Imágenes de páginas




"Her's face,

As the great eye of heaven, shyned bright, And made a sunshine in the shady place." this spot,

"'Twas not for fiction chose

Peopling it with affections; but he found.
It was the scene which passion must allot
To the mind's purified beings."

"As I came over by Merriemass,
And doun amang the scroggs,

The bonniest chiel that ever I saw
Lay sleeping atween twa dogs."

5. "Moon, that now meet'st the orient sun, now fly'st

With the fixed stars, fixed in their

that flies;

And ye five other wandering fires that


In mystic dance, not without song, resound
His praise."



"Proud city of the waters,

Again let rapture light the eyes of all

thy mourning daughters."

His, a brother's love, that hung With wings of brooding shelter o'er her peace."

8. "His bodily frame had been from youth

to age

Of an unusual strength. Among the


He went, and still look'd up upon the


And listen'd to the wind."

[blocks in formation]


"So slow

The growth of what is excellent; so hard
To obtain perfection in this nether world.
Thus, first Necessity invented stools,
Convenience next suggested elbow-chairs,
And Luxury the accomplished

"I who lately sang


Truth, Hope, and Charity, and touched with awe
The solemn chords, and with a trembling hand.
Escaped with pain from that adventurous flight,
Now seek repose upon an humbler throne;
The theme, though humble, yet august and proud;
The occasion
for the Fair commands the


Satyrs and sylvan boys were seen
Peeping from forth their alleys green;
Brown exercise rejoiced to hear;



leaped, and seized his birchen

2. "A light wind chased her on the wing, And in the chase grew wild;


As close as might be would he cling
About the darling child.

But light as any wind that blows

So fleetly did she stir:

The flower she touched on, dipt, and


And turn'd to look at her."

3. Oh, sisters three, come, come to me, With hands as pale as milk;


Lay them in gore, since you have shore
With shears his thread of silk."

"Oh night, oh night, oh night, with hue so black;

Oh night which ever art when day

is not;

Oh night, oh night

I fear my Thisbe's promise is forgot!"

C. C.

"She does complain

[blocks in formation]


Of such as wandering near her secret bower
Molest her ancient solitary reign."

[blocks in formation]

Is ever a lament begun

By any mourner under sun,

Which, ere it endeth, suits but ONE?"

2. 'I swear by the breath


Of that moonlight wreath

Thy lover shall sigh at thy feet again."

"The other boats, the 'skiff' and pinnace,

Been stove in the beginning of the gale;
And the long-boat's condition was but bad
As there were but two blankets for a


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