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ceafe to be the Citizens of Heaven, andi forfeit all Right and Title to an incor-i ruptible Inheritance there; which is pro mis'd to us and fettled upon us on this Condition, That we continue ftedfaft in our Loyalty and Duty to our Prince.d

THE Words of my Text did probably give rife, as they certainly do give Ware rant and Countenance, to a Custom ftill retain❜d among us, of Bowing at the Name of Jefus, as often as we folemnly i repeat our Creed, in Token, of Reve rence, and of our willing Submiffion to his Authority. And furely if ever in any Act of Religious Worship it be allowable, if ever it be proper and decent, to bow our Knee at the Name of Jefus, it must be fo then, when our Tongues confefs that Jefus Chrift is Lord.

Bur we must remember, that it will not be fufficient to pay him an outward formal Homage, to how the Head, and bend the Knee to him, to complement him with the Title of a King, and to profefs ourselves his Subjects, unless we take Care that our whole Conduct and


Behaviour be anfwerable to fuch a Profeffion. The only Demonftration we can give that we own his Authority over us, is an exact Conformity to the Laws which he hath bound upon us. To bow the Knee at the Name of Jefus, and to confefs with our Tongues that he is Lord, if at the fame time we live in a wilful and habitual Violation of his Laws, is a moft provoking Mockery; it is to treat him no better than the Soldiers did, who, before they led hini away to be crucified, put on him a purple Robe, and bowed the Knee before him, faying, Hail King of the Jews. The Regal Power with which Chrift is invested, ought to be Matter of Terror to all thofe, who tho' in Words they acknowledge it, and pretend to fubmit to it, yet in Works difclaim and refift it; fince it is one Branch of this Power to take Vengeance on difobedient and traiterous Subjects, as well as on open and declar'd Enemies. And they who call Chrift Lord, Lord, but will not do the Things which he fays, fhall be as feverly

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and rigorously dealt with as thofe, who more boldly and plainly fay, We will not have this Man to reign over us.

Secondly, THE Confideration of our Saviour's Exaltation may be of fpecial Use to support and bear up our Spirits against all diftruftful and defponding Thoughts, arifing from an unreasonable and exceffive Fear of Temptations, or of Death or of Judgment.

OUR Own Weakness and Inability to refift Temptations, ought not in Reason to difcourage us, when he that is with us to affift us, is greater than he that is against us. Our Lord in that he himself hath experienced and overcome the Power of Temptation, is able and ready at all Times to fuccour us that are tempted; and will in the end beat down Satan under our Feet.

To dye is to be tranflated to that blifsful Place where our Lord refides If therefore we have any Defire to fee the Majefty, any Ambition to be near the Perfon of our glorious King; inftead of Fearing, we shall be apt to long for


Death, which will introduce us into his

THE Apprehenfions of a future Judgment cannot furely be very terrible to us, when we confider that our beft Friend and Benefactor, our Saviour, is to fit upon the Tribunal. If we believe that Chrift will come to be our Judge, we may with Boldness and Chearfulness pray and hope, that he will help us his Servants, whom he hath redeemed with his precious Blood, and make us to be numbred with his Saints in Glory everlasting.

Thirdly. THE fame Confideration will be of mighty Force to animate and comfort us in all Dangers, and under all Troubles and Afflictions that fhall befal us in this World. For what Caufe can there be of Uneafinefs and Anxiety; what good Reafon can we pretend for Vexing and Difquieting ourselves, when the Per fon who is our Guardian, and under whofe Direction all our Affairs are, hath all Power in Heaven and Earth commit ted to him? All Events are intirely at





his Difpofal; all our Enemies are in his Hand; all the Powers of Nature are at his Beck and Command; in Heaven, thousand Thousands minifter to him, and ten Thousand times ten Thousand stand before him, waiting for Orders to accomplifh his Will. So that, if he pleases, he can extricate us out of all Difficulties and Perplexities, and profper all our Undertakings. He can over-rule the Defigns and Plots of our Adverfaries to their own Confufion, and, if Need be, can arm the Elements in our Defence, or command an Hoft of Angels to pitch their Tents round about us. Since out Lord is entrusted with the Guidance and Management of all Things, every one of his faithful Servants, the leaft and meaneft Subject he has, may depend upon it, that all Things will be ordered for his Good.

Two Things I am firmly perfwaded of, and for the Eafe and Comfort of my Life I will ever stedfaftly believe; That if any thing happen to me by the Permiffion and with the Confent of the Lord


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