Imágenes de páginas

ALL the faints, who lived from the beginning of the world till this time, might have opportunity to join in this tranfaction, except Abel; for no one of them was dead, but he, fo far as we know. But this ftate of religion did not much furvive that race of patriarchs, which was honoured to advance it. Enos lived, indeed, to tranfmit the


the learned author coincides, as frequently, with Dr OWEN, Vide Theologumen. Lib. II. cap. 3. Thef. 6. "Duo ideo hæc verba denotant. Primo, fegreges cœtus "ad Dei cultum folennem peragendum, pios conftituifle. "Deinde, nomen fufcepiffe peculiare cultorum feu Filio"rum Dei, quo ad alium ufque defectionem ufi funt. Ita "feparatim Dei nomen folenniter invocabant ; et Dei "nomine vocati funt; hoc eft Cultores, feu Filii Dei. "Utrumque fenfum probant noftrates interpretes, nam ut "in textu legunt. Then began men to call upon the "name of the Lord: Ita addunt in margine. To call "themselves by the name of the Lord." But before either of these authors explained the text in this fense, it was fo understood by CORNELIUS BERTRAM, who had a hand in the French tranflation, used in the Church of Geneva, and by the Proteftants in France; and in feveral o ther works, which did honour to his name: Such as, the De Politia Judaica, &c. But the work to which I refer is, Lucubrationes Franktallenfes, cap. I. The proof he advanceth for this fenfe of the text is too copious to be inferted entire. I must be content with the following extract: "Quod attinet ad verf. 26. illius ejufdem cap. 4. Phrafin "habet quæ maxime proprie illud ipfum fonat quod dix"imus, feiz. APPELLARE ALIQUEM DE ALICUJUS ALTE"RIUS NOMINE, Et AB ILLIUS IPSIUS NOMINE AGNOMINATIONEM ASSUMERE. Hoc certe confirmare poffim


Truth to Noah: and, before his death, Enoch, the feventh from Adam, prophefied of Chrift's coming to judgment, led an exemplary life, and miraculously escaped death, to affure the fons of God, in that age, of a state of future glory in heaven. By the time that Enos died, however, the Church was greatly corrupted, as will be explained when we confider the occafions of Noah's Covenant.

"multis locis ex S. literis ad eam rem prolatis, in qui"bus verbum KARA, cum paffive tum etiam active in

eum fenfum ufurpatur: fed unum aut alterum ex illis "proferre mihi fatis fuerit. Certe eadem hic phrafis Pf. "xlix. 12. appellarunt in (i. e. de) nominibus fuis fuper "Terras; hunc fenfum habet ut velint filii Korachi eos "de quibus agunt etiam hac ratione conari ut nomen "fuum apud homines perpetuunt, quod de fuò nomine "appellent illa caftella, arces, infulas, atque ædes vel "nimium infolentes, in quibus fuas habitationes collo"cant. Quæ fententia confirmatur ex his qua Jobus "notat. c. iii. v. 14. Num xxxii. 42. Porro ut eandem "prorfus Mofis fententiam in hac ipfa phrafi apud eos "prophetas qui funt yvcs Mofis interpretes agnofcamus. "If. xliv. 5. etiam If. xliii. 7. lxv. 1." &c.





S God gives a general view of his perfections in the works of creation and providence, fo he affords a fpecial difplay of his glory, in the erection and prefervation of his Church. The Sacred Hi-. ftory is properly a hiftory of Providence; it is chiefly intended to exhibit this glory. It is but little, indeed, that can be comprehended in fo fmall a compafs as the Mofaic history of the period from the Fall to the Flood, compared with the vaft number of events which must have obtained in that long tract of time: Yet we are not left without teftimonies of God's goodness, in admitting perfons to fellowship with himfelf, on the one hand; and evidences of their gratitude, by their holy bedience, on the other.Amongst the various teftimonies of God's favour to the faints, that beftowed on Noah is not the leaft fignal.

In confidering which, for order's fake, we fhall distribute it into two parts; in conformity to the two different divine manifestations with which Noah was favoured.



GEN. vi. 18.

'HESE words reprefent God's care to preferve his Church, as well as the world. Said God," And behold I, even I, do bring a flood of waters upon the earth, to destroy all flesh, wherein is the breath of life, from under heaven: And every thing that is in the earth fhall die. But with thee will I establish my Covenant."

THE following enquiries will ferve, in fome measure, to explain these words, taken in their connection.-I. Who are the Parties in this Tranfaction.-II. What are the Parts of it.III. How it was Confirmed.-IV. On what Occafion it was made. After which I fhall add a few Reflections on the whole.

FIRST, I fhall enquire Who are the PAR TIES in this Covenant. They are no other than the Most High God, on the one part; and Noah, with his Seed, on the other.

1. THE great author of this Covenant is a God of grace. The perfon covenanting was the Son of God, not excluding, but revealing the Father and the Holy Ghost. It was that fame Jehovah who faid, My Spirit fhall not always ftrive with men; namely the finners of that generation:-that fame Jehovah, whofe omnifcient eye pierced into all their hearts, penetrated into all their wicked purpofes, and marked all their enormous tranfgreffions: that God, who had fuch a refentment against fin, as to crush the finners on account of it; as a potter dafheth to pieces a veffel in which there is no pleafure. On the other hand, it is that Jehovah who conferred grace on Noah, and upheld him preaching righteoufnefs unto a heedlefs and hardened generation; while his holy foul was grieved with their dreadful abominations. When the Son of God fpake, in this familiar manner, to Noah, it is not improbable that he appeared in human form; as he had done to Adam immediately after the fall. Such appearances being pledges and preludes of his future in


2. THE other party in this Covenant was Noah; and, as he covenanted for himfelf, in particular, fo he was alfo confidered as the head of his family. As God took his fons into the ark, fo he took them into covenant along with him likeways. The feed of Noah

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