'o nen en wa gye na.

3 To kat ne en jon gi ten ron,
En jon g'rih wi yohs ten ;
Yah te yot t'ronhk nen gi he ye,
Ji tye ya ta ta ryon.

2 Among the saints on earth,
Let mutual love be found;
Heirs of the same inheritance,
With mutual blessings crowned.

3 Let envy and ill-will

Be banished far away;

Those should in strictest friendship dwell Who the same Lord obey.

4 Thus will the church below

Resemble that above,

Where streams of pleasure flow,

And every heart is love.

HYMN 106. C. M.

Victory over Death.

1 O for an overcoming faith

To cheer my dying hours,
To triumph o'er the monster Death,
And all his frightful powers.

2 Joyful, with all the strength I have,
My quivering lips should sing,
"Where is thy boasted victory, Grave?
And where the monster's sting?"

3 If sin be pardoned, I'm secure ;
Death has no sting beside :

The law gives sin its damning power;
But Christ my ransom died.

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