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At the request of the members of the South Carolina Legislature representing
York County, South Carolina, I have reviewed the bills introduced in the
U. S. Senate and the U. S. House creating the "Ancient Indian Land Claims
Settlement Act" of 1982 (S. 2084, HR.5494).

After careful review of these bills, I am writing at this time to endorse the concept set forth in the "Ancient Indian Land Claims Settlement Act" and urge favorable action on this legislation. I feel that this act will protect the Indians' claim while also protecting the validity of land titles of those presently claiming ownership and occupancy of the disputed claim areas. If the Indians' claims are valid, and I express no opinion concerning the validity of the claims, it appears unfair to those presently claiming occupancy and ownership to be in jeopardy and susceptible to possibly being dispossessed. The present landowners and occupants are blameless in regard to what has given rise to this dispute. Any wrong or injustice visited upon the Indians a century ago should not be rectified at the expense of the present landowners and occupants.


The Honorable Alfonse M. D'Amato

The Honorable Gary A. Lee

February 18, 1982

Page Two

Therefore, I am convinced that the "Ancient Indian Land Claims Settlement Act" of 1982 provides for a fair and equitable system of resolving the dispute and again urge favorable action.

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Please be advised that this office has had a number of excellent economic
development projects which could not be persuaded to consider the Rock Hill
area due to the difficulty of obtaining clear titles to property in the area.
I, therefore, believe that the continuing problem brought about by the Indian
claims has been significantly detrimental to the economic growth and the
creation of new job opportunities in the Rock Hill Area. It is hoped that
some speedy resolve of this matter may be accomplished as interest continues
to favor South Carolina with investment projects. Many of these projects
would consider locating in Rock Hill and the Charlotte Metropolitan area
if there were no problems with titles.

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I have been made aware by our Director, Mr. Robert Leak, that he is experiencing some difficulty in persuading industrial prospects to consider the Rock Hill area because of the problem in obtaining clear titles to properties in that area.

I do believe therefore, that if this matter could be resolved, it would be of benefit to the entire Rock Hill area and the state.

We do hope you will be successful in this matter.

Sincerely yours,

Max M. Hel



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The impact of the Catawba Indian Claim was
devastating for all of York County especially
the Real Estate Market. The transfer of properties
have been possible only when an insurance policy
has been issued by the Title Insurance Companies.
This has been very costly, both to the buyer and
seller. The Real Estate Market will improve only
when the cloud cast on all of the subject property
is removed.

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