Ne jon gwa de rah swi yos ton 3 I se ja ta no ron go wah Sea ni ten reht se ro wa nen 4 Te gwa non we ronh ne Ye sus Ka nant se ron ka ronh ya geh, Ra ya tak ta ne Ra ni ha 'So ji 'gwa rih wa ne ren Ne na seh skwen ten ra tah kon TEYERIHWAHKWATHA 41. 8 lines 8's. Ne a gwah ah sha yo ya ta go. 1 To na ya wen a on gyan 'rens? 3 Jesus, hail! enthroned in glory, All the heavenly hosts adore thee, There for sinners thou art pleading, There thou dost our place prepare; Ever for us interceding, Till in glory we appear. 4 Worship, honour, power and blessing, Help, ye bright angelic spirits; Bring your sweetest, noblest lays; Help to sing our Saviour's meritsHelp to chant Immanuel's praise. HYMN 41. 8 lines 8's. For full Redemption. 1 What now is my object and aim? What now is my hope and desire ? To follow the heavenly Lamb, And after his image aspire : O ni ji wa gats hea non ni, 2 Wa ge nya tat hens ji gon he, Oh ne ka nohs sa ne gwenh sa, Tyoh ri on ra na ah ta geh : Yoh na wa det shon gwen ten ron; A TEYERIHWAHKWATHA 42. 8 lines 8's. yon don ha ren oni a hon wa yon we sah te. Ne ken i genh on gwa Ni yoh, Ne tyon gweh tah kon hak tenh non ; Ras hats te yah te yo dok te : Ne neh Ye sus tyo tye renh ton, Ra o ni gon ra en shon gyon, My hope is all centered in thee; 2 I thirst for a life-giving God, A God that on Calvary died A fountain of water and blood, That gushed from Immanuel's side: I gasp for the streams of thy love, The spirit of rapture unknown; And then to re-drink it above, Eternally fresh from the throne. HYMN 42. 8 lines 8's. Rejoicing and Praise. This, this is the God we adore, Our faithful unchangeable Friend, Whose love is as great as his power, And neither knows measure nor end; 'Tis Jesus the first and the last, Whose Spirit shall guide us safe home; We'll praise him for all that is past, And trust him for all that's to come. TEYERIHWAHKWATHA 43. 8 lines 8's. A yon don ha ren oni a hon wa yon we sah te. 1 Eh tyoh sha ron te ji tyon he, Ne ra o ten rat Ke ris tus, Seh shon gwan he ne on gyon ha; Ne yoh na wa det yo nen dont ; 2 Ji ni yo suo re eh ni yoht En tyon gweh tah kon ne it wat; 3 Yon gwa de ryen ta re wah hi; |