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URING the reign of Antichrist, the Witneffes of Jefus prophefied in fackcloth, and were driven into corners; neverthelefs he ftill referved unto himfelf a feed to do him fervice in the world. It were a task fufficiently worth while, to attend unto their Teftimony, on the one hand; and unto the image of divine ordinances, which the Man of Sin fubftituted in the place of Chrift's inftitutions, on the other hand: As alfo to trace this corruption unto its genuine fource; but thefe things require more room than can be spared in this treatife.-I. I fhall furvey the Teftimony of the Waldenfes and Bohemian brethren, who were a noble prelude of the Reformation.-II. I shall specify fome of the moft remarkable Federal Tranfactions which obtained in the Reformed Churches themfelves.

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2. ANOTHER Effect of thefe Tranfactions was Courage and Conftancy in Death. Mr Adam, in his controverfy with Glas, gives us the following anecdote: "When he (Irenæus) was bifhop of Lyons, in France, he brought his congregation under a folemn bond to adhere unto Chriftianity, not only in oppo fition to Heathenifm; but likeways to the ma ny Sects and Herefies which then prevailed; and wrote unto the neighbouring bifhops to do the fame Of which engagements he minds fome of his friends, when they were going together to martyrdom." For which he quotes Eccl. Epit. p. 58. by I. S. Upon which Mr Adam makes this reflection, "So that this Fa

ther looks as like an old Scotch Covenanter

as any thing I can imagine."

*See Adam's Review of Letters, p. 50.







URING the reign of Antichrist, the Witneffes of Jefus prophefied in fackcloth, and were driven into corners; neverthelefs he ftill referved unto himself a feed to do him fervice in the world. It were a tafk fufficiently worth while, to attend unto their Teftimony, on the one hand; and unto. the image of divine ordinances, which the Man of Sin fubftituted in the place of Chrift's inftitutions, on the other hand: As alfo to trace this corruption unto its genuine fource; but these things require more room than can be fpared in this treatise.-I. I fhall furvey the Teftimony of the Waldenfes and Bohemian brethren, who were a noble prelude of the Reformation.-II. I fhall fpecify fome of the moft remarkable Foederal Tranfactions which obtained in the Reformed Churches themfelves.

ought to enjoy neither Secular nor Ecclefiaftic Dignity, neither ought he to be obeyed. POPISH Confirmation, Chrifm, Extrenie Unction, are by no means facraments.

AURICULAR CONFESSION is mere trifling: It is enough for perfons to confefs their fins to God, in their clofets.

BAPTISM to be received by water, without the mixture of oil.

CONSECRATED Burial-places are vain; being invented merely for the fake of gain : And it is of no importance what kind of dust cover the human body after it is dead.

THE Temple of the Omniprefent God is the whole world; and they limit his Majefty, who confine his prefence to confecrated churches, monafteries, and oratories, which they build unto him; as if the divine goodnefs may be found more propitious in them than any where else.

SACERDOTAL Veftments and Veffels are of no ufe.

A PRIEST may confecrate the facrament of Christ's Body at any time, and in any place; and it is fuflicient to fay the words of inftitu


THE Prayers of fuch Saints as are reigning with Chrift in heaven are fought in vain; nei ther can they help, in any cafe.

IT is mere fpending of time to chant Prayers in certain canonical hours, and at other times to neglect that duty.


THERE is no day in which perfons fhould ceafe from labour, but the Lord's Day.

THE Feasts of the Saints are to be rejected. THE Fafts appointed by the Church have no merit *.”

THE ancient monuments, collected by the Centuriators Madeburgienfes, add to the above,

"THE highest authority, in Articles of Faith, is in the holy Scriptures; for which cause they are to be the rule of judginent, and whatever does not agree with them muft be rejected.

FATHERS and Councils are to be approved of only as far as they agree with the word of


THE Reading and Knowledge of the holy Scriptures belong unto all men, whether pricft or people; and it is not only free, but neceffa ry; yea, they ought rather to read the Apoftles and Prophets than the commentaries of men on them.

THERE are only two Sacraments in the Church of Chrift; namely, Baptifm and the Lord's Supper: Chrift inftituted both kinds (both the bread and wine) for the use of both pricft and people.

USHER De Succeffione Chriftianaruin Eccl. p. 189.

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