HYMN 43. 8 lines 8's. Rejoicing and Praise. 1 A fountain of life and of grace, To drink of his pleasures unknown; 2 As soon as in him we believe, By faith of his Spirit we take; And freely forgiven, receive And witness a heaven below. TEYERIHWAHKWATHA 44. 8 lines 8's. A yon don ha ren oni a hon wa yon we sah te. 1 Yo neh ra gwaht ki ok ho ni, 2 A gen hi hen yo rah kwa det, Nok kat keh yen wak kwaht se ne, 3 Ra oh sea na yo nen hon te, HYMN 44. 8 lines 8's. Rejoicing and Praise. 1 How tedious and tasteless the hours, When Jesus no longer I see ; Sweet prospects, sweet birds, and sweet flowers, Have all lost their sweetness to me: The midsummer sun shines but dim, The fields strive in vain to look gay; But when I am happy in him, December's as pleasant as May. 2 His name yields the richest perfume, His presence disperses my gloom, No mortal so happy as I, My summer would last all the year. 4 A on sa yets ha nik o ni, 5 Tenh non ken tho te sek te ni, Ne o we ra en yo to ri; Ne ots ha ta o gon ni ih, Ne na wa gad ren hos tea nihs, O ji tenr ne a gwa don hets. TEYERIHWAHKWATHA 45. C. M. A dat ne go ser hon. 1 Ye ya ta no ron O ri te, Ne ne e ne genh ji, Ni tya we non oh ne ka nohs, 3 Content with beholding his face, If Jesus would dwell with me there. 4 Dear Lord, if indeed I am thine, If thou art my sun and my song, Say, why do I languish and pine, And why are my winters so long? O drive these dark clouds from my sky, Thy soul-cheering presence restore; Or take me to thee up on high, Where winter and clouds are no more. HYMN 45. C. M. Baptism. 1 Celestial Dove, descend from high, And on the water brood: Come, with thy quickening power apply The water and the blood." |