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LASTLY, I shall conclude this Differtation with a few. REFLECTIONS on the whole.


1. THIS fubject affords a noble directory for explicit and folemn Covenanting. Jacob turned God's promifes into holy refolutions, and folemn profeffions; and he engaged to improve them to all holy obedience. tranfaction affords an idea of vowing and covenanting, vaftly different from fome modern theories of it: It teacheth us to confider this duty as referring unto divine promifes, and articles of faith, as well as unto precepts;-as including engagements unto fuch duties as are neceffary and moral, as well as those which were arbitrary and ritual: Whereas, the modern theory feems to confine it to those things which are purely indifferent, or ceremonial. This vow of Jacob's teacheth us, that our engagements fhould include neither lefs nor more than God hath promifed and enjoined. Nor was a famous Chriftian Council otherways minded They enacted, That "no one thing is rightly vowed to God, unless we have received it from his hand; feeing all things which are offered to him are his own free gift *."


2. SOLEMN VOWs fhould be carefully remembered, that they may be faithfully performed, and

The Council of Orange, quoted by Calvin, Institut. Lib. IV. cap. xiii. § 3.


that it was Chrift's voice who fhook the earth' from Sinai: "See that ye refufe not him that fpeaketh: For if they efcaped not who refused him who fpake on earth; much more fhall not we efcape if we turn away from him that fpeaketh from heaven; whofe voice fhook the earth."

2. THE place in which this glorious perfon covenanted with Ifracl was SINAI; or HOREB, in Arabia Petrea. Some conceive this mountain had two tops; the one lower, called Horeb; the other higher, called Sinai. Again, others think it more probable, that Horeb was the name of the wildernefs, and Sinai of a mountain which ftands in it: They reckon, Sinai is exprefsly faid to be the name of the mountain; as when Mofes declares, that "mount Sinai was altogether on a smoke :" And, "the Lord came down on mount Sinai." And, as for thofe places where Horeb feems to be ftyled a mountain, as well as Sinai, the words will bear to be rendered THE MOUNT OF GOD IN HOREB: That is, In the wilderness of Horeb. According to this view, Ifrael abode in the wildernefs of Horeb, at the foot of mount Si

band of the gofpel church, claims from his people in ward affection and love, and accepts them only who worship him in Spirit and in Truth. In the Mofaic Covenant it was otherways!" But this account can never comport with Deut. v. 28, 29.

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nai, while the Law was announced to them from the top of it. Whatever be in these things, the names of the places themfelves feem to be fignificative: HOREB denotes DRY and PARCHED; and this was a parched land indeed, a land where there was no water. SINAI imports a BUSH, or THORNS: As thorns were the effect of the curfe, fo it was a fit place for announcing the curfe against every prefumptuous tranfgreflor. Horeb was the most horrid defart, and Sinai the moft rugged mountain in that folitude. Thus, the place added greatly to the horror of the fcene.

3. THE manner of his appearance was fuited to his work, as the Jewifh lawgiver. It was expreffive of his divine majefty as the Son of God. He was attended with the most splendid retinue: The armies of heaven followed him. Hence, this legiflation is ftyled THE WORD SPOKEN BY ANGELS. Angels did not affume the authority of lawgivers, indeed; but were glad to be made the inftruments by which the Son of God fhewed forth his glory; and waited, with humble cheerfulnefs, on his fervice.

Both the number and office of the heavenly legions were a fignal illuftration of his majefty: "The chariots of God are twenty thoufand, even thousands of angels: the Lord


among them as in Sinai." As they annourced the honour of the lawgiver, fo they alfo proclaimed the excellence of the law: Said


fuitably improved.

Jacob not only vowed, but alfo fet up a memorial of his vow: And God afterwards renewed his Bethel vifits, and Bethel promises, on the one hand; while Jacob remembered, and fulfilled his engagements on the other. The vows of many, alas! are forgotten almost as soon as they are made : But, where the Spirit brings them to remembrance, their falutary fruits will be found many days






EXOD. xix..

-xxiv. 8.

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S this is one of the moft ftupendious
and auguft fcenes that was ever open-

ed on the ftage of this world, we have much need to exercife an humble dependence on the Father of Lights, when we contemplate it. It is not our purpofe to examine the various hypothefifes which have been invented on this fubject; nor exhibit the foundations on which they have been established, farther than the confideration of thefe things may be requifite. for the declaration and confirmation of the Truth.

THAT we may avoid that which has been fo fatal to others, we fhall,-I. Shew who are the Gg Parties

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