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Like him, cross'd cheerfully tempestuous seas,
Forsaking country, kindred, friends and ease;
Like him, he laboured, and, like him, content
To bear it, suffer'd shame where'er he went.
Blush, calumny! and write upon his tomb,

(If honest eulogy can spare thee room)
Thy deep repentance of thy thousand lies,
Which, aim'd at him, have pierc'd th' offended skies;
And say, "Blot out my sin, confess'd, deplor'd,
Against thine image in thy saint, O Lord!”


SALVIAN, to the author of the Letters signed CONSTANS, is received. While we are determined to avoid all angry controversy, we readily admit into our pages ingenious discussions of important subjects, when conducted with a Christian spirit. The remarks of Salvian will be duly noticed by Constans, in a manner consistent with the plan he adopted.

H. on "Christian faithfulness exemplified in the conduct of Daniel, has been handed to us, and placed on our files for publication.

The literary article from our Friend, relative to the celebrated LINDLEY MURRAY and his works, is highly acceptable, and shall have an early insertion in the Panoplist.

We are compelled to ask the continued patience of some of our Correspondents, whose communications have been for some time on our files. The reviews of Mr. Dow's Letters, and of the Memoirs of Pious Women, are necessarily postponed.

We are happy at the close of the year, to assure our readers that they may expect still to be entertained and instructed in the future numbers of the Panoplist by Zuinglius, Theophilus, Constans, Philo, Pastor, Z. H. C. Y. A. Philologos, &c.

The ships lately arrived from England have brought the Editors much late and very interesting religious and literary intelligence, which shall be detailed to our readers, as fast as our pages will admit.

We have pleasure in acknowledging the addition of a considerable number of new names to our subscription list, within a few weeks past, and the patronage of several respectable societics instituted for the advancement of Christian piety and morality.


Rev. MIGHILL BLOOD, Buckstown; -Mr. E. GOODALE, Hallowell ;THOMAS CLARK, bookseller, Portland; - THOMAS & WHIPPLE, do. Newburyport; -CUSHING & APPLETON, do. Salem; - ISAIAH THOMAS, do. Worcester;-WILLIAM BUTLER, do. Northampton; - WHITING, BACKUS & WHITING, do. Albany; T. & J. SWORDS, do. New York; -Wм. Р. FARRAND, do. Philadelphia;-I. BEERS & Co. New Haven;-O. D. Cook, do. Hartford; -Mr. BENJAMIN CUMMINGS, Windsor, Ver.;-Mr. LEB, Bath, Me.-W. WILKINSON, Providence.






Warden of Winchester College, and Bishop of Gloucester.


THOUGHTS are here given in preference to Dissertations, for the sake of brevity and compression.

The several clauses appear detached: there is however a connexion between them. The Subject is begun on principles of abstract reasoning; continued, with reference to Heathen and Jewish opinions; pursued, with consideration of the Baptismal Form delivered by our Lord, and as taught by Evangelists, Apostles, Fathers. Of the question there is then taken a retrospect; which leads to the Conclusion.

The mind of the Writer has long been much impressed with the force of this solemn charge : "When thou art converted, strengthen thy brethren." He is anxious to obey it. On examination and reflection being himself convinced, he employs his efforts to assist others, and support them in the Ancient Faith.

I. WHEN we mean to speak of a circumstance as difficult to be understood, or as altogether inexplicable, we call it a "Mystery." In these acceptations of the word "Mystery," the existence of the universe; the production of the several substances in the mineral, vegetable, and animal kingdoms ; the combination of instinct with brute forms, and the union of rational faculties with the human body, are each of them respectively a mystery. They are however all matters of fact: from which consideration we are led to conclude, it is not consistent with true philosophy to deny the reality of a thing, merely because it is mysterious.

II. It has been often said, "Where mystery begins, religion ends." The assertion is erroneous. For, nothing can be so mysterious as the existence of God. Yet to believe that God exists, is the foundation of all religion. Mystery then and religion are inseparably connected, and must inevitably proceed with each other.

