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Duty; but it is necessary to Magiftrates,
confider'd not only in their private but
in their publick Capacity, to excite their
faithful Difcharge of the Truft committed
to them, and to reftrain them from do-
ing thofe Things which are incompatible
with it.
Nor can any stronger Restraint
be laid upon this.
Men in Power th

ABSOLUTE Governments, if they have fufficient Force on their Side, have nothing else to restrain them from those Cutrages and Violences, to which Luft or Avarice or Ambition may tempt them, but the Dread of that Vengeance which fooner or later will certainly overtake thofe, who employ that Power to Deftruction, which was given them to promote the Peace and Welfare of Mankind.

Influenced by this Principle; the moft unlimited and arbitrary Governours, how unaccountable foever they may be to their Fellow Creatures, will propofe the Good of their People for the End of their Government, that they may not with Grief render an Account to One, ་ ་ who hath a more uncontrolable Power

Over them, than they have over their


IN Governments well conftituted, as that under which we have the Happiness to live, thofe who have the Execution of the Laws in their Hands, are themfelves limited by the Laws. And fubordinate Magiftrates are fubject to divers Penalties, if they do not keep themselves within the Bounds, and conform themfelves to the Rules prefcrib'd to them. And it must be confefs'd that fuch a Proyifion as this, is a great Security to the Lives, Properties and Liberties of the Subjects. Even the Fear of temporal Penalties will have great Influence; but the Fear of everlasting Pains will undoubtedly have much greater; and confequently the Magiftrate who fears a Divine Power, which can punish eternally, will be fenfible of a ftronger Impulse to a punctual Obfervation of the Rules of Juftice than be,, who fears only a fuperior Human Power, which can punish but for a Time.






BESIDES; Magistrates who fear only the Penalties threatned by Human Laws, may frequently be drawn afide from their Duty by the Hopes of Impunity. But the Fear of God will leave no Room for fuch Hopes. His Eyes are continually open upon all the Ways of Men, and He will one Day punish openly the most fecret Acts of Injuftice. He, who is higher than the highest upon Earth, and is armed with Almighty Power to vindicate the Honour of his Laws, will not hold guiltless the moft mighty Offender.

IN Times of great Degeneracy and Corruption, the Magiftrate may expect not only to go unpunifh'd, but to be rewarded for tranfgreffing his Duty. He may hope to be a Gainer by Acts of Injuftice and Oppreffion. He may have a Profpect of raifing himfelf by being inftrumental to fubvert the Conftitution, and overthrow the Laws which it is his Province to uphold and execute.

On thefe Occafions, he who acts only with a View to Things present and visible, will in all likelihood turn away his Eyes from

from thofe Ends which he ought ever to aim at, and prostitute his Authority to the bafeft and moft mischievous Purposes. But be who ftands in awe of an Invisible Almighty Monarch, at whofe Tribunal he must account for every Abuse of Power, will be fteady to his Duty in the worst of Times. He will rather forego a prefent Advantage how confiderable foever, than act unfuitably to the Dignity of the Character he has the Honour to bear, by mid-employing the Authority committed to him. Because he is fenfible that no worldly Gain can bear any Proportion to the Lofs he fhall fuftain; no Honour he can arrive to, can equal the Shame which will hereafter be this Portion; no Pleafures he can enjoy, can compenfate for the Torments which he fhall be doom'd to, for his Misconduct and Unfaithfulnefs in his Office. The Hope of an imperfect and tranfitory Good will lofe its Force, and be of no Weight with him, when over-ballanc'd with the Fear of infupportable Mifery and Torment without end..


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SOMETIMES the Magiftrate may be in Danger of Suffering for a fteady Adher rence to his Duty. Blame and Ignominy may be the Confequence of a Behaviour, which deferves the higheft Praife; an honeft and equal Diftribution of Justice, may expose him to the most injurious and cruel Ufage. For protecting the Innocent, and delivering the Oppreffed, he may himself be opprefs'd and crush'd by others, who have more Regard to their own Power than to Right, and make their Will the Meafure of their Conduct. He therefore who fears nothing but Man, or Man more than any thing elfe, will not be able to withstand the Violence of these Temptations. He will prefer Interest and Safety to Confcience, and fave his Life and Eftate at the Expence of his Integrity. Tho' he can refufe Offers moft advantageous, to himself, rather than do an Act of Unrighteoufnefs to others; yet when he can no otherwife avoid fuffering than by doing Wrong, the Fear of Suffering will shake him terribly, and move him from his Refolution. He, who


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