2 En ji te wa don hets tah kwe Eh ji te wa no ronh kwak ne 3 Ra o wea na kah ni ra ton, 4 Ra o shats tenh se ra Ni yoh, Ne a se a on sah skyon ni, TEYERIHWAHKWATHA 46. S. M. A dat ne go ser hon. 1 Ron wa a son o nenh Shon gwa ya ta gen has 2 Seh shon gwa jon tah kon Enh ska no ha re te En seh shon gwa rih wi yoh sten En 'yon gwa rih wa ne ren. 3 En hi ronh yen ha re Eah sha ge no ha re Wa gi tenht ka rih wa ne ren 2 I love the Lord, that stoops so low To give his word a seal; But the rich grace his hands bestow Exceeds the figure still. 3 Almighty God, for thee we call, Accept in Christ, and bless withal, HYMN 46. S. M. Baptism. 1 My Saviour's pierced side By water we are purified, 2 Called from above, I rise, 4 Ne a ge ni gon ra Ne a ont tok ha ge Ne a on ge rih wi yoh ston A ha gi ten ra te. TEYERIHWAHKWATHA 47. C. M. A yont kah thoh ka ronh ya geh. 10 ya tyonh wen ja de na ah, Ne ro di ya ta do genh ti, 2 Ethoh wen deh tse ro wa nen, Ken he yon ten wa dek hah si, 3 Tyonh wen ja de ne yon gwa yen, Ne jit ka hen ti yoh ; Ne nen ne ne yon he on weh, Ji ni yoht Jews ha ga. 4 Ox ten ha Ca naan i ga te Ne ne shat kya tek ha Tha di nyen ho gen ne Jor dan Ne thi ha di te ah. 5 En wa ton genh en t'wa rat hen Mo ses ji ro ha te Ji non we en je nya gea ne 3 It runs divinely clear, A fountain deep and wide, 'Twas opened by the soldier's spear HYMN 47. C. M. Prospect of Heaven. 1 There is a land of pure delight, 2 There everlasting spring abides, 3 Sweet fields, beyond the swelling flood, 4 Could we but climb where Moses stood, And view the landscape o'er, Not Jordan's stream, nor death's cold flood, Should fright us from the shore. TEYERIHWAHKWATHA 48. S. M. O rih wa do genh ti ji on de rih wah ten ti. 1 Ni yoh shon gwen ten ron, 2 Ne on gwe ho gon ah Ni yoh ra gonh son te; 3 Wa hon ni on gwe ta, Ne tens hak hah syon go; Yo de rih wa gwa rih syonh s'ra, 4 En she yats te ris te, E tho eh ya ho ti, Ne onh wen ja ne sha go wit, 5 Shon gwen ten ron Ni yoh ; Ne en hon wat sah nih se ke, Ji yo donh wen jok te. |