III. When Simonides was asked his opinion concerning the nature of God, he required a day to be given him for deliberating on the APPEN.


question. On the morrow he was asked a second time. He required two days for deliberation. The question was frequently repeated: and on every repetition he doubled the number of days. Hiero was surprised at this hesitation and delay, and demanded the reason of it. He replied, "The longer I think on this subject, the more obscure it appears." Here then we have, from a man of learning and wisdom, an ingenuous acknowledgment, that the nature of God is incomprehensible to the human mind. And the same confession must every one make, who hath duly considered the limits prescribed to our finite understanding, and who is not afraid to own, that of many things he must be ignorant, till his intellectual powers shall be enlarged by the renovation of his nature.

IV. If at this time we ourselves were asked, "What is God?" we should answer, " A Spirit." " And what is a Spirit?" "Somewhat which is not corporeal." "Of what subsistence ?" Here we are lost. We can say what God is NOT ; but are utterly unable to say what He is, with respect to Essential Subsistence.

V. When we contemplate the extensive scale of existence, and the various degrees which appear in that scale, by reasoning on analogy we are led to suppose, there are as many orders of intelligent Beings above Man, as there are classes of irrational creatures below him. The modes of existence and spiritual qualities may be as much diversified in the several orders of intelligent Beings, as the vital state and animal properties are of infinite variety in the subordinate classes of living creatures extending downwards from Man to the Zoophyte. That in the order superlatively exalted above all others in its mode of existence and in its spiritual qualities, Deity should be an inherent attribute, it is by no means unreasonable to imagine.

VI. By Deity, or Divinity, or Godhead, we mean an essential Nature and a Mode of Existence the most exalted and perfect that can possibly be; and also we mean Power, Wisdom, Goodness, and Holiness, more than human, more than angelic, greater than any words of Mortals can describe, or thoughts conceive. That Deity, thus considered, cannot reside in Three Spiritual Intelligences, on principles of reason no man can prove.

VII. From the inability of the human mind to comprehend Deity, has arisen imperfection of language, with which to discourse on that subject. For want of other terms, we use Person; Subsistence or Substance; and "Consubstantial," corresponding with Προσωπον ; Ὑποςασις or Ουσια; Όμούσιος; expressions frequent among the Christian Greek Writers. By "Person," we mean " one that has actual being." By "Subsistence or Substance," we mean " essential nature." By "Consubstantial," we mean " having the same essential nature." By " sameness of essential nature," we mean such identity of nature, as when we say, the essential nature of a fountain and of a river is the same ; the essential nature of the sun and of a sun-beam is the same. This acceptation of όμοισιος "Consubstantial," and this mode of illustration, are of very high antiquity and most allowed authority among Christian Writers; as in that satisfactory Work, the " Defensio Fidei Nicænæ," has been copiously and ably proved.

VIII. The word "Man" sometimes implies all Mankind; and sometimes " that which possesses the properties of Mankind." The word "God" sometimes comprehends all Deity; and sometimes it means to express "that which has attributes characteristic of Deity." Ουσιας το Θεος δηλωτικον, "The word GOD indicates the essential nature," says Justin Martyr, or rather, "The Exposition of Faith," which goes under his name.

IX. The Works of Creation demonstrate the existence of Deity exerting itself with Unity of Design. But they do not demonstrate that Deity and Unity of Design must therefore necessarily be attributes inherent in one Intelligence only. A human instance will illustrate. A piece of mechanism curiously constructed to carry on regular motion shews unity of design: but it does not shew that therefore it was the work of one mind only. The design indeed will be one; but the work may have been produced by more minds, all co-operating in the same design.

X. That which has all the properties of a human Being, is Man. That which has all the qualities of a Spiritual Being, is Spirit. That which has the essential nature, the mode of existence, the power, the wisdom, the goodness, the holiness attributed to Godhead, must be God. The consequence seems to be inevitable.

XI. The Peripatetics and later Platonists maintained that the World was eternal. It is not then offering violence to the human apprehension, to say that Three Spiritual Intelligences, Divine in Essential Nature and Attributes, have existed from Eternity.

Whether one, or both, of these suppositions may be erroneous, is not here the question. The only point at present maintained, is, that according to the natural apprehensions of man in the first instance, one of these ideas can be received by the mind with as much facility as the other.

XII. The Eternity of the World we prove to be a doctrine erroneous, from what we know concerning the properties of Matter. The Eternity of Three Spiritual Intelligences in quality of one Godhead, we cannot prove to be a doctrine erroneous; because we have no sufficient knowledge of Spirituality and Essentially Divine Nature. We have therefore in this case no ground on which to reason. If we talk of our own conceptions, and make them the standard of what may be correct, and what may be erroneous, we must confess, if after the deepest examination we would speak ingenuously, we can no more form an adequate conception how One should exist from Eternity, than how Three should exist from Eternity. We can adequately conceive neither case. And, supposing the Generic Unity of Divine Essence asserted, then there is no argument, which will tend to disprove the eternal existence of Three in that essence, which will not go to disprove the eternal existence of One. So that without great care, Metaphysical Reasoners against a Trinity in the one Godhead will prove too much, unless they mean to prove there can be no such thing as eternal existence either in any Quality, or in any Being.

XIII. It would be Tritheism, if we should maintain a Triplici ty of Divine Intelligences, each diversified in different and opposite essential natures, different and opposite powers, different and opposite wills, different and opposite counsels, different and opposite energies. But it is not Tritheism when we maintain that Three Divine Intelligences exist, being all of the same essential nature, the same power, the same will, the same counsel, the same ener gies: for, by maintaining the Sameness of Quality, we preserve the Unity of Divine Attributes, and thus also preserve the Unity

of Godhead.

XIV. To say that Three Intelligences are one Intelligence, would be contradiction. But to say that three Divine Intelligences are one God is not contradiction. They are One God, by possessing the attributes, and acting with the energies of one Godhead.

XV. As all human conceptions of Deity must be imperfect, all illustrations of the doctrine in question must be inadequate. Let it however be observed, that in human cases, Unity and Multiplicity may be combined. Thus we read; " All the rest also of Israel were of One heart to make David king." 1 Chr. xii. 38, "Also in Judah, the hand of God was to give them One heart to do the commandments of the king, and of the princes." 2 Chron. xxx,


"And the multitude of them that believed were of One heart, and of One soul." Acts iv. 32. If, without contradiction, Unity of Mental Attribute may be ascribed to many Human Beings, it will follow, that without contradiction, Unity of Divine Attribute may be ascribed to Three Divine Intelligences,

XVI. However much through fanciful additions they may have deviated from their primitive correctness, yet it is reasonable to sup: pose that opinions, of high antiquity and general universality, must have been founded originally in truth. For, had the case been otherwise, they probably would long ago have been entirely rejected from the human mind. The idea and doctrine of a triad, have indeed undergone very strange modifications: but, as the histories of Ancient Egypt and of modern India demonstrate, that idea and that doctrine have existed for ages in Oriental nations. The fact is extraordinary; and the most obvious method, by which we can account for it, is this; to conclude, that the doctrine originated with the Progenitor of Mankind; by him was communicated, as a notice, which he had received from his Maker, and therefore of im portance to be preserved among his immediate descendants; and from them it was delivered down through succeeding generations, from the first to that which is now in being. Taken then by itself, and divested of mythology, the doctrine of a Trinity is entitled to our regard and veneration, because so ancient and so universal.

XVII. By Revelation we mean that knowledge, which is imparted to us by divine communication. The doctrines imparted to Moses, and the doctrines taught by Christ, are respectively doctrines of Revelation.

XVIII. The divine Legation of Moses is demonstrated by the certainty of the Miracles, which God empowered him to work; and by the fulfilment of the predictions, which God enabled him to deliver. But of Moses, in the scriptures it was never said, that he pre-existed before he appeared on earth; that he was supernatural

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